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The Trump Riot Aftermath (Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes found guilty of seditious conspiracy. Proud Boys join the club)

Cooked Crack

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In addition to that, our leaders are spineless. 

Everyone’s more concerned about their own career. 

and the public has fully adopted the politics-as-a-sport mentality. It’s more important your team loses (it’s not even my team wins it’s just your teams loses) than, well, I guess anything else. 

a significant portion of our country would rather have a dictator named trump, than deal with the possibility of *gasp* a democrat for president. 

The majority of our country is the type of person to see an old lady fall down while crossing a busy intersection, and take our their phone to record what happens next. 

everyone’s a selfish coward. 

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Report: Ted Cruz’s Participation in Trump’s Coup Cost him Friends and Allies


Ted Cruz is one of the most unpopular lawmakers in the country. The Texas senator, however, does have some friends and allies. One can’t rise to the level of power the Republican has without them.


In January of 2021, Cruz decided to throw his support behind Donald Trump’s election coup. And some of those friends that supported him before, decided that would be the end of their relationship with the Texas senator.

The Washington Post outlined Cruz’s troubles in a recent article. Cruz once clerked for US Appeals Judge J. Michael Luttig. Cruz has noted in the past that he considered Luttig to be a father figure. But Lutting told the Post:


“Once Ted Cruz promised to object, January 6 was all but foreordained, because Cruz was the most influential figure in the Congress willing to force a vote on Trump’s claim that the election was stolen. He was also the most knowledgeable of the intricacies of both the Electoral Count Act and the Constitution, and the ways to exploit the two.”


Chad Sweet was the chairman of Cruz’s 2016 quest for the Republican nomination. In a Linkedin post, Sweet wrote, “if he proceeded to object to the electoral count of the legitimate slates of delegates certified by the States, I could no longer support him.”


Click on the link for the full report

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2 hours ago, tshile said:

a significant portion of our country would rather have a dictator named trump, than deal with the possibility of *gasp* a democrat for president. 

What gets me more than that are the choices Republican leaning voters apparently would make within their own party, if you believe polls (and yes, it's still VERY early). But given a choice between some other GOP candidate who will fight for pretty much all of their policy preferences and the nonsense of Trump, they'll pick the nonsense of Trump. And it's all based on the notion of Trump getting screwed over in 2000, not recognizing or admitting how much of it was self inflicted.

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14 minutes ago, hail2skins said:

What gets me more than that are the choices Republican leaning voters apparently would make within their own party, if you believe polls (and yes, it's still VERY early). But given a choice between some other GOP candidate who will fight for pretty much all of their policy preferences and the nonsense of Trump, they'll pick the nonsense of Trump. And it's all based on the notion of Trump getting screwed over in 2000, not recognizing or admitting how much of it was self inflicted.

I will be clear up front and say this is based on numerous personal conversations with numerous long time republicans voters, turned trump supporters, especially if they’ve had a few drinks or they haven’t yet realized I won’t let their bull **** slide without a response… and not diving into studies or polls…. 

but what I see is people loving a person that’s willing to say what they’ve thought for a long time. Trump says the quiet things the loudest. And it empowers these people. It gives them a permission structure to think these things. It gives them permission to say these things. 

the fact that as trump rose from off shoot clown option, to mainstream support, (I think) shows that as more and more people signed onto participating in this permissions structure, more and more people felt safe to join it. 

I’ve seen this in other ways too, before trump. As a white person, it wasn’t exactly uncommon to find yourself around a bunch of white people who start talking about non-white people a certain way because they believe everyone in the room feels the same way they do. Just because everyone’s white. And sometimes you’ll see the person you know feels that way saying those things - but every now and then you see someone you had no idea was that way, join in. Cause they see the permission structure and feel comfortable doing it. 

same with a room full of men talking about women. 

trump and his supporters are the same way. 

it only takes bucking to it once or twice before people figure out they can’t talk like that around you. 

admittedly most of this was earlier in life. When I had no guts to confront these things. And in a certain respect thought it was “normal” and just sort of… cringed my way through it till everyone moved on to something else. Under Obama was the worst. I voted for McCain and wrote off much of the campaign rhetoric as such - but once he won I saw it get worse, not better.


anyways. It’s mob mentality. People change their willingness to do/say certain things when they realize the people around them are willing to do/say it too. 

