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Miami Herald: I’m done trying to understand Trump supporters. Why don’t they try to understand me?

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Just had this video pop up in my YouTube feed. (Among other things, I wonder why youtube thinks this would be a good video for me). 

But I clicked it. (YouTube knows me?). And it seemed thought provoking. 


Not sure it's worth it's own thread. Thought a while about other threads. And it seems to me it could kinda go here as well. With it's assertion that maybe when looking at motives, you can at least test the theory that the result was the motive. 

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54 minutes ago, Larry said:

Just had this video pop up in my YouTube feed. (Among other things, I wonder why youtube thinks this would be a good video for me). 

But I clicked it. (YouTube knows me?). And it seemed thought provoking. 

Not sure it's worth it's own thread. Thought a while about other threads. And it seems to me it could kinda go here as well. With it's assertion that maybe when looking at motives, you can at least test the theory that the result was the motive. 


Anything by Peterson should be questioned.  I don't think there's really much evidence that the Nazis accelerated killings as the war ended (I guess it depends on what you mean by "losing").  I believe maximal deaths and then resources used occurred in1942 during Operation Reinhard (which after they actually put a lot of resources into hiding that it was had done).  That they didn't start sooner had more to them not being sure how to do it then them not wanting to do it.


So I believe he starts with a false premise.


I also think though he has a 2nd false idea that economists or anybody thinks the war in Europe was about resources.  The Japanese in the Pacific was more about resources.  Hitler was clear that he was motivated by the killing of Jews well prior to WWII.  I don't think anybody that knows much history would claim that killing Jews wasn't a major motivating factor in his decision making process.  That as the war ended and he was losing hope that they did continue Jews isn't at all surprising.  That Hitler would take the attitude of I've lost, well at least let me kill as many Jews as possible was completely predictable based on things Hitler said BEFORE the war started.


Generally, seems like Peterson.  Start with a false premise, build on that premise by claiming people think something that nobody actually thinks, and go from there.

Edited by PeterMP
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Trump’s Plot to Steal Arizona Was Even Wilder Than We Thought


For months now, we all thought we knew that the bogus Arizona audit was a clown show. But a new data dump of more than 22,000 emails, texts, and documents show just how wild it really was.


On Tuesday the Arizona Senate finally complied with a court order to hand over its private communications with the people involved in running the audit. The massive trove includes communications that suggest former President Trump wanted to fund it, that Trump’s allies were involved from the start, and that conspiracy theorists involved in the recount worried about threats from antifa and Black Lives Matter.


Oh, and workers were paid as much as $125 an hour.


The Senate was forced to hand over the documents following a public records lawsuit brought by American Oversight, a group of former Obama administration officials set up to investigate the Trump administration.


But the Senate has withheld 2,500 of the most sensitive documents, citing legislative and attorney-client privilege, which include almost all direct communications with Cyber Ninjas and its CEO Doug Logan.


The bogus recount began in April and was expected to take 16 days to complete. In the end the recount didn’t finally finish until late July. The report was due to be presented to the Senate last week, but it’s been delayed for at least several more weeks after Logan and several colleagues contracted COVID-19.


Click on the link for the full article

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22 hours ago, Cooked Crack said:

California might have them beat




If Gavin Newsom ends up surviving the recall election the GOP can thank themselves for being so ****y (or stupid) that they thought they could trot out a nut like Larry Elder as the leading candidate to replace him.  Not only does it show they aren't serious about actually governing, but also brings into the question about how many of these candidates are merely running in the first place due to the CA election law that says the candidates can keep any money raised during their campaigns for themselves. 


Most polls are already showing Gavin has flipped his support back to the positive and now it is just a matter of whether or not Democrats are motivated enough to actually go out and vote, but the big favorable aspect is that in CA we all get mail in ballots automatically and I have a feeling that could end up being the majority of votes cast, the method I mean.

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