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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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2 minutes ago, China said:


It won't bother them enough to vote for someone else.  

No, but it might be enough to get them not to show up to the polls in the first place.  

1 hour ago, GhostofSparta said:

"Oh, she wasn't talking about ME or my friend/relative/co-worker/etc. She was talking about other people who do that."


Boom. Now the ones that bother to care what she actually says can justify it. Problem solved.

Maybe. I know some very conservative people(in-laws) with blended families and adopted children that would absolutely take offense and be enraged by these comments. They are extremely proud of the fact that they foster and adopt children. It defines them. 

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Matt Regier


Tiny Mind.
Big Mouth.


This is my personal website because obviously it's my name so why wouldn't it be since I totally secured my own name. Also, I'm not wearing a jacket in my photo which makes it even more clear this is my personal fun website because I'm super casual.





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1 hour ago, CobraCommander said:

Maybe. I know some very conservative people(in-laws) with blended families and adopted children that would absolutely take offense and be enraged by these comments. They are extremely proud of the fact that they foster and adopt children. It defines them. 

I have an aunt who's infertile so her and my uncle adopted 2 Chinese girls. One of my wife's best friends from childhood found out she was infertile so her and her husband adopted 2 Sudanese boys who were refugees. All love their kids like they were blood. All conservative Christians who have gotten some nasty comments from their own communities that they can't believe and never would've expected. All are still members of churches full of the people who made those comments. All still consider themselves Conservatives and vote Republican despite that being the same community that said these awful things to them.


Your conservative in-laws may be offended (and rightly so) by the comments of MTG. But I'd bet good, solid money that if the choice was between voting for the Conservative Republican who hates their guts or voting for a Dem, or even not voting and allowing the possibility that a Dem wins, well.....if they're anything like the people I know, MTG knows she can say this **** because the people who should hate her just hate her opponents even more due to conditioning.


It sucks, but I grew up with extremely conservative Christians who would be able to justify voting for the actual, literal, Biblical Devil as long as he had that (R) next to his name on the ballot. Turn out that people will vote for the Leopards Who Eat People's Faces even while that leopard is eating their own face.

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As an adoptive parent of four, I can MTG is wrong. Ironically, it's not from my position  as adoptive parent that I know her to be wrong. I know she is wrong because my step dad was my dad in every meaningful way. It was he who read the Lord of the Rings to me, went to my soccer games all over the east coast, and modeled how a husband should behave. It wasn't the seconds to hours in bed that made my dad my dad. It was the decades spent raising me.  I knew my biological dad, but my step dad was my dad in every MEANINGFUL way despite whatever MTG may think.


I would suggest a long look in the mirror for anyone tempted to buy MTG's theory on what makes a parent. What really makes a parent? What makes a parent they want to be or wish they had? What makes a parent raising the next generation to be all we want them to be or more importantly all they want to be?

Edited by gbear
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29 minutes ago, GhostofSparta said:

I have an aunt who's infertile so her and my uncle adopted 2 Chinese girls. One of my wife's best friends from childhood found out she was infertile so her and her husband adopted 2 Sudanese boys who were refugees. All love their kids like they were blood. All conservative Christians who have gotten some nasty comments from their own communities that they can't believe and never would've expected. All are still members of churches full of the people who made those comments. All still consider themselves Conservatives and vote Republican despite that being the same community that said these awful things to them.


Your conservative in-laws may be offended (and rightly so) by the comments of MTG. But I'd bet good, solid money that if the choice was between voting for the Conservative Republican who hates their guts or voting for a Dem, or even not voting and allowing the possibility that a Dem wins, well.....if they're anything like the people I know, MTG knows she can say this **** because the people who should hate her just hate her opponents even more due to conditioning.


It sucks, but I grew up with extremely conservative Christians who would be able to justify voting for the actual, literal, Biblical Devil as long as he had that (R) next to his name on the ballot. Turn out that people will vote for the Leopards Who Eat People's Faces even while that leopard is eating their own face.

It's funny you mention voting because other than my wife's parents a lot of them don't actually vote, and they proudly announce it. I remember one uncle ****ing about Obama but said he didn't vote because "it doesn't matter". I think they will show up to presidential elections sometimes but don't bat an eye for state officials because they have it in the bag(Southern Indiana).

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GOP senators grow weary of Tuberville abortion stalemate on defense nominees


Sen. Tommy Tuberville’s (R-Ala.) prolonged hold on the promotions of Pentagon officials is rattling fellow Republicans, who worry the potential cost to national security is starting to outweigh whatever political points Tuberville may be scoring against the Biden administration.  


