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BBC: China pneumonia outbreak: COVID-19 Global Pandemic


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Patients with heart attacks, strokes and even appendicitis vanish from hospitals


Soon after he repurposed his 60-bed cardiac unit to accommodate covid-19 patients, Mount Sinai cardiovascular surgeon John Puskas was stumped: With nearly all the beds now occupied by victims of the novel coronavirus, where had all the heart patients gone? Even those left almost speechless by crushing chest pain weren’t coming through the ER.


Variations on that question have puzzled clinicians not only in New York, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak, but across the country and in Spain, the United Kingdom and China. Five weeks into a nationwide coronavirus lockdown, many doctors believe the pandemic has produced a silent sub-epidemic of people who need care at hospitals but dare not come in. They include people with inflamed appendixes, infected gall bladders and bowel obstructions, and more ominously, chest pains and stroke symptoms, according to these physicians and early research.


“Everybody is frightened to come to the ER,” Puskas said.


Some doctors worry that illness and mortality from unaddressed health issues may rival the carnage produced by the virus in regions less affected by covid-19. And some expect they will soon see patients who have dangerously delayed seeking care as ongoing symptoms force them to overcome their fear.


Click on the link for the full article

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The meme above - of the virus at the podium - reminds me that, for some reason, Trump insists on calling the virus "smart:"


“We are learning much about the Invisible Enemy. It is tough and smart, but we are tougher and smarter!”


“We’re fighting – not only is it hidden, but it’s very smart. Okay? It’s invisible and it’s hidden, but it’s – it’s very smart.”


This is a very brilliant enemy. You know, it’s a brilliant enemy. They develop drugs like the antibiotics. You see it. Antibiotics used to solve every problem. Now one of the biggest problems the world has is the germ has gotten so brilliant that the antibiotic can’t keep up with it."


[BTW, antibiotics work against bacteria, NOT viruses.  Very stable genius indeed. Oh, and it's a virus. Not a "germ."]

Edited by Dan T.
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58 minutes ago, TheMalcolmConnection said:

This is some conspiracy level craziness, but this is publicly available, so just leaving it here for comment:


All the domains for "Liberate ___________" all created around the same time and originating from FL? 



This is an intentional ploy for a clear end, and it ain't the end of the virus or the measures to defeat it



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On 4/17/2020 at 11:42 AM, Dr. Do Itch Big said:

I work in a biopharmaceutical company. I trust the process. The FDA doesn’t play around with this stuff. 


Correct me if I'm wrong, I concede I dont really know this topic.  But I always got the impression the FDA was generally pretty conservative with stuff like this.  Which is why stuff takes so long to get approved, or isnt approved at all.  Like how we see all these meds, treatments, and procedures available around the world, but the U.S. says "nope".  

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52 minutes ago, Dan T. said:

The meme above - of the virus at the podium - reminds me that, for some reason, Trump insists on calling the virus "smart:"


“We are learning much about the Invisible Enemy. It is tough and smart, but we are tougher and smarter!”


“We’re fighting – not only is it hidden, but it’s very smart. Okay? It’s invisible and it’s hidden, but it’s – it’s very smart.”


This is a very brilliant enemy. You know, it’s a brilliant enemy. They develop drugs like the antibiotics. You see it. Antibiotics used to solve every problem. Now one of the biggest problems the world has is the germ has gotten so brilliant that the antibiotic can’t keep up with it."


[BTW, antibiotics work against bacteria, NOT viruses.  Very stable genius indeed.]


Maybe it has something to do with his compulsive need to deflect and blame. He can always point to how smart and crafty covid-19 is is to imply that nobody else could have done anything about it. And if he does anything about it then it just shows how damn smart he is. That virus (which isn't even technically alive) was smart, but the super genius Trump is so damn smart that his intellect beat it into submission. 


Next thing you know he'll announce that they did an IQ test on the virus and it was shown to be higher than anyone else except his.

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Democratic Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear announced Sunday that the state had set a grim record with 273 new confirmed cases of the coronavirus, the highest single-day rise to date. Kentucky's increase in infected individuals comes after protesters took to the streets throughout the week to call for the state to be reopened.


With the 273 additional confirmed infections, Kentucky now has 2,960 cases of the novel virus and 1,122 recoveries. Beshear also announced four new deaths on Sunday, bringing the total number of fatalities across the state to 148.


"We are still in the midst of this fight against a deadly and highly contagious virus," the governor said during his daily news conference. "Let's make sure, as much as we're looking at those benchmarks and we're looking at the future, that we are acting in the present and we are doing the things that it takes to protect one another."


Recent protests broke out in several states—among them Kentucky, Ohio, Minnesota and Michigan—with demonstrators taking to the streets to call for an end to the stay-at-home orders that have drastically slowed the country's economy, as well as the virus' spread.


As Beshear gave his press briefing on Wednesday, protesters gathered in Frankfort, Kentucky's capital, to demand the state's economy be reopened. Some demonstrators stood directly outside the room where Beshear's press conference was taking place and yelled "Open up Kentucky!" and "You're not a king."


