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BBC: China pneumonia outbreak: COVID-19 Global Pandemic


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Well it looks like we've finally discovered the true source of the Covid-19 outbreak:


Pachamama Did This


However, what I believe is the root cause will most likely remain hidden: Pachamama. 


You read that correctly: I believe that the Covid pandemic and the horrific response to it were directly caused by the veneration of this pagan idol in the Vatican by prelates, priests, and lay people. In October 2019 a false idol was set up in the heart of the Catholic Church, and soon after all hell broke loose on earth. 


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12 hours ago, China said:

Well it looks like we've finally discovered the true source of the Covid-19 outbreak:


Pachamama Did This


However, what I believe is the root cause will most likely remain hidden: Pachamama. 


You read that correctly: I believe that the Covid pandemic and the horrific response to it were directly caused by the veneration of this pagan idol in the Vatican by prelates, priests, and lay people. In October 2019 a false idol was set up in the heart of the Catholic Church, and soon after all hell broke loose on earth. 


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That's some serious industrial sized Costco bulk buy WOW **** right there...............

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CDC Isn't Publishing Large Portions of the COVID-19 Data It Collects


For more than a year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has collected data on hospitalizations for COVID-19 in the United States and broken it down by age, race and vaccination status. But it has not made most of the information public.


When the CDC published the first significant data two weeks ago on the effectiveness of boosters in adults younger than 65, it left out the numbers for a huge portion of that population: 18- to 49-year-olds, the group the data showed was least likely to benefit from extra shots, because the first two doses already left them well-protected.


The agency recently debuted a dashboard of wastewater data on its website that will be updated daily and might provide early signals of an oncoming surge of COVID-19 cases. Some states and localities had been sharing wastewater information with the agency since the start of the pandemic, but it had never before released those findings.


Two full years into the pandemic, the agency leading the country’s response to the public health emergency has published only a tiny fraction of the data it has collected, several people familiar with the data said.


Much of the withheld information could help state and local health officials better target their efforts to bring the virus under control. Detailed, timely data on hospitalizations by age and race would help health officials identify and help the populations at highest risk. Information on hospitalizations and death by age and vaccination status would have helped inform whether healthy adults needed booster shots. And wastewater surveillance across the nation would spot outbreaks and emerging variants early.


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COVID-19 takes serious toll on heart health—a full year after recovery


From very early in the pandemic, it was clear that SARS-CoV-2 can damage the heart and blood vessels while people are acutely ill. Patients developed clots, heart inflammation, arrhythmias, and heart failure.


Now, the first large study to assess cardiovascular outcomes 1 year after SARS-CoV-2 infection has demonstrated that the virus’ impact is often lasting. In an analysis of more than 11 million U.S. veterans’ health records, researchers found the risk of 20 different heart and vessel maladies was substantially increased in veterans who had COVID-19 1 year earlier, compared with those who didn’t. The risk rose with severity of initial disease and extended to every outcome the team examined, including heart attacks, arrhythmias, strokes, cardiac arrest, and more. Even people who never went to the hospital had more cardiovascular disease than those who were never infected.


The results are “stunning … worse than I expected, for sure,” says Eric Topol, a cardiologist at Scripps Research. “All of these are very serious disorders. … If anybody ever thought that COVID was like the flu this should be one of the most powerful data sets to point out it’s not.” He adds that the new study “may be the most impressive Long Covid paper we have seen to date.”


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Target Lifts Mask Requirements for Staff and Shoppers


Target will no longer require its staff and shoppers to wear masks inside its store as a matter of corporate policy.


The popular retailer updated its coronavirus dashboard Monday, where it now says that it will not ask shoppers or employees to wear masks unless it must comply with local regulations. Target confirmed to NBC News that the new policy went into effect on Monday.


Though masks are no longer a requirement, Target said in a statement that it will continue to encourage social distancing and regular disinfection protocols within its locations.


"We'll also continue to provide our team with resources and benefits they need, including free medical-grade masks, COVID-19 tests, paid leave for team members with positive COVID-19 cases, and paid time and free Lyft rides to reduce barriers for team members to get their vaccines," the company said.


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First They Got Long Covid. Then, It Made Them Homeless


It’s estimated that millions of Americans have developed chronic illness as a result of Covid-19 infection. For some — especially those in the gig economy — it’s made them unable to support themselves


Cold weather is brutal for Wendi Taylor. After living with long Covid for two years, she knows that when the temperature drops, the pain and discomfort increases. This is especially true because of the severe arthritis in her hands, which only developed following her initial Covid-19 infection.


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Multiple COVID-19 variants may be able to infect a person at the same time: study


When a person falls ill with COVID-19, they may not just have one variant attacking them, according to a pair of new studies that suggest less dominant variants may be simultaneously present and hiding in the same infected individual.


Researchers believe that several different variants of SARS-CoV-2 could be inside a person’s body at one time, with some variants cloaking themselves from the immune system.


