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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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30 minutes ago, Ball Security said:

Wait…she’ll dismantle the department of education…and start from scratch…because these are our kids…not the government’s…but if you win and create a new one…you are the government…wut?


Well, remember that modern Republicans are NOT small government. They're big government, way more so than any Democrats of the past. Big government is just dandy to them as long as it's pushing their ideology or punishing private companies and individuals who say things they don't like.


So the likely actual plan would be dismantling the current department of education and then creating one that pushes far right ideology and punishes any dissent. Science text books would probably completely leave out evolution by saying it's "not proven", slavery would be completely wiped from history text books, LGBTQ kids would be shamed and treated as subhuman, etc.

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Matt Gaetz Seethes at ‘Disloyal Hackery’ After Vids Emerge of Him Prepping DeSantis on Handling Trump


Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) groaned over the release of footage showing him working with Ron DeSantis (R) years ago while the governor-to-be was contemplating how to deal with Donald Trump.


On Sunday, ABC News’ aired newly-obtained videos from 2018 when DeSantis was still running for governor. Gaetz was an adviser for DeSantis back then, so the footage showed the two of them standing next to each other for a mock debate in which Gaetz asked DeSantis “Is there any issue upon which you disagree with President Trump?”


The clip was one of several where DeSantis was shown pondering how to address certain issues and stay in the good graces of the ex-president’s supporters. In response to the re-emerged videos, Gaetz got on Twitter to denounce the leak and condemn the release as “disloyal hackery.” He also rejected the idea that it casts DeSantis in an unflattering political light.



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In the new Republican worldview, almost all news is fake


It’s no secret that political polarization plays a big role in determining which news outlets Americans tune into. But a new survey hints at something different, and more troubling: Republicans appear to be developing a mistrust of most news operations altogether. The MAGA “fake news” smears have metastasized into a deeper problem.


A recent survey of 1,500 Americans conducted by YouGov, a British internet-based analytics firm, documents how much — or how little — Americans trust scores of different media outlets. When broken down by partisan affiliation, at first blush the results seem predictable, with Democrats reporting much higher net trust than Republicans in many mainstream centrist or center-left media outlets, such as the Associated Press and PBS. 


But Vox’s Zack Beauchamp flagged something surprising in the poll: More Democrats than Republicans report trust in many conservative media outlets, including the Daily Caller, the New York Post and the Washington Examiner. For example, when it comes to National Review, a conservative journal founded by the famous conservative intellectual William F. Buckley Jr. in the 1950s, Democrats’ net trust in the magazine comes in at 20%, while Republicans’ is a mere 3%. The New York Post, an iconic right-wing tabloid, shows similar margins. (Net trust was calculated by the difference between the percentages of people who say an outlet is trustworthy or very trustworthy, and those who say it is untrustworthy or very untrustworthy. People who say they didn’t know or declined to assign trustworthiness were not included in the calculation.)


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