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BBC: China pneumonia outbreak: COVID-19 Global Pandemic


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Two COVID Variants Just Combined Into a ‘Frankenstein’ Virus


The first subvariant of Omicron, the latest major variant of the novel coronavirus, was bad. BA.1 drove record cases and hospitalizations in many countries starting last fall.


The second subvariant, BA.2, was worse in some countries—setting new records for daily cases across China and parts of Europe.


Now BA.1 and BA.2 have combined to create a third subvariant. XE, as it’s known, is a “recombinant”—the product of two viruses interacting “Frankenstein”-style in a single host.


With its long list of mutations, XE could be the most contagious form of the coronavirus yet. “From the WHO reports, it does appear to have a bit more of an edge in terms of transmissibility,” Stephanie James, the head of a COVID testing lab at Regis University in Colorado, told The Daily Beast.


But don’t panic just yet. The same mix of subvariants that produced XE might also protect us from it. Coming so quickly after the surge of BA.1 and BA.2 cases, XE is on track to hit a wall of natural immunity—the antibodies left over from past infection in hundreds of millions of people.


Those natural antibodies, plus the additional protection afforded by the various COVID vaccines, could blunt XE’s impact.


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People be acting like this pandemic is over and it is far from. I'm a bit stunned the court said that you could go maskless on planes and trains again. I always wore my mask when I rode the Metro during this pandemic


Anyway this pandemic is definitely still going on. I've been vaccinated and boosted and I am sick right now with what I assume is BA.2. **** sucks. Have these headaches which I keep popping aspirin for but nothing happens. Slowly getting better, but yeah, 4th time with COVID. I do know the vaccines will reduce the effectiveness of the virus but still, it's irritating to constantly get ill like this, even if the symptoms are mild.

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8 hours ago, ixcuincle said:

I'm a bit stunned the court said that you could go maskless on planes and trains again.

Not stunning at all when you see who is the federal judge that made the decision. 

The effects of what the orange asshat did to our federal judicial system will continue to be felt for years to come.

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Just in time for me to fly this weekend. From one crap red state to another. Oh joy!  

this country is turning into a bigger pile of crap by the moment. Crazy thing is, I still believe it is one of the best countries to live in. But for how much longer? I spent the first half of my life depressed (i still am, but I am a bit better) and now I get to spend the second half with a government that is ruled by a bunch of idiots. 

im going to look like a genius when I tell people to water their plants in ten years instead of using Gatorade. 

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7 hours ago, Long n Left said:

The effects of what the orange asshat did to our federal judicial system will continue to be felt for years to come.

Don't go blaming Trump for what the GOP did. (And fully intends to do. With even more zeal and ideological purity.)

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1 hour ago, Fan since a Fetus said:

im going to look like a genius when I tell people to water their plants in ten years instead of using Gatorade.

Don’t look up is the modern version of idiocracy 


it doesn’t end well :( 

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1 minute ago, Llevron said:

Almost made it. Me and the wife popped positive. Trying not to freak out about the baby being due in two weeks. 

doing me a google 

Beat of wishes dude. 

keep positive thoughts. Take care of yourselves. We spend all the time on the negative but the reality is the vast majority turn out fine - many with very mild symptoms. 

Be positive. Stay away from all the negative. You don’t need it right now. 

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46 minutes ago, tshile said:

Beat of wishes dude. 

keep positive thoughts. Take care of yourselves. We spend all the time on the negative but the reality is the vast majority turn out fine - many with very mild symptoms. 

Be positive. Stay away from all the negative. You don’t need it right now. 

Indeed. All positive vibes I have done enough google to convince myself we will be fine. Baby still flipping around so I’m sure she’s fine that’s really my main worry and the google machine says that’s a good sign. (Also the doc says the same so I’m going to not trip) 

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1 hour ago, Llevron said:

Almost made it. Me and the wife popped positive. Trying not to freak out about the baby being due in two weeks. 

doing me a google 

My baby nephew got COVID like 2 weeks after being born. He is perfectly healthy. 

hoping the best for you. COVID sucks. I still can’t express how badly COVID hurt me and my family. 

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