Edited by tshile
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8 minutes ago, tshile said:

but what I see is people loving a person that’s willing to say what they’ve thought for a long time. Trump says the quiet things the loudest. And it empowers these people. It gives them a permission structure to think these things. It gives them permission to say these things. 


Completely agree.  Trump is the living embodiment of their grievances.  He says what they want to hear, even if its all total bull****, and that's all they want:  to feel like what they think is important, even if it's stupid and destructive. 

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Justice Dept. expands Jan. 6 probe to look at rally prep, financing


The criminal investigation into the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol has expanded to examine the preparations for the rally that preceded the riot, as the Justice Department aims to determine the full extent of any conspiracy to stop Congress from certifying Joe Biden’s election victory, according to people familiar with the matter.


In the past two months, a federal grand jury in Washington has issued subpoena requests to some officials in former president Donald Trump’s orbit who assisted in planning, funding and executing the Jan. 6 rally, said the people familiar with the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation.


The development shows the degree to which the Justice Department investigation — which already involves more defendants than any other criminal prosecution in the nation’s history — has moved further beyond the storming of the Capitol to examine events preceding the attack.


Click on the link for the full article

Edited by China
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17 hours ago, tshile said:

It’s just absolutely crazy to me how few people even care about this. 

a scotus justice was in on it. 

Come on. 

Donald Trump held staff meetings in which they falsified evidence. (His Zelensky "transcript"). And the evidence they falsified said that Trump personally asked the head of a foreign government to help out his campaign, knowing that he was being recorded, and was in front of 25 witnesses. 

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Scoop: Key Trump aide’s absence a new clue in Jan. 6 records gap


On Jan. 6, 2021, during an apparent seven-hour gap in White House call logs that the House select committee investigating the attack is now trying to piece together, then-President Trump's executive assistant, Molly Michael, was absent for most of the day, three sources with direct knowledge tell Axios.


Why it matters: Though sources said the Trump White House's already spotty record-keeping operation had virtually collapsed by the final weeks of his presidency, Michael's absence is a previously unreported detail that may play a role in explaining the incomplete records for a key stretch of time.


Her absence — coupled with the already shambolic state of record-keeping in the Outer Oval — also could complicate efforts to piece those details back together 14 months after that fateful day.


What we're hearing: Keeping handwritten notes on Trump's unscheduled meetings and calls was part of Michael's duties when she took over as executive assistant from her predecessor, Madeleine Westerhout.


While Trump was in the Oval Office, the dining room adjoining it or the White House residence, he preferred to use the landlines — though also used his personal cell or received calls on the cells of his close aides, according to sources who witnessed this.


He would frequently yell out, "Molly!," to get her to call whoever he wanted to talk to on a whim.


But Michael, who sat just outside the Oval Office, was out of the morning of Jan. 6 for personal reasons.


She arrived at the White House in the late afternoon that day, according to three sources with direct knowledge of the situation.


In her absence, the two staffers there during the critical hours of the Capitol siege were Nick Luna, the head of Oval Office Operations, who served as Trump's body man, and Austin Ferrer, a young staffer who assisted Michael in her administrative duties.


By the time Michael arrived, late that afternoon, the White House was a "sh-tshow" in the words of one official who was there. Michael, through an intermediary, declined to comment for this story.


Click on the link for the full article


Talk about a lame excuse.  Are you telling me there wasn't a designated backup when somebody was out?  

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Morgan County man arrested at U.S. Capitol riot receives 46-month federal prison sentence


A Morgan County man, who plead guilty to several felony charges in connection to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, was sentenced Friday in federal court.


In a federal sentencing hearing on April 1, Lonnie Coffman of Falkville received a 46-month federal prison sentence.


