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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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20 minutes ago, No Excuses said:

There are going to be so many leaks once the memo is released. People will get the full story out there.


Which will undoubtedly lead to more gaslight fuel for these criminals to justify further attacking the FBI. And on it will go




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Carter Page is completely ridiculous. Even for "Stupid Watergate" he manages to stand out. He testified in front of the House Intelligence Committee without a lawyer and it went as well as you'd expect.


This is the last guy I'd want to highlight or bring into the spotlight if I wanted people to think the Russia investigation was BS. 

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5 minutes ago, PF Chang said:

Carter Page is completely ridiculous. Even for "Stupid Watergate" he manages to stand out. He testified in front of the House Intelligence Committee without a lawyer and it went as well as you'd expect.


This is the last guy I'd want to highlight or bring into the spotlight if I wanted people to think the Russia investigation was BS. 


Not to mention that Page went on TV and had his fifteen minutes of fame. He's a traitor too.

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1 hour ago, Llevron said:

@tshile I remember you saying that the way they acted in 2008 was one of the most shameful times in out history. I agreed but im pretty close to putting this above that now. What do you think? 


This is probably where I piss off a lot of people here... or make them worried, or think poorly of me, or whatever...


I am absolutely willing to believe that something very nefarious is going on with Trump and the russians... mainly because Trump fits the type of person to do such a thing, in my opinion... and there's a whole lot of information we know.


But I want to see what Mueller actually says/does before I make any actual conclusive opinions on it. Not what people think Mueller thinks... not what leaked reports say Mueller is and isn't doing... but what Mueller actually says about what him and his team have found in their investigation.


not defending trump or whatever... just waiting for the actual investigator to tell us what his investigation actually uncovered (and what it didn't... or where he ran into road blocks, etc..)


it certainly seems like the GOP, or at least elements within it, are actively working to allow us (as a country) to be harmed by the Russians for the sake of winning elections; that they have adapted a win at all costs mentality, and apparently all costs includes Russia screwing with us in previously unimaginable ways.


I'm also willing to believe there's a lot of coincidental stuff going on that the democrats have spun into this giant conspiracy theory that Trump is actively working with the Russians to harm our country.


I'm going to wait until Mueller's report is released before I determine how bad everyone's actions are right now... the water is very muddy. I don't hold the democrats to such a level of esteem as many here, I don't put them on a pedestal, and while I generally think their motives in the last 10ish years have been significantly better (from a moral and well reasoned sense), I'm not willing to pretend they're incapable of stooping to the level of ****ery that the republicans are.


If what the dems suggest is true (and even the FBI at this point)... then yeah, I unfortunately think this might be worse than the racist fueled nonsense we saw from them under Obama... I say unfortunately because I viewed the racist fueled nonsense as really, really bad :(


If his report backs what the left has been claiming and yelling about since the campaign, i'll happily call for a number of people to burned at the stake. 


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As I understand it, this memo will try to point out concerns that Rod Rosenstein did not tell a judge that Democrats helped to fund the research that the Steele dossier grew from, as did Republicans, when he applied for an EXTENSION of an existing FISA warrant on Page. That means valuable information was being acquired from the original FISA warrant, from before the dossier was even around. I wonder if he told the judge Republicans helped fund that research too. Why does it matter? So stupid.

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14 minutes ago, tshile said:

But I want to see what Mueller actually says/does before I make any actual conclusive opinions on it. Not what people think Mueller thinks... not what leaked reports say Mueller is and isn't doing... but what Mueller actually says about what him and his team have found in their investigation.


I respect this, I applaud this but I simply don't have access to enough prescription meds to practice this. :P

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3 minutes ago, LD0506 said:


I respect this, I applaud this but I simply don't have access to enough prescription meds to practice this. :P


It's easy to type, harder to do.


I refused to watch the state of the union. There are plenty of times I want to throw something through my TV. And when certain family members say certain things I've strongly considered the true ramifications of disowning them.


