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Game of Thrones Season 8


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Gotta look at it as a from a military commander standpoint. Can they fight on the move? Do hit and run raids with the two dragons to prevent them from being targeted? Although the enemy does have one dragon.


Start with a defensible position, then continue to fall back—hoping to exhaust the enemy. Maybe a little like the Japanese did on Okinawa. Put yourself in a position where you can attack but without sustaining losses (like with ranged weapons like arrows). There's a lot of natural features NKA must cross, like the White Knife River, the bogs of Moat Cailin. Securing or taking out the bridges along the way, would go a long way to slowing down their advance. The Twins and the crossing at Darry being prime locations for this type of maneuver. 


You get in a situation where the Great Army would be pinned between the NKA and the Cersei's army in KL, but then MAYBE I would step aside and let them attack KL and blow it up using the wildfire stores. Would make Dany's "snow-ash" dream vision come true. Hopefully this would take out the bulk of the NKA. 

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20 minutes ago, Elessar78 said:

Gotta look at it as a from a military commander standpoint. Can they fight on the move? Do hit and run raids with the two dragons to prevent them from being targeted? Although the enemy does have one dragon.


This doesn't make for good TV though. They will want a big battle rather than guerrilla warfare type hit and run tactics. 


20 minutes ago, Elessar78 said:

Start with a defensible position, then continue to fall back—hoping to exhaust the enemy.


The enemy doesn't exhaust


21 minutes ago, Elessar78 said:

There's a lot of natural features NKA must cross, like the White Knife River, the bogs of Moat Cailin. Securing or taking out the bridges along the way, would go a long way to slowing down their advance. The Twins and the crossing at Darry being prime locations for this type of maneuver. 


This makes sense and why I think it could take place at the trident. The wights can't swim. You could find a way to box them between the forks of the trident. 

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16 minutes ago, Elessar78 said:

Gotta look at it as a from a military commander standpoint. Can they fight on the move? Do hit and run raids with the two dragons to prevent them from being targeted? Although the enemy does have one dragon.


Start with a defensible position, then continue to fall back—hoping to exhaust the enemy. Maybe a little like the Japanese did on Okinawa. Put yourself in a position where you can attack but without sustaining losses (like with ranged weapons like arrows). There's a lot of natural features NKA must cross, like the White Knife River, the bogs of Moat Cailin. Securing or taking out the bridges along the way, would go a long way to slowing down their advance. The Twins and the crossing at Darry being prime locations for this type of maneuver. 


You get in a situation where the Great Army would be pinned between the NKA and the Cersei's army in KL, but then MAYBE I would step aside and let them attack KL and blow it up using the wildfire stores. Would make Dany's "snow-ash" dream vision come true. Hopefully this would take out the bulk of the NKA. 


Here is where I nerd out for a second. Though I'm not as bad as you people.

World War Z very specifically addressed the problem with waging a military campaign against a zombie army. A zombie army is not a normal army. You don't have to supply it. You don't have to feed it. And you cannot break its spirit. If you outflank a real army or break its line or cut off its supply chain, it will either retreat or surrender. A zombie army simply keeps fighting until every zombie is dead. In World War Z, the soldiers in the US Army psychologically broke in the face of this. You get the high ground, you inflict huge casualties, etc....and the army keeps coming.


Anyway, the humans are clearly going to lose horribly until someone in the main cast - Jon, Bran, Arya, Dany, Jamie, etc - dies heroically while killing the King White Walker and then all the zombies fall down like the droids in the first Star Wars prequel.


By the way, how often has that plot been used in recent years? Kill the Big Bad and all the little bads either die or go home. Independence Day 2 did this. I think the first Avengers film did.

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24 minutes ago, Elessar78 said:

You get in a situation where the Great Army would be pinned between the NKA and the Cersei's army in KL, but then MAYBE I would step aside and let them attack KL and blow it up using the wildfire stores. Would make Dany's "snow-ash" dream vision come true. Hopefully this would take out the bulk of the NKA.


You are surrendering a million people to death this way or the potential for NK to gain a million soldiers if it doesn't work. I can't see Jon doing that. 

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9 hours ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

Oh, one last thing. I’ve long believed that Rhaegar was the Prince That Was Promised. Jon is Lightbringer, the weapon created by TPTWP that will defeat the WW and end the long night. Forged in the heart of a wolf (Lyanna) instead of a lion as the original hero did. 


This is more book stuff than show since it hasn’t spent a whole lot of time on this prophecy or lightbringer etc. I don’t think we will get any payoff for this in the show 


Now that is a different take on the prophecy, and it makes sense. I can't remember it word for word, but I recalled it saying the Prince would kill his wife and remove a flaming sword to defeat the WW threat. Lyanna died giving birth to Jon/Aegon, so maybe stabbing her with "his sword" is literally talking about impregnating her. 

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Maybe the Prince that was Promised was inside of us all along.


