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ESPN.com: Kirk Cousins contract talks with Redskins on positive track


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8 minutes ago, elkabong82 said:

All the fun and excitement of a potentially good season is ruined if no LTD. In the back of all our minds, we'll be thinking Kirk is gone next year and the team will regress back to being bad.

I'm already uneasy about Pryor and Brown who I think can be pivotal pieces in taking a step forward as the one year deals they took with us indicate they are ready to break the bank.  Potentially not having a QB or having to pay a QB 34M for one season, while most likely losing some valuable pieces of the roster at the same time doesn't breed confidence for the future.  Add to that this new front office makeup and there are literally no guarantees that we don't rejoin the annual bottom feeders ball.

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2 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

While what you are saying is true, you still have to pay out the nose even if you extend a good, young QB while still under contract.  The Raiders didn't 'have to' extend Carr and give him 25M per season.  Reports indicate that the Lions intend to give Stafford an extension that is incrementally more than Carr's deal.  So while the tag doesn't come into play, it's still a buttload of money.  Nobody gets a  legit starting QB on a non-rookie deal at a bargain price not named Tom Brady.  I'm sure the looming Aaron Rodgers extension will break all records and that's coming from an organization that is historically pretty damn cheap.


The difference is Oakland had 3 yrs starting to know what they have. I get the whole money thing. But it's not about that. They have shown they will pay guys. T Williams, Kerrigan, Norman, D Jackson when he was a FA, Morgan Moses.


If they don't get a deal done I do not think it's just the money. They (it appears it's Bruce Allen) have to not be sold on Kirk. If they get on a more normal cycle they will have more information.


And before the onslaught starts - I am not saying I agree that they don't have enough info on Kirk.

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Just another season of not buying anything Redskins related for me. Business as usual really. I am going to find it really hard to care this season if we are just going to be back at square 1 with the qb situation next season. Unless we build a defense ala Texans/Seahawks, which we are a ways away from, we wont be competitive again for the foreseeable future. At least we can get 3 seasons of competitive football in a row, which is more than I can say for any point of my fandom.


Unfortunately, the only thing the Redskins have not tried in my tenure as a fan (1991) is consistency at qb and coach. They had the opportunity and are letting it slip away. I cannot imagine any chance he gets signed after this season and I cannot imagine us finding a decent qb right away again seeing as it took 26 years for us to finally groom our own. Jay is a good coach. He is not a miracle worker.

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The consensus seems to be though that Kirk does not want to sign a LTD this year unless it is for a record breaking salary and guarantees and even then he is lukewarm on the idea.  He gets $24m this year and any LTD next year will be bigger than this one plus he already has banked the tag money, why would he sign now?  I agree with the narrative of the last few days that Kirk does not want to sign but I just disagree that it has anything to do with emotions or not feeling wanted, he has a chance to max out his earning potential and like anyone else in his situation he is going to take it.  I think the FO is pretty well aware at this point that any offer is likely to be declined so why waste time on the dance, everyone seems happy to wait out the year and let the market set the value and again, if Kirk and the team see a Superbowl in their future next year then the marriage probably happens.

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1 minute ago, Bonez3 said:

If this thread was frustrating, think of how bad the thread will be if Kirk and the Skins are succeeding in mid October and the very real possibility we won't be signing him in all likelihood. 

Yeah well this thread dies at 4pm today.



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1 minute ago, Bonez3 said:

If this thread was frustrating, think of how bad the thread will be if Kirk and the Skins are succeeding in mid October and the very real possibility we won't be signing him in all likelihood. 

If that's the case, I'll just try and enjoy the moment, because I have no idea what the future will hold...

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15 minutes ago, TD_washingtonredskins said:

I'm interested to see this from you...is that your time frame to close down this thread? HA! Or, do you still have any hope of something happening?

New thread starts at 4:01pm today & the only hope I have for today is that RAW doesn't suck tonight. :table2:

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8 minutes ago, moondog said:

Any chance whatsoever of a deal or have all talks completely ceased?

I personally haven't heard anything but that's probably because I know better to ask with 4 & a half hours to go. There's times to reach out to peeps & this close to the deadline isn't it. Last thing I had heard was they weren't getting back to working on it until yesterday.


  1. now that being said, a few things I keep going back to:  
  3. Bruce is cheap. 


Dan dislikes Kyle enough to stop him from getting Kirk.


Dan can over rule Bruce.

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13 minutes ago, Bonez3 said:

If this thread was frustrating, think of how bad the thread will be if Kirk and the Skins are succeeding in mid October and the very real possibility we won't be signing him in all likelihood. 


In that scenario, say we're 6-2 and looking decent.  We won't even be able to enjoy it cuz every single week will be angst and questions about Kirk.  


How many weeks into the season will it be before Gruden snaps at somebody asking about it?

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50 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

You know what's interesting though?  Many of the Kirk detractors point to him being good-not great and folds in big moments. 


What has Bruce done other than just the basics here by having some salary cap restraint?  He traded the farm for a guy that will never play another snap in the NFL.  He hired a GM and didn't let him GM, then canned him.  He's locked up 44M and potentially more in franchise tag salaries to a QB he's not sold on.  These are all 'big moments' for a general manager and he's struck out swinging in all 3. 


Yet these folks love them some Bruce.  Can't make this stuff up.

