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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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Boebert's only value in the GOP's eyes was that she was a money draw for donors...that was her role: keep  performing so that the rubes keep the coffers full, and always vote the party line. She never, ever, did anything else and was more than content just doing those two things. Well, until the 2022 election gave the GOP a slim majority...after that, she wanted to be more than Bobo the dancing clown. But I don't think being Bobo the dick-fondling moron will bring in the money like before lol...(not to mention she's having one helluva hard time raising money for her own campaign as it is).

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6 hours ago, Cooked Crack said:



No truer words have ever been spoken. This according to the cctv at the Beetlejuice musical.


Do, let's recap. This **** goes full retard by a) vaping at the show even though she was asked not to, b) was indignant to others by being a complete asshat in the theater,  c) allowing her "date" fondle her in public all the while engaging in fondling her "date" in return, d) shining her sorry ass when she is escorted out of show for the things she did with no remorse, e) being a ****ing useless republican ass that attempts to warp the minds of her constituents by claiming she's all about morals and Christianity,  f) being an usless human being but attempting to portray herself as a warrior of the people, g) a Trumper gun toting moron who clearly has no clue between right and wrong, h) a hypocritical **** who is a mamaw in her 30s but professes that this is enough to be a pro-lifer, i) her education is less than her show size but wants everyone to think she's smarter than everyone else, j) I'm tired of typing about some hooker that got elected and thinks she's better than everyone else, k) a prostitute for hire but swears she has morals, l) can't spell morals, m) money hungry ass that has manipulated her actual finance spending, n) has defended the abhorrent behavior of her ex-husband and his open wanking of his genitals in public, o) oh the humanity of it all, p) her acceptance of penis showing in public, q) her iq is that of a garden slug, r) is so low of a human being that she engages in a cat fight with the Neanderthal known to us as MTG, s) carries a firearm and brandishes it as a declaration of her loyalty when in fact she's only showing why there should be stricter gun laws, t) what self respecting woman allows a man to grope her in front of a packed house at a.musical, u) piggybacking off t, how does she show any self respect for herself and her female constituents, v) very ****ing stupid, w) continues to make herself look like a useless twit all the while claiming she's fighting for American people,  x) can't hold a coherent thought when in a congressional hearing, y) why the **** have I kept this going for woman who doesn't deserve this much attention,  z) a completely horrible, useless, uneducated, bag of dumbassery that has no business representing our nation and deserves a swift kick in her can right off the capitol grounds.


Please tip your waiter/waitress on your way out. Thank you for your patronage.



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2 minutes ago, skinsfan4128 said:

No truer words have ever been spoken. This according to the cctv at the Beetlejuice musical.


Do, let's recap. This **** goes full retard by a) vaping at the show even though she was asked not to, b) was indignant to others by being a complete asshat in the theater,  c) allowing her "date" fondle her in public all the while engaging in fondling her "date" in return, d) shining her sorry ass when she is escorted out of show for the things she did with no remorse, e) being a ****ing useless republican ass that attempts to warp the minds of her constituents by claiming she's all about morals and Christianity,  f) being an usless human being but attempting to portray herself as a warrior of the people, g) a Trumper gun toting moron who clearly has no clue between right and wrong, h) a hypocritical **** who is a mamaw in her 30s but professes that this is enough to be a pro-lifer, i) her education is less than her show size but wants everyone to think she's smarter than everyone else, j) I'm tired of typing about some hooker that got elected and thinks she's better than everyone else, k) a prostitute for hire but swears she has morals, l) can't spell morals, m) money hungry ass that has manipulated her actual finance spending, n) has defended the abhorrent behavior of her ex-husband and his open wanking of his genitals in public, o) oh the humanity of it all, p) her acceptance of penis showing in public, q) her iq is that of a garden slug, r) is so low of a human being that she engages in a cat fight with the Neanderthal known to us as MTG, s) carries a firearm and brandishes it as a declaration of her loyalty when in fact she's only showing why there should be stricter gun laws, t) what self respecting woman allows a man to grope her in front of a packed house at a.musical, u) piggybacking off t, how does she show any self respect for herself and her female constituents, v) very ****ing stupid, w) continues to make herself look like a useless twit all the while claiming she's fighting for American people,  x) can't hold a coherent thought when in a congressional hearing, y) why the **** have I kept this going for woman who doesn't deserve this much attention,  z) a completely horrible, useless, uneducated, bag of dumbassery that has no business representing our nation and deserves a swift kick in her can right off the capitol grounds.


Please tip your waiter/waitress on your way out. Thank you for your patronage.





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1 hour ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:


I take offense to this, sir. Garden slugs serve a positive purpose by eating the dead leaves and insects that can overrun a garden...which means it does far more for society than Bobo the Vaping Boob Model could ever dream of doing.

And for some reason, they love my front door.   They've grossed me out since I was a kid...hubby used to crack up laughing cuz I'd scream if I saw one.   :ols:

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2 minutes ago, Fan since a Fetus said:

Ooooo, got a link for that? I know he owns a bar, but that’s interesting. Is he one of the evil left groomers I keep hearing about?


I've seen this several places, only adds to the disgust of the Fascists of this woman who plays on their team. 


I bet she gets primaried.

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 Lauren’s got herself a big brown beaver

and she shows it off to her OnlyFans

One day that beaver tried to leave her

and she kicked it with Quinn instead 


Along came Cruz with Marge the Baboon 

and said I recognize that smell

Smells like seven layers

that beaver eats Taco Bell 



Lauren loved her big brown beaver and she stroked it all the time

She pricked her finger one day and it occurred to her 

she might have a porcupine

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