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Presidential Election: 11/3/20 ---Now the President Elect Joe Biden Thread

Message added by TK,


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At some point, every elected GOP member needs to ask themselves if there is a line they won't cross. I fear the answer is "no." Look at all the things they have already decided to be silent about. Each compromise makes it easier to close your eyes and swallow the next.



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1 minute ago, Burgold said:

At some point, every elected GOP member needs to ask themselves if there is a line they won't cross. I fear the answer is "no." Look at all the things they have already decided to be silent about. Each compromise makes it easier to close your eyes and swallow the next.



two things have to happen:

1. Somehow the people remaining in the GOP, be they elected or membership, needs to have a moment in which they become self aware.

2. A time machine needs to be invented, because they asked and answered this question long ago.


Anyone left is simply a reprehensible person who will go along with all of it, no matter how bad it gets.


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37 minutes ago, Burgold said:

At some point, every elected GOP member needs to ask themselves if there is a line they won't cross. I fear the answer is "no." Look at all the things they have already decided to be silent about. Each compromise makes it easier to close your eyes and swallow the next.



Burgold what line is left really? Once the GOP didn't care that he was putting kids in cages - I mean shouldn't that have been the tipping point right? The GOP doesn't care that he personally enriches himself at taxpayer expense.  They don't care that he solicits help from foreign governments to win an election and re-election. They don't care that he's installing loyalists to every position in the Government at the expense of competency. They don't care that he's completely bungled the pandemic of our lifetime with 150,000k and counting deaths on his hands.  They don't care about basically creating a secret police force.  I mean hey, maybe a bridge too far would be if he wanted to roll back the corporate tax welfare that they passed. I'm sure that would have the GOP up in arms. Anything else that doesn't in some way help their grift - they've crossed those lines a long time ago. 

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15 minutes ago, Rdskns2000 said:

If Trump were to drop out, would that change the race any?


Would they give it to Pence? Biden would beat Pence.


What if they gave it to someone half human? Would Biden still win?

They'd have to give it to Pence and watch him get beaten. The best they could hope for would be to save the Senate.



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Actually, isn't the election date set in the constitution?


I opened that mail-in ballot I got and it turns out it's just a ballot for a primary on Aug. 18 for some local elections.  I knew it was early to get the fall ballot.  Guess, I should've opened the mail when I got it.

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Just now, Rdskns2000 said:

Actually, isn't the election date set in the constitution?


I opened that mail-in ballot I got and it turns out it's just a ballot for a primary on Aug. 18 for some local elections.  I knew it was early to get the fall ballot.  Guess, I should've opened the mail when I got it.

Better send it out quick. Post office talking about give send it at least 14 days prior to election day.

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4 hours ago, No Excuses said:

“She’s too ambitious”. Not even trying to hide the sexism there. 


No kidding. That was something they also went after Hillary with for decades. When a guy is very ambitious he's often considered "aggressive and resourceful" and looked upon with admiration. When a woman is very ambitious she's often considered "uppity and overbearing" and looked upon with derision as someone who needs to be knocked down a notch or two. 

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1 hour ago, Rdskns2000 said:

If Trump were to drop out, would that change the race any?


Would they give it to Pence? Biden would beat Pence.


What if they gave it to someone half human? Would Biden still win?


Biden would still win, but it depends how much the time there is before the election to determine if Biden still wins the senate.


It would be a shock to the polls, all the sudden it turns from a refurendum on Trump to a refurendum on the GOP.  The reality is after Trump is gone, the GOP will still be here trying to get power back. 


A lot of 10-Second Tom's in the GOP base, but the damage will still be here regardless to remind everyone of how bad it got.


I would not be shocked if GOP tried to get Trump to quit to have a chance of keeping the Senate.  Make him run as an independent so down-ballot folks stand a chance?


As others have noted, many have tied themselves to this sinking ship, if for any reason the fear of what Democrates will do to them once they are back in power.  We've seen this in other countries that played with authoritarianism, some folks are complicit as much as they afraid when the music stops playing their chair will be gone, too.

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53 minutes ago, Rdskns2000 said:

Actually, isn't the election date set in the constitution?


I opened that mail-in ballot I got and it turns out it's just a ballot for a primary on Aug. 18 for some local elections.  I knew it was early to get the fall ballot.  Guess, I should've opened the mail when I got it.

Election date is not set in the Constitution.  The date that terms end is. 

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2 hours ago, Rdskns2000 said:

Really the only difference is that you request to have an absentee ballot; whereas mail in ballots are automatically mailed to every registered voter.

they know that. That’s the point. 

make it something that happens for everyone, more people vote. 

make it something you have to sign up for, and have to be cognizant of dates to sign up and send back, and all the sudden less people vote. 

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25 minutes ago, PleaseBlitz said:

Election date is not set in the Constitution.  The date that terms end is. 

Another thing we need to amend.


So, if Congress is the one that sets the date; I am assuming both bodies would have to pass a change of date.  So, the election date isn't moving Trump.

