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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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14 minutes ago, Captain Wiggles said:

Some racist got a tomato on theys whopper when they ordered it with no tomato. 🤭

I used to laugh and giggle too until something or another sent someone into shock. 

Had to call an ambulance and everything that follows. 


Whether they tell you or not, treat that special request seriously.  I will take yours seriously. 

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My parents told me about a favorite restaurant of theirs. Had a lot of regulars. And one regular always ordered a sandwich without mayo. And they got permission to make him two sandwiches, one with mayo, one without. So the waitress could do that. 

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On 9/7/2023 at 5:46 PM, China said:




Georgia Prosecutor Sharply Rebukes House Republican Investigating Her


The district attorney leading a criminal case against Donald J. Trump and his allies in Georgia accused Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio of trying to obstruct her prosecution of the case in a sharply worded letter she sent on Thursday.


Soon after the district attorney, Fani T. Willis, a Democrat, announced last month that she was bringing a racketeering case against Mr. Trump and 18 other defendants for their efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in Georgia, Mr. Jordan, a Republican and chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said that he was going to investigate Ms. Willis over whether her prosecution of Mr. Trump was politically motivated.


In her letter, Ms. Willis accused Mr. Jordan of trying “to obstruct a Georgia criminal proceeding and to advance outrageous partisan misrepresentations,” and of not understanding how the state’s racketeering law works.


“Your attempt to invoke congressional authority to intrude upon and interfere with an active criminal case in Georgia is flagrantly at odds with the Constitution,” she added. “The defendants in this case have been charged under state law with committing state crimes. There is absolutely no support for Congress purporting to second guess or somehow supervise an ongoing Georgia criminal investigation and prosecution.”


In her letter to Mr. Jordan, Ms. Willis invited him to purchase a book about racketeering statutes written by one her fellow prosecutors on the Trump case, John Floyd, titled “RICO State by State.”


“As a non-member of the bar,” she wrote, “you can purchase a copy for two hundred forty-nine dollars.”


Click on the link for the full article


The full letter:




the problem with this sort of thing..... OF COURSE Ms. Willis is 100% correct.   100%.   But Gym-boy is never actually trying to make a legal argument.  never.    He is ALWAYS sending warm-fuzzy signals to "the team".... he is never trying to make an actual logical or legal argument.   He is counting on the captured "media" to reinforce his spin to the maga-faithful, and we all know it will play out for Gymbo just as intended.   


When the "media" is captured, facts don't matter.   There are always more convenient "alternative facts" to roll out to the faithful.    .....  always.   


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GOP Rep Who Pushes ‘Traditional Values’ Is Accused of Affair With Lobbyist


Melody Duncan, wife of Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC), filed for a divorce on Friday, citing her husband’s multiple alleged affairs and a particular mistress she identified as Liz Williams, who is a lobbyist with the lobbying firm Liz Williams and Co. Jeff Duncan has marketed himself on his website as a “strong advocate for life and traditional values” and shares three adult children with Melody. But, according to a complaint obtained by South Carolina’s Index-Journal, he went immediately to Williams’ home in D.C. after a “Faith and Freedom BBQ” in August, one of South Carolina’s biggest GOP gatherings. He also left his marital home to shack up with a woman with whom he’d had an affair, the complaint alleges. Duncan’s “extramarital relationship(s) is/are widely known in political circles in North Carolina and Washington DC,” the complaint says, adding that he’d allegedly had affairs with at least one other woman besides Williams.


Click on the link for more

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2 hours ago, Long n Left said:

Wouldn’t be the first time that someone confused about their own sexuality was one of the loudest critics of homosexuality.


Generally speaking people struggling the most to accept or understand things they perceive as "wrong" with them tend to do that. Its some weird self hate projection thing. I'm sure there is a term for it I don't know. I see many black republicans the same way. Not all, obviously. But the really out there and loud ones. All that **** Kanye West was doing....self hate. Its the same **** imo. The Republican party is very much full of that kind of stuff these days. 


