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Presidential Election: 11/3/20 ---Now the President Elect Joe Biden Thread

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1 minute ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

I heard people were booing Bernie, is that right?  What'd he do, say Lenin was misunderstood?


Honestly, a lot of the booing for Bernie felt staged.  There were definitely factions for certain candidates in the crowd tonight and it seemed like one faction was prepared to boo anything Bernie said if it was directed towards Biden or Bloomberg. 


Tonight's debate definitely felt like at least 3-4 candidates know that the writing is on the wall if they don't outperform expectations on Super Tuesday.

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Just now, NoCalMike said:


Honestly, a lot of the booing for Bernie felt staged.  There were definitely factions for certain candidates in the crowd tonight and it seemed like one faction was prepared to boo anything Bernie said if it was directed towards Biden or Bloomberg. 


Speaking of factions for certain candidates, I've caught the CNN post game coverage twice now, only to see Elizabeth Warren get an interview with the CNN anchors.  I'm not sure if that's a coincidence.  

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7 minutes ago, Llevron said:

That CNN clip is wild. I don’t even know what to say about that. 


As I recall, it was all out there in 2016 but Hillary decided to take the high road on it.  Probably for the best, all around.


Speaking for myself, I don’t care.  Bernie has always had strong flower child energy.  The goofy stuff he churned out in 1972 after a couple bourbons and a puff is no big deal to me.  Kinda endearing, really.


Still don’t want a hippie President, tho.



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Tipsy thought...If M4A is the great solution to reducing our mutual healthcare outlay, then how much money could we save on healthcare by reducing gunshot victims by 30-40% via effective gun control?


Gotta be a huge number, right?

48 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

I heard people were booing Bernie, is that right?  What'd he do, say Lenin was misunderstood?


I am the walrus.

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Re: Vox article on Sanders' electability and youth turnout


This is a sobering excerpt from the article



This finding in our data mirrors many other surveys: Morning Consult finds dramatic increases in young Americans’ stated turnout intentions when asked how they would vote in matchups between Sanders and Trump.


How huge of a turnout surge does Sanders need to be as electable as a moderate?

The case that Bernie Sanders is just as electable as the more moderate candidates thus appears to rest on a leap of faith: that youth voter turnout would surge in the general election by double digits if and only if Bernie Sanders is nominated, compensating for the voters his nomination pushes to Trump among the rest of the electorate.


There are reasons to doubt a Sanders-driven youth turnout surge of this size would materialize. First, people who promise in surveys they will vote often don’t, meaning the turnout estimates that Sanders’s electability case rests upon are probably extremely inaccurate. Second, such a turnout surge is large in comparison to other effects on turnout. For example, Sanders would need to stimulate a youth turnout boost much larger than the turnout boost Barack Obama’s presence on the ballot stimulated among black voters in 2008.



If we're nominating based on electability, Sanders and Warren are probably not the best bets.  

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2 hours ago, goskins10 said:

She is a war veteran who is still active duty. She has served on the on Armed Services, Homeland Security, and Foreign Affairs committees and served this country most of her adult life. She is solid progressive who also wants to end regime change wars ...


So if you actually believe the Russian asset garbage and not just trying to pull my chain, then I will know not to pay any attention to your comments moving forward. It's pure McCarthyism garbage. Anyone seriously repeating it should be ashamed of themselves. 


And yes Bernie does know what his plan will cost.

Gabbard, a solid progressive!😂😂😂 So solid that she’ll likely end up in the Tя☭mp administration. So solid that Faux News, Bannon and MAGA types love her. As for the no regime change wars thing, she uses that as a distractor to misdirect questions about her long running minimization (*COUGH* support *COUGH*) for Assad’s murderous regime. Who else besides Putin or Assad himself would have to be painted into a corner for over three minutes to finally, grudgingly acknowledge that charges that Assad is a murderous thug aren’t untrue.

As for the Hillary thing, I honestly hadn’t heard about that until now. I came to the conclusion that she’s a Russian asset on my own. It’s not like I needed to be a super genius to figure it out though. It’s obvious for all to see. In the most respectful way possible I’ll just say she’s garbage, and I don’t mean clean, rinsed container recycling type garbage, but dirty two week old restaurant food waste garbage. Her constituents knew it too. That’s why she chose not to run for re-election.

So yeah, you won’t be paying attention to my comments in the future.💩💩💩

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My irrelevant 2 cents as a guy in a red state that is guaranteed to give three electoral college votes to Trump.


My preferred candidate is Amy K.  She really does appeal to red state moderates, in my opinion.  However, I do think that it would be best for her to drop out at this point (if you are someone who thinks a Bernie nomination is most likely to lead to Trump's reelection).  She had to catch fire after her NH debate, and she just didn't do it.  Though I Iike her, she has no chance to do anything but improve Bernie's chances.


I thought Biden helped himself tonight.  He appeared dead in the water a couple weeks ago, but seems to have regained his footing.  I got the feeling that Bloomberg also avoided what could have been a knockout blow by not having a second disastrous debate.  


I was most impressed by Buttigieg.  He seems to have a stronger presence than you would expect from his age and experience level.


