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Nazis showing up at places uninvited.

No Excuses

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Really good essay.  http://www.cnn.com/2017/08/15/politics/donald-trump-press-conference/index.html


Donald Trump is who we thought he was.

After a campaign gestated in birtherism, Trump was slow to condemn the likes of white supremacist David Duke, routinely spoke in coded racial language to energize a segment of people angry about the changing face of the country and condoned violence against those who disagreed with him, Trump, over the last four days, has proven that he is that same person as president.
And that person is the opposite of a leader. And that person is dangerous to this country's well-being.
Trump's comments at a press availability at Trump Tower on Tuesday not only revealed, again, his remarkable blindness to the racial history and realities of this country, but also showed his willingness to stake out morally indefensible positions as the result of personal pique.
Three days after insisting that the blame for the Charlottesville protests spurred by neo-Nazis and white supremacists lay "on many sides," and just a day removed from a more fulsome condemnation of those groups, Trump returned to his original position -- that this was a situation where both sides were wrong and the only people who disagreed with that were the fake news media.
Edited by Spaceman Spiff
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It is stunning to hear some of the people defending and deflecting this morning after the * gave his klandorsement yesterday (yes I'm looking at you Jan Brewer!) but I still keep trying, maybe in vain, to see some silver lining in all of this. Is this, can this be the moment when we as a nation finally face the truth of ourselves, the whole truth nothing but the truth- and grow the **** up? I swear, I can go to my grave in peace if I get to see America finally live up to its own promise, actually act on the fine words bequeathed to us, sincerely open our hearts to one another and accept that we are supposed to do better, simply because of who we claim to be.




Enough of the Klan and enough of neonazis and enough of the underlying pool of poison that they spring out of, enough of the lies, enough of the political pandering and turning a blind eye, enough of the strained silences when your buddy makes that awful joke (that really isn't a joke to him), enough of the looking past and looking through one another, enough of the denial and enough of the pathetic religiosity used to rationalize it all.



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7 hours ago, DogofWar1 said:

Now, now.


Even you don't believe that.


You'll act like you do believe it, but you're just yanking chains.

Bots don't have beliefs; they have programs.

It doesn't feel pain, remorse, or pity. It can't be bargained with or reasoned with. And it absolutely will not stop until every post on this board is dead.

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It disheartens me to still read people defending and justifying the Nazi's, claiming "Trump is right".


Anyone not saying, "Stop reproducing hate, go die in a cesspool" to American Nazi's is a sympathizers is tolerating that garbage.. We should even go beyond condemnation, "condemnation" is such a vague term....


Politically I am starting to see why American Nazis like the GOP who enact policies that have been shown to harm miniorities (like Paul Ryan's budget)... under the guise of "lets worry about the Federal budget we have only handwrung about for 40 years.". 


When it comes to helping younger, newer immigrants in America, these people want to say, "Sorry -- we are out of money."


This is after listening to a Kaiser Foundation person discuss how Hispanics specifically are more reliant (by twice) on govt programs like SCHIP, Obamacare, and Medicaid for their health (via CSPAN).


And then I heard multiple racists call in and spew BS attacking blacks and Mexicans... CSPAN is great place to hear callers political ignorance.


The GOP stands with Nazis and their sympathizers... don't forget that.  They wont impeach Trump over this garbage, will they?

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23 minutes ago, twa said:


yes, but she was a sick joke that earned you Trump.

We gave you a candidate you could have beaten with a dead horse and instead you gave us an evil clown.  You should thank us for for the opportunity and apologize for ****ing it up, not blame us for Trump. That's some serious deflection my friend.


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2 minutes ago, StillUnknown said:

yall are incredibly patient with TWA, he has shown what side he's on. really wish you didn't have to see people you ignore when they are quoted



well over 12hrs, and no resignations from cabinet or staff


duly noted


Ehhh...are you surprised?  They're politicians.  They've lied, cheated and stolen  worked hard to get where they are in life, they're not gonna quit over something as insignificant as this.  