On March 5, Lonnie Coffman, of Falkville, wrote a five-page handwritten letter to a federal judge accepting full responsibility for his actions during the Capitol riot. In his letter, Coffman says he had no intentions to hurt anyone or destroy property. Instead, he says his objective was to discover how true and secure the Nov. 3, 2020 election was.


Coffman also says if he is incarcerated it will cause a delay in receiving medical attention that must be dealt with soon.


“If I am to serve parole time, I ask your Honor to please relax the travel distance to no less than 350 miles because I need a short vacation while I still have the faculties to enjoy one,” said Coffman.


Coffman was arrested on 17 firearm and weapon charges following the riot. In November 2021, Coffman pleaded guilty to two federal counts of illegal possession of a firearm and Molotov ****tails. He also pleaded guilty to one local charge in D.C. for having a pistol without a license and also an Alabama-based charge of possession of an illegal firearm.


Click on the link for the full article and the douchnozzle's letter


I'd say the fact that he participated in the riot indicates he already lost his faculties for the most part.  

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1 hour ago, China said:



“If I am to serve parole time, I ask your Honor to please relax the travel distance to no less than 350 miles because I need a short vacation while I still have the faculties to enjoy one,” said Coffman.



He can shove his short vacation and his faculties right up his insurrectionist ass.

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Jan. 6 Committee Member Confirms Jared Kushner Provided Hours of Testimony With ‘Precise’ and ‘Not Combative’ Answers


The House Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the U.S. Capitol questioned former President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, on Thursday, and a member of that committee appeared on CNN to confirm that he did provide hours of testimony with “precise” and “not combative” answers.


News broke last week that Kushner was expected to appear before the committee on Thursday. Both Kushner and his wife Ivanka Trump were among Trump’s inner circle of advisers, and the committee has said they hope to hear testimony from the couple.


CNN Newsroom host Jim Acosta interviewed Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), a member of the Jan. 6 committee, about Kushner’s testimony.


“But you can imagine, if the interview went on all day long, which it did, that there was information exchanged,” said Lofgren.


“And we appreciate that Mr. Kushner came in,” she continued, and they were “hoping to hear” from Ivanka Trump as well, and had sent her a similar letter requesting her testimony. “We hope that she will follow the path taken by Mr. Kushner.”


“And was Jared Kushner combative? Was he cooperative?” Acosta asked. “I know you can’t get into the detail of what he said, but for a session that lasted six hours, how would you describe how he was responding to the questions?”


“He was not combative,” Lofgren replied. “He was precise, and he didn’t volunteer anything, but he did answer questions, if he remembered the answers. So it was not a combative or a, you know, volatile exchange at all.”


Click on the link for the full article

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28 minutes ago, Long n Left said:

Selective memory loss. Perhaps THAT is the legislative platform we are waiting for from the gop?


Don't forget, the GOP doesn't have a platform. And the proposed lists by Pence and Scott are ridiculous.  


"I don't recall" is the GOP catchphrase.

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Man charged in Capitol riot gets jail time for hoarding weapons in NYC


A Manhattan pickup artist facing federal charges over the US Capitol riot was sentenced to three and a half years in prison Monday for hoarding weapons in an Upper East Side apartment.


Samuel Fisher, 33, apologized to the court and to his family before Acting Justice Robert Mandelbaum handed down the punishment on the state charges.


“I know what I did was wrong and I accept that my actions have consequences,” said Fisher, who was cuffed and taken into custody immediately after the hearing in Manhattan Supreme Court.


Fisher, who according to reports once ran a coaching service aimed at helping men get dates, also stands accused of attending the Jan. 6 riot in Washington DC with a small arsenal.

Agents with NYC’s Joint Terrorism Task Force busted him two weeks after the riot outside of a building on East 90th Street between First and York avenues.


Officers discovered an AR-15 style rifle and ammunition stashed inside a guitar case inside the apartment.


But that was just a sliver of Fisher’s weapons cache. Authorities also found a “ghost gun” pistol, a shotgun, 11 pre-loaded high-capacity magazines, thousands of rounds of ammunition, tactical gear and two machetes and a knife inside the unit and a car parked nearby.


Click on the link for the full article

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