I don't have much of an opinion on Warren.  Objectively, she seems to have performed well in the past two debates.  As intelligent as she is, I just find her to not be very genuine or likable.  There is something about her that comes across to me as her being dismissive of others opinions.  Kind of "I know more than you, so shut up and listen".  That may be unfair of me, but I find her to really be an unappealing option as president.


As for Bernie, I think this was a good night for him, even though I felt he really performed poorly in the debate.  It did not appear to be a disaster for him, and I think that is all he needs to continue as the front runner.

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13 minutes ago, Nerm said:


I was most impressed by Buttigieg.  He seems to have a stronger presence than you would expect from his age and experience level.


Been saying that for six months, ever since seeing him twice on Meet the Press. Chuck Todd gave him questions that weren't softballs. And Pete actually dealt with the questions reasonably. Even when the response was simply to recognize that it's going to be tough negotiating, I thought that was the right answer. 


I thought his press presence was Obamaesque. Something seriously lacking in this field, and one hell of a Trump contrast. 

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39 minutes ago, The Sisko said:

Gabbard, a solid progressive!😂😂😂 So solid that she’ll likely end up in the Tя☭mp administration. So solid that Faux News, Bannon and MAGA types love her. As for the no regime change wars thing, she uses that as a distractor to misdirect questions about her long running minimization (*COUGH* support *COUGH*) for Assad’s murderous regime. Who else besides Putin or Assad himself would have to be painted into a corner for over three minutes to finally, grudgingly acknowledge that charges that Assad is a murderous thug aren’t untrue.

As for the Hillary thing, I honestly hadn’t heard about that until now. I came to the conclusion that she’s a Russian asset on my own. It’s not like I needed to be a super genius to figure it out though. It’s obvious for all to see. In the most respectful way possible I’ll just say she’s garbage, and I don’t mean clean, rinsed container recycling type garbage, but dirty two week old restaurant food waste garbage. Her constituents knew it too. That’s why she chose not to run for re-election.

So yeah, you won’t be paying attention to my comments in the future.💩💩💩


I was not going to respond because I doubt you are interested in the full set of facts. But I will make one attempt and that's it. I will not waste the space.


First, fox news, bannon and maga types don't love her. Some do agree with some of her positions, most specifically her approach to regime change wars. Tucker is a mostly worthless POS, but he has been against regime change wars since he first got in the spotlight. So yes, they agree on that. I have friends that are big trump supporters. I hate the ****ing piece of garbage. They like me and I like them. By your logic I must be a trump supporter because I don't hate them. And in case you missed the reference or do not know what it means (no snark), this is the same type of McCarthy guilt by association garbage that he used to stir up distrust and division and is the blue print for trump. He uses the same tactics since he learned from the same person, Roy Cohn.


As for Assad - here are the real facts if you care to know the facts.  https://www.tulsigabbard.org/tulsi-gabbard-on-syria

Short story is she has always said he was a ruthless dictator. But she also said you cannot negotiate peace without dialogue. Also, as member of the House Foreign Affairs and Armed Services committees she has a duty to know the facts. And very little in the way of facts have come out of Syria. No one talks about her also meeting with displaced Syrians, opposition leaders and others.


As for here not running for office again, she is one of the most popular politicians in Hawaii. She was in a heated battle for her congressional seat as someone seized on her running for president. So she decided to run for president.


And yes she is a progressive - she supports MFA and she got into politics to protect the environment. She also believes in free tuition - something I don't agreed with. Those are just a few of her positions. So yes, she is a solid progressive regardless of the rhetoric to the opposite. 


I doubt this will make any difference as you and others have already made up their minds. I have taken the time to understand the facts and see the entire picture and feel very comfortable with my position. Your derogatory comments will not change that.


You don't have to like her. But at least dislike her for the right reason, you don't like her policies. Not based on lies and smears about who she is.



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I hadn't actually watched a full debate all the way through until tonight.


I'd say that Buttiegeg and Klubacher looked the most presidential.  Biden also surprised me and looked like the 2008-2012 version of himself


Warren didn't really have many good moments.  She did take a shot against Bloomberg on that abortion thing but it seemed kind of weird like she was trying to appeal to the few conservative Christian Democrats that still exist


Bernie was Bernie I guess.  I can see the appeal for the people who are in love with his policy positions but he's lacks the charisma other candidates were projecting.


I thought Steyer looked better than Bloomberg,   Made a really good, concise point about Trump collusion with Russia   Also supporting reparations is a bold move  - not sure if he's said that before or if was something new.



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8 minutes ago, Larry said:


Been saying that for six months, ever since seeing him twice on Meet the Press. Chuck Todd gave him questions that weren't softballs. And Pete actually dealt with the questions reasonably. Even when the response was simply to recognize that it's going to be tough negotiating, I thought that was the right answer. 


I thought his press presence was Obamaesque. Something seriously lacking in this field, and one hell of a Trump contrast. 


He comes across as the most reasonable, or ... "mature" person on the stage, even though, visually, he looks too young to be there.  It does remind me of my impression of Obama, now that you mention it.

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