Madison Cawthorn says hello from his political grave 


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They want to rule, not govern:


Project 2025: The Republican Plan to Dismantle the American Government


As we learned from last week’s Republican debates, the leading candidates for the GOP nomination all appear to agree on a broad plan to gut American government and replace it with a strongman president and corporate rule.


The modern administrative state, sometimes called the “welfare state” by Republicans, was largely created by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in response to the Republican Great Depression of the early 1930s. And every day since FDR was sworn into office on March 4, 1933, the GOP has worked feverishly to dismantle his legacy.


Outside of Russia, China, and Hungary, this isn’t true at all for the rest of the developed world.


Nations across the rest of Europe, South America, and Asia imitated FDR’s and LBJ’s America, most going beyond our simple development of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and the legalization of unions to further expand opportunity and social mobility for their citizens.


For example, Taiwan has the most efficient and comprehensive single-payer healthcare system in the world; Germany requires half of the members of every large corporation’s board of directors to come from the ranks of organized labor; Luxembourg has the highest national minimum wage in the world at roughly $19.50 an hour (they calculate it monthly).


All of Europe is pledged to reduce greenhouse gasses to get climate change under control, and they require chemical companies to prove their new compounds are safe before introducing them into food or the environment (the “precautionary principle”).


Prisons across the rest of the developed world are committed to rehabilitation and only in America are run for profit; every other developed country carefully regulates the possession of guns; pharmaceuticals are inexpensive—at least half, and sometimes a tenth of their cost here in the US—in every other developed country in the world.


Republicans and the billionaires who fund them reject all of that.


They want to abandon modern ideas like prohibitions on child labor and the age of consent; worker and workplace protections and unions; free, quality public schools and colleges; civil rights and the power of women to make their own healthcare decisions.


They’re dedicated to taking America back to the era before the New Deal and, as Steve Bannon said, “deconstructing the administrative state.”


Over the years, the GOP has used a series of plans to reach their goal of a billionaire- and-corporate-owned-and-run America with working people turned into serfs and children in factories instead of school.


In 1971, it was the Powell Memo, written by Virginia tobacco lawyer Lewis Powell and delivered to the US Chamber of Commerce. It called for a rightwing takeover of America’s schools and colleges; building out a corporate-friendly media infrastructure; packing the courts with pro-corporate, anti-labor conservatives; and the wholesale purchase of Republican politicians at both the state and federal level.


The following year Richard Nixon put Powell on the Supreme Court and over the next quarter-century he used that position to put many of his own suggestions into law. In addition to decisions gutting the powers of unions and deregulating industry, Powell’s major achievement was authoring the 1978 Boston v Bellotti decision that struck down hundreds of state and federal anti-corruption laws, explicitly allowing corporations and their senior officers to bribe politicians for the first time in American history.


No other developed country in the world tolerates this; outside of the United States, you only find it in developing countries that have been taken over by corrupt autocrats.


Two years later, when Ronald Reagan cut a traitorous deal with the Ayatollah to hold the American hostages in Iran long enough to destroy Jimmy Carter’s chances in the 1980 election, the Heritage Foundation stepped up with a plan to further gut the rights and powers of working-class people and elevate corporate and billionaire power.


They called it the Mandate for Leadership and, at the time, The Washington Post said it was “an action plan for turning the government toward the right as fast as possible.”


Reagan adopted over half of Heritage’s suggestions and in some cases went even farther, cutting enforcement of our anti-trust laws; ending the Fairness Doctrine; slashing the top income tax rate on the morbidly rich from 74 percent down to 27 percent; declaring all-out war on unions; gutting the EPA, Education, and Labor Departments; and selling off federal lands for pennies on the dollar to mining and drilling operations.


Now the partly-billionaire-funded Heritage Foundation has laid out a second-stage plan for the next Republican administration, whether it’s Trump or somebody else, whether it’s next year or in future presidential election cycles.


They call it Project 2025. With it, they intend to finally and fully seize control of and transform America. With it, they will rule.