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1 hour ago, Isifhan said:

Burgold what line is left really? Once the GOP didn't care that he was putting kids in cages - I mean shouldn't that have been the tipping point right? The GOP doesn't care that he personally enriches himself at taxpayer expense.  They don't care that he solicits help from foreign governments to win an election and re-election. They don't care that he's installing loyalists to every position in the Government at the expense of competency. They don't care that he's completely bungled the pandemic of our lifetime with 150,000k and counting deaths on his hands.  They don't care about basically creating a secret police force.  I mean hey, maybe a bridge too far would be if he wanted to roll back the corporate tax welfare that they passed. I'm sure that would have the GOP up in arms. Anything else that doesn't in some way help their grift - they've crossed those lines a long time ago. 

That crossed my mind when I was writing this. Most sane lines have been crossed. Mass shootings in elementary schools don't budge their needle. When was the last time we talked about the largest mass shooting in US history (Las Vegas just a few year's ago). Then, the forceful separation of kids and mass internment did nothing. The overt support, quoting, and bringing on board people from hate groups didn't seem to warrant more than a statement of concern.Unidentified soldiers in unmarked vans grabbing civilians and hauling them away? The GOP yawns at this. Chemical weapons used against peaceful protest? Another yawn. Foreign interference in our elections is not only encouraged, but facilitated. Overt cash grabs? bounties on soldiers? 


The GOP has shown its moral cabinet is completely empty. The only people willing to fight the good fight have been fired or have resigned. And what good did that do?


So, I hear you. I don't know if there is a line left. I don't know if there's a soul left. The second hand is ticking on American democracy and we are moments away from its detonation. Is there even one Republican willing to snip a wire? Is there one even willing to call the bomb squad?

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1 hour ago, Rdskns2000 said:

Actually, isn't the election date set in the constitution?


I opened that mail-in ballot I got and it turns out it's just a ballot for a primary on Aug. 18 for some local elections.  I knew it was early to get the fall ballot.  Guess, I should've opened the mail when I got it.

It is possible to request your general election mail-in ballot at this point though, just in case anyone wasn't clear on that.

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Politico: Why Trump Might Quit 


>>>The purpose of the nationally televised Oval Office address was to announce new peace initiatives in Vietnam, but Lyndon B. Johnson saved the most startling news until the end of his speech on March 31, 1968. With his country badly divided over a grinding war, he didn’t believe as president he “should devote an hour or a day of my time to any personal partisan causes.” He was dropping out of the presidential campaign.

Now there was a president who knew how to shake up the plot.<<<

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6 minutes ago, Rdskns2000 said:

Politico: Why Trump Might Quit 


>>>The purpose of the nationally televised Oval Office address was to announce new peace initiatives in Vietnam, but Lyndon B. Johnson saved the most startling news until the end of his speech on March 31, 1968. With his country badly divided over a grinding war, he didn’t believe as president he “should devote an hour or a day of my time to any personal partisan causes.” He was dropping out of the presidential campaign.

Now there was a president who knew how to shake up the plot.<<<

Don't think it's possible. Trump is too self-absorbed to do anything for the good of somebody else. Even if he's miserable in the job because no one likes him, he'd rather make them pay and suffer himself, then give his "enemies" a victory.


He's the guy who'd rather burn down the ship even if he's still on it.

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As long as Trump is in office, he can't be indicted - that is why there is zero chance he will drop out.

After he loses he will whine incessantly and vociferously over bat**** allegations of fraud and the election being stolen. He will likely try to hang on to power, but even if the GOPers don't have the guts to push him aside, the military will make it clear that they will. Trump's last act will be to pardon himself, after which a Supreme Court case will emerge between Cheeto Mussolini and the SDNY over whether he had the power to pardon himself.

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57 minutes ago, Burgold said:

That crossed my mind when I was writing this. Most sane lines have been crossed. Mass shootings in elementary schools don't budge their needle.





Is there one even willing to call the bomb squad?

I should have said that first - When Sandy Hook happened - I think that was the start of the fast downward decline.  The fact that elementary school children were slaughtered and no meaningful gun reform happened, looking back as hindsight is 20/20 you can infer that pretty much there was no bottom for the GOP. We just didn't know at the time that there would be a President that had no regard for any of the Constitution so we weren't projecting it forward too much.  But I think you're right the mass shootings in elementary schools don't budge the needle nothing is going to. So seeing kids in cages is a step up from mass shootings. 


Amash and Romney are the only two that seem to have any kind of backbone and it's just not enough.  All the other rats have left the ship and the rest that remain are going to go down with it come hell or high water. 

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Romney has just enough foresight to realize that by the time he comes up for re-election Trump will be 4 years gone and will probably be hated by the public at large. He is playing the long game. Look how many people *cough* Hillary *cough* were never able to escape the stigma of voting for the Iraq war, which a strong majority of voters supported at the time.

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