“Our results showed that one can have several different virus variants in one’s body. Some of these variants may use kidney or spleen cells as their niche to hide, while the body is busy defending against the dominant virus type,” Kapil Gupta, lead author of one of the new studies, said in a press release Tuesday. “This could make it difficult for the infected patients to get rid of SARS-CoV-2 entirely.”


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Biden admin slashes Covid funding request amid GOP opposition


The Biden administration is asking Congress for far less money to continue fighting the Covid-19 pandemic at home than agency leaders had insisted was needed just a few weeks earlier.


The reduced figure — an acknowledgment of the mounting opposition from lawmakers to spending billions more on the pandemic — was part of a larger White House request that included $10 billion in new assistance for Ukraine.


Because a supermajority of senators is needed to approve the $22.5 billion in new funding, the request will need bipartisan support.


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In case you had any doubt about the effectiveness of FOX and OAN's efforts to kill off their viewers:


NEW POLL: CNN and MSNBC Viewers Got Covid Much Less Than People Who Watch Fox News — By a Whopping 17 Points


Viewers of CNN and MSNBC were less likely to say they’ve contracted Covid than people who mainly rely on Fox News and conservative media for information, according to a new poll.

Newly-published data from an Axios/Ipsos poll shows that “a significant driver of opinion is people’s news source, with Fox News and conservative outlet readers differing substantially from MSNBC and CNN viewers.”


It’s no secret that views about the coronavirus pandemic and related matters have been influenced by partisanship almost since the very beginning.


And it’s not all that surprising that such divisions would become evident in tracking those views by news diet. But some of the differences that showed up in the Axios/Ipsos survey were chillingly stark.


For example, 84 percent of respondents whose main sources of news are CNN and/or MSNBC said they’d been vaccinated, 27 point higher than respondents who use sources of news other than cable news, and 16 points higher than those with a Fox News/conservative media diet. The CNN/MSNBC group was 26 points more likely to be boosted (at 66%) than the Fox News/conservative group at 40 percent.


Fox News has taken a lot of criticism over the spreading and promotion of misinformation about Covid and the Covid vaccines. Some critics have even blamed Fox News for deaths due to Covid-19. One particular result shows the critics of the network may have been on to something sort of.


The survey tracked respondents “who either tested positive for COVID-19 or report that they had COVID-19 without officially testing positive” by their “main news source.”


Only 28 percent of respondents whose main sources of news are CNN and/or MSNBC reported having contracted Covid, while a whopping 45 percent of those with a Fox News/conservative media diet reported getting it — a 17-point difference. Those with no main news source or one other than cable news also reported contracting Covid at 45 percent.

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L.A. County Reports 52 New Covid Deaths And 1,029 New Positive Cases


The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health reported 52 new deaths from Covid on Saturday, along with 1,029 new positive cases.


The number of deaths and confirmed cases reported today may reflect delays in weekend reporting. But today’s tallies brings the County to a total of 31,275 deaths and 2,811,864 positive cases.


565 County residents are hospitalized with Covid-19 at time of reporting. 


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2 hours ago, CousinsCowgirl84 said:

Is chinas COVID strategy really sustainable for their own country?


Word on the street is they are considering a "live with it" strategy as well. 


Eradicating the virus is unrealistic now that it's in every country and trying is killing their ability to keep up with supply chain demands.


It's only matter of time until we all adopt at minimum some form of "live with it" strategy, is what it is...

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6 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:


It's only matter of time until we all adopt at minimum some form of "live with it" strategy, is what it is...


Considering mask mandates are gone, I think the US has already adopted that. We are somehow ok with 1k dying from covid a day right now. 


The only solace is that I suspect/expect the upcoming 4th dose will be a lot better at protecting from variants.

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28 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:


Considering mask mandates are gone, I think the US has already adopted that. We are somehow ok with 1k dying from covid a day right now. 


"Ok" is probably the wrong word, I'd say we are getting close to how we feel about Heart Disease and Cancer (which are 1 and 2 cause of death in US, COVID now #3)


https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/deaths.htm#:~:text=Heart disease%3A 696%2C962,COVID-19%3A 350%2C831


28 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

The only solace is that I suspect/expect the upcoming 4th dose will be a lot better at protecting from variants.


I don't know how to react to this until I hear conformation we can all take more then 4 doses.


Without mandates, we're careening to a world with a more deadlier "flu" going around that isn't seasonal as part of the new "normal".  Again, is what it is, pandemic for unvaccinated, endemic for the rest of us. 


Nature wins.

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3 hours ago, Renegade7 said:


Eradicating the virus is unrealistic now that it's in every country and trying is killing their ability to keep up with supply chain demands.


It's only matter of time until we all adopt at minimum some form of "live with it" strategy, is what it is...


3 hours ago, The Evil Genius said:


Considering mask mandates are gone, I think the US has already adopted that. We are somehow ok with 1k dying from covid a day right now. 

The fact that it's just been decided that thousands of people dying a day is acceptable, because the alternative might disrupt the income stream of people who profit from other people's labor, doesn't say anything about our society and who makes the decisions, or anything. 

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