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BBC: China pneumonia outbreak: COVID-19 Global Pandemic


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Also hearing rumors of a law enforced shutdown in MD for 2 weeks starting early next week. Mom or Tues. Only grocery store visits and Doctor appts will be permitted for people to be outside their homes..


From a "friend of the familys daughter who works in govt." We shall see.

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10 minutes ago, visionary said:



This shouldn't be surprising anymore. This notion of "Americans banding together, arm in arm and looking out for each other" is complete and utter horse****. It no longer applies to us, period. 


We are an entitled,  stupid ass nation of assholes

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8 minutes ago, Mr. Sinister said:


This shouldn't be surprising anymore. This notion of "Americans banding together, arm in arm and looking out for each other" is complete and utter horse****. It no longer applies to us, period. 


We are an entitled,  stupid ass nation of assholes

With texting, facebook and other social media. Only thing I can pin it on is getting laid. There needs to be a masturbation narrative next press conference  

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32 minutes ago, CRobi21 said:

Also hearing rumors of a law enforced shutdown in MD for 2 weeks starting early next week. Mom or Tues. Only grocery store visits and Doctor appts will be permitted for people to be outside their homes..


From a "friend of the familys daughter who works in govt." We shall see.

Can people stop with the bull**** rumors.  I work in the government and i haven't heard jack squat.  

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The number of coronavirus deaths is probably a lagging indicator.  The death count is going to shoot up, unfortunately.   Only on March 16, the total number of cases was 4663.  2% of that would be around 93.  We had 85 today.  With a total number of cases of 26k(slightly higher at 26.7, but just for argument's sake), 2% of that would be 520.  I hope I am totally wrong.  I should probably be looking at active cases rather than total cases, but this is about to shoot up.  


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2 hours ago, CRobi21 said:

Also hearing rumors of a law enforced shutdown in MD for 2 weeks starting early next week. Mom or Tues. Only grocery store visits and Doctor appts will be permitted for people to be outside their homes..


From a "friend of the familys daughter who works in govt." We shall see.


Starting Monday limited shutdown is happening. Like Best Buy doing curb side pickups. Limited customers inside. Employees electing to stay home and still getting paid, only select few will work (my son will work).


Anyways, here you can get the latest from the governor himself.



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34 minutes ago, skinfan2k said:

Can people stop with the bull**** rumors.  I work in the government and i haven't heard jack squat.  

Saying you work for the government is not much of a qualifier.  Can you expand?  I do know there has been direction to prepare for a wide rang of possibilities. 

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This thread starts on Jan 5th with an article snippet discussing a few dozen cases in Wuhan. The derpy Orange Don was tweeting Jan. 22 about plan to contain it from US. By Jan 24th it had reached US. Reading the first few pages of this thread and the discussion of that time is really illuminating and scary. 

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1 hour ago, zskins said:

Went to VA to do a server job earlier today and around 6pm came back to Maryland... Damn the highways were so empty, ghost town like. Nice to see people are staying home.

Glad to hear it.  When I went out for a (necessary) grocery run the roads were pretty busy.

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I had to go to the grocery store today.  We ran out of things that are essential for a family of three camping out at home.  The vibe felt like there was a lion loose in the store but that it wasn’t going to stop these brave few from getting the job done.  A store full of grim determination. I swear some people were even stepping lightly, which of course makes no sense.  A lot of masks.  Some gloves.  No really friendly smiles and head nods replaced with avoided eye contact or suspicion.  

On the bright side, the store had what I needed and there were no lines to deal with. 

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Locally speaking,where I live and work things have slowed,but not quite as much as I thought,(Northern Nevada,Carson City area). Home Depot was slammed and there were a few that were not all that excited about some of the changes,(store hours,taped areas to maintain that 6 feet at the registers and a few other things). A few actually kicked the orange cones marking zones out. The 6 foot rule is inconsistent when it comes to customers. I had one put their arm around me. Sigh.  Restaurants are still opening with limited seating,curb side orders,and some even delivering. Casinos closed but hotels open. Grocery stores were being crushed today if the parking lots were any indication. It's been cold and snowy here recently so that's kept foot traffic down. We'll see when it warms up some more.  Hospitals in the area are being very quiet. Very little if no announcements about patients with COVID-19. We know they're there,but kind of hush hush on publicly saying as much. Heard reports of ER's being busy not the nature of what's going on.  Bit of an older population here and they are out and about seemingly not worried about things. I feel like we're ticking bomb here,(waiting for things to really ramp up with the COVID-19 thing). Oh yeah. There was a 4.5 last night while at work. When the building started shake and rumble,someone yelled out "Oh Come on! Really???"   No real damage but a few boxes knocked of the shelves with one window broken.  


On the hospital front,my wife the nurse isn't helping. ;) She told me that today,a manger from downstairs came up and yelled at nurses on her floor for wearing masks when they weren't required too,(change in policy from just yesterday),and another manager berating an at risk older nurse for being,well,at risk.  Grumble. 

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2 hours ago, PCS said:


On the hospital front,my wife the nurse isn't helping. ;) She told me that today,a manger from downstairs came up and yelled at nurses on her floor for wearing masks when they weren't required too,(change in policy from just yesterday),and another manager berating an at risk older nurse for being,well,at risk.  Grumble. 

Wonder what that manager would do if all the nurses just up and quit; right when the starts to get slammed.

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7 hours ago, Mr. Sinister said:

We are an entitled,  stupid ass nation of assholes

Sorry Sir I believe we sadly beat you on assholity levels.

It started back in 2013, with the "new doctrine" of the Secretary General for Defense and National Security (SGDSN), which considered in particular that "the systematic use of FFP2 type respiratory protection masks has shown its limits in terms effectiveness because of the discomfort or even the difficulty of breathing linked to their wearing, leading to a low rate of use ". !!!!

Since the macrony took over "The national stock managed by the Establishment of preparation and response to health emergencies [Eprus] now relates only to surgical protective masks for sick people and their families.

The socialists infected us with the HIV contaminated blood transfusion scandal, now with the lack of necessary masks.

Macrony is giving tickets to homeless (Lyon), letting parisians flee to tinfect the countryside, delaying life saving decisions every week while we had no other choice than implementing drastic confinment decisions from the get go. Our president and ministers are so stupids, incompetents and arrogants that they don't even care to learn from the Chinese and South Koreans.

It took them a month !!! to send the military to the rescue to start building movable military hospitals.

We keep on reacting rather than anticipating and acting. We keep on delaying the inevitable, hence making things worse.

I believe chloroquine and remvedesir will help a lot, thanks to our medical staffs.

Until this is over, stay safe, protect yourself and others.

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