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NY Daily News: Video allegedly shows woman saying venue won’t do ‘gay weddings, or mixed race’ because of ‘Christian belief’

Cooked Crack

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A video allegedly showing the owner of a Mississippi event space saying they don’t do “gay weddings, or mixed race” because of their “Christian belief" has gone viral, leading to outrage.

LaKambria Welch shared a video on Facebook Saturday that allegedly shows a woman who worked at Boone’s Camp Event Hall saying the space would not allow certain couples to get married due to their “Christian Faith.”

“FYI, if you’re a mixed race couple, please do NOT inquire Boones Camp for a wedding venue. They will not accommodate you if you’re ‘gay’ or ‘mixed race’ due to their ‘Christian beliefs,'" Welch wrote in a post with the video of her speaking with the woman.

Welch claimed the event space told her brother, who is black, that he could not rent the event space for his wedding with his fiancée, who is a white woman, because of “beliefs,” she told Deep South Voice. Welch said she drove to the space to ask why her brother could not have his wedding at the venue.

“First of all, we don’t do gay weddings or mixed race, because of our Christian race — I mean our Christian belief," the woman says in the video.


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I had to look around, a lot of how this touched on is the fear of non-Christians turning Christains against their beliefs.  But Moses marriage was interracial and he constantly shut people down for calling him out about it. 


Anyone want to correct me, I'm open ears, but this is mostly old testament from what I can tell and people trying to twist interpretations to fit what they dont like.  At that time it was common for people of different races to be different religions, not anymore, not in 2019.

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Oh, it's considerably newer than that.  It's an invention of the GOP, just in the last few years.  "If anybody tries to tell you that discrimination is wrong, yell real loudly that they're infrinnging on your religion (that you just made up), and claim you're being victimized."  bigotry.gif





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2 hours ago, Dan T. said:

It’s not Old Testament.  It’s old bigotry with the pathetic fig leaf of religious belief. It’s baackwards and it’s ugly. Those beliefs - and the people who hold them  - need to die off.


Heres one about not marrying with  non-Christians 



2 Corinthians 6:14 (KJV 1900): 14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?


Heres another one that I would argue clarifies this was religion more then race



Deuteronomy 7:3-4 King James Version (KJV)


Neither shalt thou make marriages with them; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son.


For they will turn away thy son from following me, that they may serve other gods: so will the anger of the Lord be kindled against you, and destroy thee suddenly.


Numbers 12:1 talks about Moses siblings being pissed about his choice of wife, and this one verse that some people use to insinuate it was because it was an interracial marriage



1And Miriam and Aaron spake against Moses because of the Ethiopian woman whom he had married: for he had married an Ethiopian woman.


The thing is if you keep reading until about versus 10, is obvious God isnt happy about Moses siblings and gives his sister leprosy.  But reading it, it's not clear that God stepped in for challenging Moses authority or because he supported interracial marriage.  What is clear is He didnt take Miriam's side.


This is what I'm talking about people cherry picking verses and putting their own interpretation to it versus looking at it in context.  I believe part of that problem is because of this insistence not to read the bible linearly like you would any other book, front to back, that there are specific pieces that reference each other that needs to be focused on to fully understand it.  But as you can see, not jus reading it and seeing the full story leads to misunderstandings as well.


We can agree some of these misunderstandings are intentional.

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17 minutes ago, ClaytoAli said:


Only in America, have god made man, and man looked down, sinned, and doth become stupid.


16th century holy book interpretation 


Spanish Inqusition for example started before Columbus found North America.  This whole "twist towards your own extreme interpretation" is nothing new, that's for sure.

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17 minutes ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

I suspect they would never refuse a patron’s god given right to marry their cousin though.


It's ironic, Leviticus 18 goes over incest first then homosexuality, so they literally had to skip over the first part to get to one they wont shut up about

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45 minutes ago, Renegade7 said:


Spanish Inqusition for example started before Columbus found North America.  This whole "twist towards your own extreme interpretation" is nothing new, that's for sure.

Are you talking about south european purge or the movie?




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When she says "race" it's basically a given she views Christianity in terms of her tribal affiliation, not a theological one. As a tribal identifier, she and her ilk can take the parts of the Bible they like and ignore the ones they don't. The actual contents of the book and the tenents of the faith are suplourfous to her. 

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This is just another example of the issue I've had all along with the "sincerely held religious beliefs" discrimination defense.  A "religious belief" is not required to be spelled out in a holy book. There is no litmus test for what a "sincerely held religious belief" even means.  Look, if half the government wants to legislate into law the right for business owners to discriminate based on race, gender, sexual orientation etc etc etc....then stop being cowards about it, make your argument, and go on record saying you believe it is their right.  However, don't hide behind religion as some kind of blanket of noble decision making when there isn't even a consensus on what half the stuff in said book means.  

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Christianity isn't really a religion.  It's more of an umbrella term for about 1000 different religions that use the same book.  I'm curious to know which manner of Christians these weirdos are that still shudder at the thought of inter racial marriage?  Is there an organization that needs to rein these people in, or is this one of those non-denominational independent shops? 


They're obviously not Catholic or the headline would have said so. 



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9 hours ago, Destino said:

Christianity isn't really a religion.  It's more of an umbrella term for about 1000 different religions that use the same book.

you can say that about any major religion and their sacred books!!!


but even the Christian sacred book identifies religion as a helping behavior and not a belief.

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2 hours ago, ClaytoAli said:

you can say that about any major religion and their sacred books!!!


but even the Christian sacred book identifies religion as a helping behavior and not a belief.


Then how come all those "Christian" Republicans do their best to not help human beings like the Christian sacred book teaches and advocates for the poor and unfortunate, and instead advocates for the wealthy and corporations?


I was raised Methodist, am atheist now, and still practice Jesus' teachings and taught my daughter the same, because those teachings are universal, without attachment to any particular religion or indeed any religion. That's what is sacred, not any ****ing book that's been edited over and over according to politics.

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