I firmly believe there are zero Bruce supporters on ES. He's the worst, he's Cerrato number two, he's a glorified PR guy, he gets and deserves no respect. I have no idea what kind of self-respecting Skins fan you think "loves" Bruce, but I haven't met one. If your view of this negotiation is that this is a Kirk vs Bruce showdown and if you're not a Kirk guy then you're an Bruce guy, well then that would be completely wrong. 


This part isn't directed at you, it's just my view in general- Here are the facts in a nutshell, Kirk has put up top 5-10 ranked stats and Kirk has choked during his entire adult career. The bargain shopping opportunity is behind us as he's commanding $25M/yr, so why not let him play on the tag and prove he can buck up in the big games? The truth is that his salary demand is currently at the ceiling where any higher would be unrealistic, even for the Browns, so next season he'll either proves he's a winner and we pay top dollar, or he proves he's the epitome of the Redskins offense- great between the twenties, but can't punch it in. 

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3 minutes ago, justice98 said:


In that scenario, say we're 6-2 and looking decent.  We won't even be able to enjoy it cuz every single week will be angst and questions about Kirk.  


How many weeks into the season will it be before Gruden snaps at somebody asking about it?

We wont even make it to the season before it gets old. Hell, it already is old. 

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1 minute ago, CTskin said:

I firmly believe there are zero Bruce supporters on ES. He's the worst, he's Cerrato number two, he's a glorified PR guy, he gets and deserves no respect. I have no idea what kind of self-respecting Skins fan you think "loves" Allen, but I haven't met one. If your view of this negotiation is that this is a Kirk vs Bruce showdown and if you're not a Kirk guy then you're an Allen guy, well then that would be completely wrong. 



You haven't been looking hard enough.  Check the GM search thread for confirmation of what I'm saying.  There are quite a few that buy into this front office led by Allen.  But to me where all of it ties together is that it's Allen's job to have never let this thing get to this point where Kirk can demand such a salary.  He didn't and here we are.  And before anyone reminds me that most thought Kirk hadn't done enough at the end of 2015 to warrant a deal, 'most' doesn't consist of anyone with the responsibility of running an NFL front office.


Not all of the Kirk detractors fit the Pro-Bruce dynamic, as there are the RG3 apologists and the unicorn hunters as well in that fold.

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12 minutes ago, justice98 said:


In that scenario, say we're 6-2 and looking decent.  We won't even be able to enjoy it cuz every single week will be angst and questions about Kirk.  


How many weeks into the season will it be before Gruden snaps at somebody asking about it?

 October 15th (my birthday) we play SFO at home. I plan to be there and I predict we are having good year culminated by a huge home win versus Kyle. Only to bring frustration to epic levels suspecting that's the team he will be playing for next year and beating us.

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For all those who think Cousins isn't worth the money....just wait until the Redskins slip back into quarterback purgatory and Cousins would look like the Saviour.  Bad times coming.  I am already warming up to the 49ers because I need a team and don't want to spend the rest of my life rooting for a dysfunctional drama queen franchise that continually teases you every off season then is not even in the hunt by mid-October.

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15 minutes ago, justice98 said:


In that scenario, say we're 6-2 and looking decent.  We won't even be able to enjoy it cuz every single week will be angst and questions about Kirk.  


How many weeks into the season will it be before Gruden snaps at somebody asking about it?


Speak for yourself man. If we are 6-2, I will have ZERO angst about the KC situation. Every game we win will only increase the odds that he returns. 

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I wonder if Dan realizes that a failure to get a LTD for Cousins will also bring back all the backlash from Scot firing and all positivity earned from the draft will be lost (and likely credited to Scot). Plus, it's going to impact financials big time.

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6 minutes ago, XtremeFan55 said:

For all those who think Cousins isn't worth the money....just wait until the Redskins slip back into quarterback purgatory and Cousins would look like the Saviour.  Bad times coming.  I am already warming up to the 49ers because I need a team and don't want to spend the rest of my life rooting for a dysfunctional drama queen franchise that continually teases you every off season then is not even in the hunt by mid-October.

Gross. Go join them then.



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I don't know if the love for Scot is warranted on the Kirk front. While he did want him signed during Training Camp 2015 (we don't know if Kirk would have signed at that point), he was also uncomfortable with the $20M price tag. And according to Jason Cole, Scot wanted to trade Kirk earlier this off-season and Bruce nixed it because he wanted to work at a long term deal.





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11 minutes ago, XtremeFan55 said:

For all those who think Cousins isn't worth the money....just wait until the Redskins slip back into quarterback purgatory and Cousins would look like the Saviour.  Bad times coming.  I am already warming up to the 49ers because I need a team and don't want to spend the rest of my life rooting for a dysfunctional drama queen franchise that continually teases you every off season then is not even in the hunt by mid-October.

Just go now then. I don't want to hear this kind of nonsense out of this fanbase. If you can honestly say that you could switch allegiances then you were never a proper fan in the first place.


Everyone's moaning like if we don't sign Kirk now, there's zero chance of retaining him next year (which there is). And in that event, we'd never have a chance of playing well again (which there is). It's all so childish. Grow up. 

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This sucks man, this team can be something for the next half decade with Cousins. I hope they know what they are doing but with this FO's record it's hard to be optimistic. Oh well, can't wait for training camp to start I'll worry about next year next year. At least Zeke and the Cowboys and starting to implode, misery loves company.

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