And @twa come on, man.  You can admit that the guy you voted for is a ****up and a racist.  Doesn't make you less of a conservative.  

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Just now, StillUnknown said:

yall are incredibly patient with TWA, he has shown what side he's on. really wish you didn't have to see people you ignore when they are quoted



well over 12hrs, and no resignations from cabinet or staff


duly noted

I got twelve years of history with the guy and my take is it's just his foolish pride that won't let him admit in public how badly they ****ed up.  He knows it and it's weak sauce not to admit it, but heck, I like crazy Uncles.  Maybe I'm naive.  But I don't think so.  The board would be a lot more boring without him.  Most of these political threads are just circle jerks of righteousness.  I happen to agree with the prevailing political leanings of ES (and you) but it's boring to just read the same thoughts over and over. 

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5 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:


Ehhh...are you surprised?  They're politicians.  They've lied, cheated and stolen  worked hard to get where they are in life, they're not gonna quit over something as insignificant as this. 


this is different


i don't view endorsing white supremacy as insignificant 

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33 minutes ago, KAOSkins said:

I got twelve years of history with the guy and my take is it's just his foolish pride that won't let him admit in public how badly they ****ed up.  He knows it and it's weak sauce not to admit it, but heck, I like crazy Uncles.  Maybe I'm naive.  But I don't think so.  The board would be a lot more boring without him.  Most of these political threads are just circle jerks of righteousness.  I happen to agree with the prevailing political leanings of ES (and you) but it's boring to just read the same thoughts over and over. 


I have been on this site a very long time as well, and I know and like twa too, but this is one of those rare line in the sand moments. I have to say that I am very disappointed

Edited by Mr. Sinister
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36 minutes ago, KAOSkins said:

I got twelve years of history with the guy and my take is it's just his foolish pride that won't let him admit in public how badly they ****ed up.  He knows it and it's weak sauce not to admit it, but heck, I like crazy Uncles.  Maybe I'm naive.  But I don't think so.  The board would be a lot more boring without him.  Most of these political threads are just circle jerks of righteousness.  I happen to agree with the prevailing political leanings of ES (and you) but it's boring to just read the same thoughts over and over. 


I tend to agree with you, but twa's drive-by, half-baked, 3 or 4 word utterances do a disservice to "his side."  They are troll posts.  They do break up the "circle jerks of righteousness," [I like that phrase!] but if we're hungry for sustenance from the right wing, he's serving up rancid baloney sandwiches. 


He can do better.  I've seen it.  But only on very rare occasions.  Heartfelt, thought-provoking posts from twa seem to be rarer than the upcoming solar eclipse.

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10 minutes ago, justice98 said:


And for some reason, a segment of people out there think he's a bad guy.


Click on his first tweet and look at the responses. They honestly feel like he's being fake. Like you can't be a nice person, have some conflicts and still be sincere. It's really wild. Sometimes I think it has more to do with their own moral guilt than it does with him being black. 

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20 minutes ago, Mr. Sinister said:


I have been on this site a very long time as well, and I know and like twa too, but this is one of those rare line in the sand moments. I have to say that I am very disappointed


Why now? We knew exactly what Trump was. And many social knuckledraggers like twa voted for him anyways. 


They don't work on the same moral plane as decent people. Normal, decent folks were repulsed by a racist who openly admitted to sexually assaulting women. 


The twa's of this world don't really care and voted for a man who has openly admitted to ogling naked teenage girls in locker rooms. 


You will never find a common moral ground with people like this. What repluses you, like a predator who assaults women and dehumanizes people of color, social cons like twa readily approved of.

Edited by No Excuses
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I get the impression that, for people like TWA, it's a bit like defending the Redskins starting John Beck.


Sure, you know everything about him is awful, but after weeks of pretending that "Rex Grossman is just as bad!" and "At least he might surprise us!", we're sitting through a three game stretch of...well, John Beck. 

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