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Presidential Election: 11/3/20 ---Now the President Elect Joe Biden Thread

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I'm with Mayor Pete until further notice. 

I want Joe's experience. But there's so much more baggage than most of y'all remember. 

He authored the asset forfeiture/seizure bill that became law. Simply stated, your **** gets taken, and you have to pay out the ass to not only prove your innocence, but to get your **** back. 

And if it's a really nice car they seized, you're gonna get it back with a ****load more miles on it, because they used it in the candy store to entrap. 

This was one of the top 5 ****ty things our country did to it's citizens, courtesy of Joe.

Just something to remember. 

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I like Kamala Harris, Beto, and mayor Pete so far, but there's a long way to go.  Still need to see everyone campaign and debate and give their positions and ideas. 

Not sure I can vote in the primary here, but a lot of the drama may be over by then anyway.

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With Beto today and Joe probably in April; that might be it for big names with a shot at the nomination. some more people may get in, but they probably have no shot.

i say for now, the race is between Beto, Joe, Bernie and Kamala.  That could change of course.  We are still 11 months away from the first voting. 1st Debate is June, right? I an see that being the first point, where some candidates drop out.  The minor ones, won't have money to make it through the fall and to the winter; when the voting starts.

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22 hours ago, PleaseBlitz said:

I'd really rethink a lot of my life decisions if I got banned by Twitter even once.  


I'm not the only one being banned.  I found out the last one (Dec 2017) was due to re-tweeting POTUS's tweets, and yes, they did think I was a bot.  The Twitter CEO admits they lean left with their views, and I'd imagine their engine for determining appropriate or not.  They also claim they don't censor, but I'm not buying that.  I've not been nasty or threatening or even toxic in any of my replies.  I've reached out to many political figures (Maxine, Nancy, our Va state reps, etc) and have gotten replies from some.  I'll ask questions about their job, Maxine in particular, and ask how it can be productive to criticize POTUS every single waking moment and to please tell me how that's helping her constituents.  That's just one example.  She may have seen that line of questioning as being "threatening" but who knows.  People can read anything they want into the typed message.  I'm back on Twitter now and simply using it as a news source and not commenting to anybody.  Over the last few years political correctness has gone a bit overboard.

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30 minutes ago, Llevron said:

"I got banned on twitter and it was everyone elses fault" 


Says the mature 60 something year old. 


"And look how moderate I am.  I even reached out to a liberal to politely ask her why she spends every waking moment criticizing Trump.  And for some reason, Twitter thought I was fake.  Obviously it's because Twitter is biased.  But I still use it as a news source."  

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Ready for Beto Mania.


Mayor Pete, Kamala and Beto are my top choices at the moment. 


Although my feeling is still that Bernie will end up winning just because he has a core base that will carry him while everyone else is splitting votes with undecideds. 

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1 hour ago, PleaseBlitz said:

Hoping Warren continues churning out interesting policies that get adopted by others.  


Recall once hearing an interviewer ask Pat Buchanan why he kept running despite never getting more than 3-4% of the vote. 


He said that he knew he didnt stand a chance. But he figured that him running forced the mainstream candidates to at least pay lip service to his positions, to keep him from stealing more votes from them. 


He believed that he was affecting policy, even without winning. 

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I'm thinking an issue that I think would get a lot of traction?  (And probably get stolen by other candidates?)


End telemarketers. 


Maybe a step better?  End corporate data collection. A corporation conducting business with a consumer is allowed to collect information necessary to complete the transaction, to use that data solely to complete the transaction, and is required to delete said data once the transaction is complete. 


I mean, who wouldn't be behind a proposal to actually get rid of telemarketers?  

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Beto O’Rourke jumps in. Now here’s the big question.





The anticipation for his run has been far greater than for any other candidate, and the immediate reaction is likely to be enthusiastic if not frenetic. Look for huge crowds in Iowa this weekend for his first presidential campaign swing and a money total that dwarfs the haul that Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) pulled in when he entered the race.


O’Rourke has an engaged base of supporters, an established persona and loads of passion. He could well drag Sanders down in the polls, stealing away young, aspirational voters. Compared with Sanders’s angry-man routine and other candidates telling us that practically everything in the United States is terrible and must change, O’Rourke might come as a breath of fresh air.


There is no question that O’Rourke enters the race with a sense of delirium that equals if not surpasses Barack Obama’s first campaign [PB Note:  Um, no]. While Republicans mocked “hope and change” as rhetorical froth, that’s exactly what most voters want — hope and change. The country is on edge, and Americans are at one another’s throats. Government is polarized and paralyzed. President Trump has insulted, angered and frightened a large percentage of the electorate. Why wouldn’t voters want optimism and good cheer, the promise of reconciliation?


The question for O’Rourke, the Democrats and the country is whether he has the discipline and tenacity needed for a long campaign. We don’t yet know if he has enough humility to know what he doesn’t know and learn what he needs to. He thinks he can reinvent presidential campaigning. Maybe he can. Maybe voters don’t so much care about policy proposals and ideological labels. Maybe they simply want to stop feeling angry and anxious. 


A top-tier candidate will have to get on the stage and get through interviews — and do better than everyone else. And no one, not even O’Rourke, knows whether a white, male three-term former congressman who lost a Senate race can pull this off against a diverse, talented field in which just about everyone has more experience in politics than he does.



More at link.  The upshot is Beto has a lot of personal qualities that other candidates just don't have, but he's also a bit green. 

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Yeah Beto is a white Obama. He won't adopt the super progressive policies but maybe he doesn't have to do that in order to win while impacting house, senate and state elections. Make gains there and i'm sure he'd pass the legislation they put on his desk regardless of whether he is the one campaigning on that. 


It seems some type of medicare for all is going to be required for Dem candidates. He has to embrace that and expand on his actual policy ideas there and in other areas. I'm interested in hearing the rest of his ideas like foreign policy and economics. His wife's family is worth like $500 million so where does he stand on higher taxes for the wealthy etc. 


He is a generational candidate in his charisma and communication. He can be the hope candidate and the bring us together candidate that rallies the nation. This is where I think a strong policy oriented VP can really help him and form a strong ticket. 


I just hope that if he wins he doesn't underestimate the GOP the way Obama did. He needs to be aggressive and fight them more. 

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11 minutes ago, Momma There Goes That Man said:

He is a generational candidate in his charisma and communication. He can be the hope candidate and the bring us together candidate that rallies the nation. This is where I think a strong policy oriented VP can really help him and form a strong ticket. 




Lots of people seem to have labeled her as "not experienced enough to win, but really has great ideas". 

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