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The Sewer That Is The GOP: With All The White Supremacists, Conspiracy Nutters, And Other Malicious Whacko Subgroups, How Does It Get Fixed?


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2 hours ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:


I have indeed been to Michigan, have a ton of family that live there so numerous family reunions, etc. But I've never been exposed to the areas of Michigan you're talking about lol...I guess white supremacists need political representation, too.

Fortunately, in a free union they can get representation, but it is incumbent upon the rest of us to shout them down wherever and whenever possible.

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2 hours ago, Califan007 The Constipated said:

FOX and the GOP won't change in any way, shape or form after this...won't be more careful, won't calm down the rhetoric, nothing.


1)  It's working.  For them.  

2)  And they've tried.  Rarely, granted, but it's happened.  Tried to make motions back away from the more obvious evil.  And the mob turns on them, and starts to flee to other - drug dealers.  


Edited by Larry
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Yeah. The idea that the GOP can restore itself to whatever you want to call the level of normalcy and credibility they had pre-obama (a sociohistorical marker I think is not definitive of course but is fairly reasonable to use) seems unrealistic at this point.


Historically I'm reminded of a time in the past in the earlier days of the KKK where there was quite a bit of presentation in writings of the time of how they were a sort of "regular" political movements and not just all devoted to violence or persecution of "the negro."


They would describe many supporters as good God fearing xtians who did charity work, were shopkeepers, workers, farmers, captains of industry and generally law abiding constructive citizens. They"just" had strong feelings about "states rights", hated "federal govt tyranny", and had many strong  "political, religious, and societal" differences with the "north" and the lawmakers in DC who didn't share their "value."


Sound familiar?  It was a standard matter to minimize and lie about the level of racism, hatefulness, and various anti-democratic foundations of their constituency. Many "decent" citizens and "patriots" would express support even if not be active members. For a very long time many "fine folk", who actually would not be ok with torturing and killing blacks because of the idea that the race held little value to them other than in servitude, would still regard the KKK as something you could be a part of and be a "good person." 


But eventually it became untenable to openly  associate with it unless you were willing to go "all the way" in what the core of the group was about and the (open) support and expressed affiliation by most of these "good citizens" on the periphery died off.


I often suggest/speculate that the GOP is in a similar state of devolving to the point where it's increasingly hard for "decent, rational, intelligent" people to identify as gopers comfortably and with credibility as to claims of the their decency etc, regardless of how many legitimately debatable serious things they think are wrong with the Dems/left/libs, or the federal govt. as a construct.


Sometimes I think that while there are still several tens of millions of gopers who imo deserve to be positively distinguished from magas, that they are already at, or will likely soon be at, a point where they have to detach from that body.


With the large majority of our society, you can't credibly claim any high ground on any matter today and yet show support in any form for the KKK. Unless there's a dramatic turnaround, imo, it's getting close to the same with the gop, if we're not already there.

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Have they announced what time Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce are coming to each person's house to take our guns and forcibly transition our kids' genders? I got a couple of things going on during the evenings this week, but I wanted to be home to get a selfie with them.  I even filed my 1040 extra early this year to get to the front of the list.

Edited by balki1867
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