I'll be honest, I'm kind of dreading the zombie battles ahead of us. I've seen the battles on this show. I'm tired of battles.


Can we just get to the part where Jamie kills Cersei and the big wilding finally does it with Tilda? And Ser Pounce?


(I just want to see Ser Pounce. I don't necessarily want to see Ser Pounce in a threesome....unless it truly advances the story.


Seriously, they should end this series with Ser Pounce in the old MTM logo from the 70s.


I'm so glad GRRM died and can't complete the story. Because this ending is going to piss everyone off, and it's going to be awesome.

Edited by Lombardi's_kid_brother
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8 minutes ago, Gamebreaker said:


Now that is a different take on the prophecy, and it makes sense. I can't remember it word for word, but I recalled it saying the Prince would kill his wife and remove a flaming sword to defeat the WW threat. Lyanna died giving birth to Jon/Aegon, so maybe stabbing her with "his sword" is literally talking about impregnating her. 


Yeah, it's a non literal telling of the prophecy which I like and seems to match the prophecies never quite being what we think. I think the original story is he tempers it 3 times. Once in water, once in the heart of a lion and then once in his wife. It breaks the first two times but doesn't when he tempers it with his wife's heart. 


Those last two steps are sort of combined here. I was trying to think of Jon killing Euron, a Lannister and then Dany to substitute those steps but I think it works better with Rhaegar literally forging his weapon (his son) in his wife's heart (also a wolf) and Jon actually being the sword.


Then again, there is a lot of evidence that Jon is TPTWP too but that leaves him still needing to find Lightbringer and I think it's too late in the game for that. 


3 minutes ago, Lombardi's_kid_brother said:

and the big wilding finally does it with Tilda?


This won't happen. Brienne will die very soon. But she will die knowing Jaime loved her. Tormund is a freak, it just doesn't make sense for him and Brienne to be a thing. It's poetic for it to be Jaime being their relationship, his redemption and that he is the most handsome man alive and she is mocked for being ugly. 

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11 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

The wights can't swim.

But they can sink to the bottom of a body of water, then walk on the bottom to find a dead dragon, get a chain around the dragon, and proceed to pull said dragon out of the water.

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6 minutes ago, Lombardi's_kid_brother said:

Seriously, they should end this series with Ser Pounce in the old MTM logo from the 70s.



Come on, the Mountain has eaten Ser Pounce at some point since Tommen died. It's a given. 


2 minutes ago, Yohan said:

But they can sink to the bottom of a body of water, then walk on the bottom to find a dead dragon, get a chain around the dragon, and proceed to pull said dragon out of the water.


(hand waves)




But for all we know, a WW did that. And if a wight were holding the chain, they could sink with it, hook it on the dragon and then climb the chain back up. My head canon is too strong. Check mate nerds. 

Edited by Momma There Goes That Man
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4 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:




This won't happen. Brienne will die very soon. But she will die knowing Jaime loved her. Tormund is a freak, it just doesn't make sense for him and Brienne to be a thing. It's poetic for it to be Jaime being their relationship, his redemption and that he is the most handsome man alive and she is mocked for being ugly. 


No. This show is now nothing but fan service.


I'm getting a five minute hard-core sex scene from Brienne and (really?) Tormund or I am going to pee on GRRM's grave.


Actually this whole show should just end with an orgy set to the Godspell soundtrack or something.

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36 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:


You are surrendering a million people to death this way or the potential for NK to gain a million soldiers if it doesn't work. I can't see Jon doing that. 


Jon might not but the Three Eyed Raven would. I've thought that Bran would warg a dragon and destroy KL to prevent the Night King from getting a million soldiers, and starting to think that Jon and Daenerys will be blamed for it. 


They're laying it on thick with basically everyone distrusting Daenerys, in Sam's case he thinks she's evil and has no problem burning anyone who gets in her way. Sam asks Jon if he'd have done the same thing to the Tarlys. If a dragon destroys KL, the blame is going to be placed on the only two people anyone has seen ride/control a dragon. 



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54 minutes ago, PF Chang said:


Jon might not but the Three Eyed Raven would. I've thought that Bran would warg a dragon and destroy KL to prevent the Night King from getting a million soldiers, and starting to think that Jon and Daenerys will be blamed for it. 




I guess I'm confused as to the mechanics of the Night King's ability to resurrect dead people into wights.  Do they have to die a certain way?  If someone gets killed by a regular dragon, they can't get wighted, but if they get killed by a wight dragon, they can?  What happens if they die running away from a wight dragon and trip and fall get trampled by living people?  The wight dragon is indirectly responsible, but didn't direct kill that person. 

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52 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:


I guess I'm confused as to the mechanics of the Night King's ability to resurrect dead people into wights.  Do they have to die a certain way?  If someone gets killed by a regular dragon, they can't get wighted, but if they get killed by a wight dragon, they can?  What happens if they die running away from a wight dragon and trip and fall get trampled by living people?  The wight dragon is indirectly responsible, but didn't direct kill that person. 