"We do have some folks up here in Kentucky today, saying we should reopen Kentucky immediately, right now," the governor said. "Folks, that would kill people. It would absolutely kill people."


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Talking to an epidemiologist at work this morning and she said not to be surpised if it's 3-4 years before this is all over. Especially with how some states are opening back up this week (too early). Not to mention the ****tard states who never sheltered to begin with.


She also talked about how covid-19 has likely mutated several times, making the notion that a vaccine will be the simple panacea illogical. Much like the flu, the vaccination when it happens will likely be less than 60 or so % effective (for reference the flu shot this season was 45% effective).. 



Edited by The Evil Genius
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2 minutes ago, skinfan2k said:

if you are going to protest, why do you have Trump flags.  Thats what i dont get.  I call those people just idiots.  


I take people with signs needing my job and food more serious than the Trump fools 


The cult need to represent him every chance they get. I don't get the people who have 4 guns like they're heading to WW2.

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70 Died at a Nursing Home as Body Bags Piled Up  This is What Went Wrong


When the coronavirus outbreak hit one of the largest and most troubled nursing homes in the Northeast, coughing and feverish residents were segregated into a wing known as South 2. The sick quickly filled the beds there, so another wing, West 3, was also turned into a quarantine ward.


But the virus kept finding frail and older residents, and one culprit became clear: The workers themselves were likely spreading it as they moved between rooms and floors, outfitted with little or no protective equipment.


The nursing home, Andover Subacute and Rehabilitation Center II in Andover, N.J., which has 543 beds, was chronically short of staff and masks, and over the last two years it had received poor grades from federal and state inspectors. Residents were crowded three to a room, and as the outbreak worsened, so did sanitary conditions. 


After receiving an anonymous tip last Monday, the police found 17 bodies in bags in a small holding room at the Andover facility.


The startling discovery illustrated the toll that the coronavirus outbreak has taken on the nation’s nursing homes and other congregate facilities that house society’s most vulnerable, including older people and those with mental and physical disabilities.


By Sunday, at least 70 Andover residents had died and dozens of the 420 remaining residents and staff members had either tested positive for the virus or were sick with fevers, coughs or both, according to county officials.


The coronavirus crisis has killed more than 7,000 people at nursing homes across the country, The New York Times has determined, and has even ravaged facilities with sterling reputations.


Click on the link for the full article

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2 minutes ago, skinfan2k said:

if you are going to protest, why do you have Trump flags.  Thats what i dont get.  I call those people just idiots.  


I take people with signs needing my job and food more serious than the Trump fools 

Because the protests are ultimately a Trump rally.  That's all it is.


I am blessed to be able to work from home along with my wife, and have savings barring unforeseen circumstances arise.  I'm thankful not to be in a situation that many find themselves in with not being able to run their businesses or collect a paycheck.  That said, many of the same businesses simply will not be able to operate and/or stay afloat even if they 're-open'.  For every 're-open' protester, there are more folks who just won't feel safe going out and getting back with their normal life, and those folks are what keep the economy moving.  


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This is an unedited transcript:


REPORTER: I wanted to ask you specifically about one industry in particular, and that’s food-processing plants. Is there a priority to get testing at food-processing plants all across the country?

TRUMP: "Well, you’re asking that because of what happened — it’s a fair question, too — what happened in Denver. Because in Denver, I’ve never seen — I said, “What’s going on?” We’re looking at this graph where everything’s looking beautiful and it’s coming down and then you got this one spike. It’s — I said, “What happened to Denver?”
And many people, very quickly, and they — by the way, they were on it like, so fast, you wouldn’t believe it. They knew every aspect. They had people go and — not only testing, “Who did you see? Where were you? How many people did you meet? Were you out to dinner in somebody else’s home? Where were you?” Where did — where did this number of people come from? How did — they are totally on it.

Now, this just happened. I just saw it this morning. I’m looking at everything smooth, going down, topping out. And then you have this one spike in Denver. It’s like, where did this come from? So we’ll be looking at that. And we don’t want cases like that happening. This was — but this — this is the kind of thing can happen. This is very complex. This is a very brilliant enemy. You know, it’s a brilliant enemy. They develop drugs like the antibiotics. You see it. Antibiotics used to solve every problem. Now one of the biggest problems the world has is the germ has gotten so brilliant that the antibiotic can’t keep up with it. And they’re constantly trying to come up with a new — people go to a hospital and they catch — they go for a heart operation — that’s no problem, but they end up dying from — from problems. You know the problems I’m talking about. There’s a whole genius to it. We’re fighting — not only is it hidden, but it’s very smart. Okay? It’s invisible and it’s hidden, but it’s — it’s very smart. And you see that in a case like a Denver. But, you know, I think we’re doing well, and they’re on Denver like you wouldn’t believe. I came in this morning; it was a flurry. I said what’s going on? They said, “Denver.” I said, “What happened to Denver?” Because Denver was doing pretty well. And they’ve got that under control. But, yeah, that would be a case where you do some very big testing."

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