Click on the link for the rest

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5 hours ago, China said:

GOP Rep Who Pushes ‘Traditional Values’ Is Accused of Affair With Lobbyist


Melody Duncan, wife of Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC), filed for a divorce on Friday, citing her husband’s multiple alleged affairs and a particular mistress she identified as Liz Williams, who is a lobbyist with the lobbying firm Liz Williams and Co. Jeff Duncan has marketed himself on his website as a “strong advocate for life and traditional values” and shares three adult children with Melody. But, according to a complaint obtained by South Carolina’s Index-Journal, he went immediately to Williams’ home in D.C. after a “Faith and Freedom BBQ” in August, one of South Carolina’s biggest GOP gatherings. He also left his marital home to shack up with a woman with whom he’d had an affair, the complaint alleges. Duncan’s “extramarital relationship(s) is/are widely known in political circles in North Carolina and Washington DC,” the complaint says, adding that he’d allegedly had affairs with at least one other woman besides Williams.


Click on the link for more

Just saying, I think the numbers would argue that cheating on your wife is a traditional family value. 

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1 hour ago, TheGreatBuzz said:

Don't let it get lost in all this that she stuck around and supported all this ****, then tried to continue to work for Trump afterwards.  I appreciate using what she knows.  But **** that ****. 


I watched the interview last night and was also struck that she saw all of the **** going down and was still willing to work for him and was looking for apartments in Florida. She's super smart, in some ways.


That's what gets me, these people kept quiet until they had to take an oath and testify. It's the keeping quiet part that upsets me, letting the Fascists take hold and trying to overthrow our government. Obviously, the Constitution means nothing to them.

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4 hours ago, ixcuincle said:



Also he's right that the second you mention Biden people get leery like ARE YOU GOING TO INSULT HIM HE'S DOING A GOOD JOB 


let's stop acting like he's infallible lol 


Who the hell says that?...Biden gets made fun of constantly by late night talk show hosts, his age is criticized all the time by Dem voters and even the press, and I've yet to run into anyone on Twitter who becomes defensive about Biden. My own personal experience has been that most Democrats don't really give a rat's ass if Biden is criticized, as long as it's valid criticism (and not, for example, generic "Biden crime family" nonsense or "Sleepy Joe/Let's Go Brandon" type of stuff).

Edited by Califan007 The Constipated
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6 minutes ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:


Who the hell says that?...Biden gets made fun of constantly by late night talk show hosts, his age is criticized all the time by Dem voters and even the press, and I've yet to run into anyone on Twitter who becomes defensive about Biden. My own personal experience has been that most Democrats don't really give a rat's ass if Biden is criticized, as long as it's valid criticism (and not, for example, generic "Biden crime family" nonsense or "Sleep Joe/Let's Go Brandon" type of stuff).

because they are willing to accept it over the alternative. bro is 90 years old running for reelection 

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if Biden loses this election , we are really screwed as a country.




Edit: @ixcuincle I cannot see any articles posted from instagram. For some reason I tried to sign up a month ago and it won’t let me. Won’t send me verification. Anyways, you post from there often and I know a few other people say they don’t click the links because there isn’t any description. Would you mind posting a quick description so that we all know what it is you are trying to show us? Thanks.

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8 minutes ago, Fan since a Fetus said:

Brian Kemp fromGeorgia is saying he will vote for Trump over Biden because Trump will surround himself with better people and will run the government better


I actually don't believe him when he says that. That's a political comment to help him as much as it might with the most hardcore cultists. Especially, the elected officials in the state who he needs to get whatever he's doing done. 

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4 minutes ago, @DCGoldPants said:


I actually don't believe him when he says that. That's a political comment to help him as much as it might with the most hardcore cultists. Especially, the elected officials in the state who he needs to get whatever he's doing done. 

Oh, no...I live here...trust me, he means that ****.  He absolutely WILL vote for trump.  He can (and will) demolish this state if he even gets half the chance.  He's an idiotic moron as well as a "hardcore cultist".  


Stacey Abrams, y'all!!! 

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