The Knight King has a law degree...I think this goes to White Walker court

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54 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:


I guess I'm confused as to the mechanics of the Night King's ability to resurrect dead people into wights.  Do they have to die a certain way?  If someone gets killed by a regular dragon, they can't get wighted, but if they get killed by a wight dragon, they can?  What happens if they die running away from a wight dragon and trip and fall get trampled by living people?  The wight dragon is indirectly responsible, but didn't direct kill that person. 


The Night King can warg anything dead, which is what he's actually doing when he's 'raising' wights. 


Most wargs can only control certain animals like the one wildling who can warg the eagle that attacks Jon's face. But Bran, the most powerful warg/greenseer can control anything living - ravens, wolves, and humans as we saw with Hodor. The Night King, who is basically Dark Bran, can control anything dead. 


The NK/Bran is basically duality, they're both greenseers. Which keeps Bran's ability to see everything that's ever happened from being too powerful, since the NK can do the same thing. 



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4 hours ago, Lombardi's_kid_brother said:


This show is now nothing but fan service.


It's getting worse as they wrap up the show. Hard to tell if I actually enjoy the show now or am just too invested.


I personally would've enjoyed watching Jaime travel north and that be the entire episode. Did anyone recognize him? Is he able to survive by himself without sellswords/guards/squires? Is he still a Lannister? Stuff like that.


You have Dothraki running around Westeros.... Are they pillaging and raping everything? Compare that to earlier in the series when Tyrion commanded the hill tribes in the Lannister army. Much more interesting.


I hope they have something good planned for the ending, going to be disappointing if the entire show comes down to killing a paralyzed dude in a wheelchair.

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20 minutes ago, Mooka said:


It's getting worse as they wrap up the show. Hard to tell if I actually enjoy the show now or am just too invested.


I personally would've enjoyed watching Jaime travel north and that be the entire episode. Did anyone recognize him? Is he able to survive by himself without sellswords/guards/squires? Is he still a Lannister? Stuff like that.


You have Dothraki running around Westeros.... Are they pillaging and raping everything? Compare that to earlier in the series when Tyrion commanded the hill tribes in the Lannister army. Much more interesting.


I hope they have something good planned for the ending, going to be disappointing if the entire show comes down to killing a paralyzed dude in a wheelchair.


Here's a question. Does anyone care who really ends up on the Iron Throne in the end? I get the sense that book readers may be more invested in that specific ending than show readers, but maybe I'm wrong. I never once watched this show to get to a big battle scene. I watched this show because I love the interactons between all these bizarre characters. I loved the Battle of the Blackwater episode not because stuff blew up real good. I loved it because of Tyrion and Bronn saying their goodbyes. Drunk Cersei talking all kinds of ****. The Hound saying, "**** this." Stannis simply not caring that half his fleet blew up. Joffrey being Joffrey.


The show still gives us those moments but in smaller and smaller doses. I could have spent 15 minutes with Tyrion and Varys insulting each other's "handicaps" and then the two of them and Davos talking about marrying the young people to each other. I loved Arya and the Hound talking again too. That's the stuff I like.


I don't like a ton of Jon scenes, but I tend to like Jon/Sam scenes, because they often become this little domestic sit-com of the cool jock taking the fat nerd under his wing. The fact that the entire Jon/Sam meeting was 10 minutes of exposition about how Jon is really Prince Albert the 7th and the rightful heir to the Iron Throne, but that he was still actually a Stark because his mother was a Stark and not his father. And that he is true-born because some dude tied a rope around his parents in secret....that was a waste. I know it's "important." But I don't care.


More and more of the show is huge set pieces like the dragons entering the Neverending Story, Jon/Dany scenes, and the gay pirate doing gay pirate stuff. None of that really interests me. I know that there are probably 3 huge battle scenes to come in these next episodes and I dread that, because it's going to cut into Jamie and Brienne bickering.


Poor Cersei literally has no one to go back and forth with now, which is such a waste. I hate the gay pirate, and I refuse to give a **** about Captain Antilles or whatever his name is from the Golden Red Shirts. I am not getting invested in a new character at this point. **** you, show.


The main reason I don't care is because it's too much. This world is absurdly big, and no one was ever able to rule it, and everything is still going to suck no matter who wins "the game." Like, unless there's an epilogue where Cersei becomes queen and Sam immediately invents the lightbulb as a result of her investments into the Citadel, what do I care about who rules this world?

Edited by Lombardi's_kid_brother
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5 hours ago, Lombardi's_kid_brother said:

By the way, how often has that plot been used in recent years? Kill the Big Bad and all the little bads either die or go home. Independence Day 2 did this. I think the first Avengers film did.


LOTR, although it wasn't quite "kill the Big Bad" so much as "destroy the Big Bad's magic item" 


Also Harry Potter

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