Tuberville on Tuesday blocked an effort to advance 184 military promotions and vowed not to back down anytime soon. The Alabama senator began holding up military promotions in February to protest the Department of Defense’s policy to give service members up to three weeks of leave to obtain abortions or undergo fertility treatments and reimburse their travel costs.  


Some Republicans thought Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) might intervene in the standoff upon his return to the Senate, but he hasn’t shown any inclination to do so.


Senators usually only put blanket holds on nominees to make a point and then withdraw them after a short while. But Tuberville has frozen promotions at the Pentagon for weeks, and some Republicans worry he is injecting politics into promotions of nonpolitical career military officials.


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Stephen Miller Is Taking Legal Action Against the M&M Company


Tucker Carlson may be gone from Fox, but MAGA world is going after his greatest nemesis: the green M&M.


America First Legal, the legal activist group founded by former Trump advisor Stephen Miller, filed a complaint on Wednesday with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) against Mars Inc, the maker of M&Ms. The pro-Trump nonprofit alleges Mars’ efforts to increase diversity and representation of minorities within its workforce constitutes discrimination and a violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.


The move comes just days after Fox News fired its former primetime host and sexy M&M devotee, Tucker Carlson. Carlson famously feuded with Mars after it swapped out the green M&M’s go-go boots for professional attire it called “current” and “representative of our consumer.” In a televised rant, the former Fox host moaned that “No longer wearing sexy boots, now she’s wearing sensible sneakers” and lamented that “when you’re totally turned off, we’ve achieved equity, they’ve won.”


Miller did not respond to questions about whether the complaint was related to Carlson’s ouster.


In a statement from Mars, the company wrote that it “is an equal opportunity employer – we do not engage in discriminatory employment practices. Inclusion and diversity have long been priorities for us, and we use lawful means to pursue our inclusion and diversity objectives.”


While the timing of the Mars complaint may seem suspicious, it comes as part of a broader assault on diversity and inclusion efforts as the conservative movement’s latest craze has focused on “woke capitalism,” defined as a form of market conservatism that fails to toe the line on right wing culture war fundamentalism.


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11 minutes ago, China said:

Cheech & Chong agree:



In university, I did roll up an entire ounce in a joint. For the hell of it. $280 joint. For personal use.


It was foolish… and putting out the heater each time I probably lost a 1/8.


But at least I have this story/post.

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Republicans in war with fundraising firm over plan to 'siphon' off millions in donations


Republican Party leaders already concerned about the 2024 general election where they might be saddled with an indicted former president at the top of the ticket have new worries about financing campaigns with less money than they would like.


According to a report from the Washington Post, Republicans are in a squabble with WinRed, the private for-profit company which has been the central hub for almost all online donations flowing into the GOP.


At issue is a demand by WinRed to increase fees they had rolled back previously and now want to recoup again citing higher expenses.


That, in turn, the Post reports, could take millions in much-needed campaign dollars out of the pockets of candidates in what is expected to be a high-turnout election tied to Trump's possible candidacy and hot-button issues like the availability of abortion and the proliferation of high powered weapons being used in mass shootings.


As the Post's Shane Goldmacher is reporting, "Party leaders have risen up in opposition to the plan to raise prices, which would siphon millions of dollars from G.O.P. campaigns less than 20 months after the company, WinRed, had said its finances were robust enough to forego an extra fee on every transaction," adding, "Mr. [Gerrit] Lansing’s company, a private for-profit firm responsible for processing almost all online Republican political donations, charges 3.94 percent of almost every donation made online. But he said it wasn’t enough, citing an unforeseen slowdown in online G.O.P. giving last year and also plans to broaden WinRed’s suite of services. He moved to impose a 30-cent transaction fee on each of the tens of millions of coming contributions in the 2024 race, according to several people directly involved in or briefed on the conversations."


That has led to a revolt from Republicans who are now questioning their decision four years ago to let WinRed take control which has now puts them in a corner with the 2024 election fast approaching.


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3 minutes ago, Die Hard said:

In university, I did roll up an entire ounce in a joint. For the hell of it. $280 joint. For personal use.


It was foolish… and putting out the heater each time I probably lost a 1/8.


But at least I have this story/post.

Yeah, I baked an ounce in brownies once in the 80s.  (That was back when everything was crap, some better than others.)  No way I'd ever do that with today's stuff. 

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