I say it, but the truth is I don't have the meds either...

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1 hour ago, No Excuses said:

There are going to be so many leaks once the memo is released. People will get the full story out there.


Is that a good thing if a redacted memo is a security concern?


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The most mind boggling thing about this entire thing about the FBI and DoJ corrupt leadership, is that Trump appointed all of them.


These are his people, and even that's not enough. Somehow part of this deep state conspiracy is Trump being tricked into hiring deep state agents.


****ing nuts.

1 minute ago, twa said:


Is that a good thing if a redacted memo is a security concern?



It's a necessary thing if the only choice presented to the country is a partisan memo, totally unsupported by the countries law enforcement arm. 

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15 minutes ago, tshile said:

I am absolutely willing to believe that something very nefarious is going on with Trump and the russians... mainly because Trump fits the type of person to do such a thing, in my opinion... and there's a whole lot of information we know.


But I want to see what Mueller actually says/does before I make any actual conclusive opinions on it. Not what people think Mueller thinks... not what leaked reports say Mueller is and isn't doing... but what Mueller actually says about what him and his team have found in their investigation.


I'm mostly with you.  


If I were betting, I'd bet against there being any nefarious plot, on Trump's part.  The dude's too stupid.  He'd have confessed to it, by now.  


Now, I could easily see Putin calculatedly manipulating this obvious sucker, for his own ends.  I mean, it's not like he's been professionally trained in how to turn intelligence sources, or anything.  And obviously Trump isn't tough to read, or to manipulate.  


(Although, IMO, back when Russia was hacking the DNC?  I don't think Putin even dreamed that his sucker would become President.  I'd bet that his goal was simply to weaken Inevitable Hillary.  I sure don;t think Vlad is disappointed at how things turned out.  But I don;t think he was thinking "I bet I can make this idiot into POTUS.)  


Nah, If I were placing bets, my money, all along, would be on the theory that they're not going to find any grand deal to cripple the US in exchange for making Trump President.  I just figured that if they started looking, they'd find something on Team Trump.  Soliciting foreign help.  Money laundering.  Tax evasion.  Not even necessarily anything involving the campaign, but maybe things that he's been doing for decades, and would have gotten away with forever, if he wasn't under the big magnifying glass that comes with being President.  

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@tshile I actually think that's a pretty reasonable response (if not a little boring - booooo) and it makes me want to pump my breaks. A little bit. Its entirely possible that nothing comes of this and I would in a bad spot if I convinced myself of an outcome that I dont get. Then im just like those conspiracy nuts and im trying really hard not to believe the earth is flat right now but Kyrie is such a smart basketball player it has to have some truth :bill:


In an alternate reality I would like the investigation to turn up nothing and show Trump as completely innocent just to see how the Dems react. But since I live in this one Im not actually rooting for that, obviously. 

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It's also entire possible the left is completely right and nothing comes of it because Trump and the GOP successfully squash it all.


Like I said - water is muddy.


Best we can hope for is this is a one term presidency and the GOP loses enough elections to reconsider their 20ish year path they're on.


Cause it's real bad and it not only depend son stupidity to work, but furthering the stupidity to be successful long term.


The level of stupid some people have stooped to in order to accept their arguments is deeply concerning.



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IMO, this is all about the incidental evidence collection. If they discredit Rosentein, the investigation, etc. that's their shot to avoid consequences for any criminal activities that were discovered while completely legitimate surveillance was being conducted on other targets. 


ETA: ...and their actions after knowing they got caught up in it


I know this is not exactly ground-breaking theory here. Sometimes I just need to boil it down, to stop from keeping getting caught up in the dog and pony show stuff

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@tshile My worst fear is we get the best case scenario:


4 minutes ago, tshile said:


Best we can hope for is this is a one term presidency and the GOP loses enough elections to reconsider their 20ish year path they're on.


And the Republicans lose so hard that its basically a 1 party system for a while and the Dems become the republicans. I do not put that past them. But I guess we have to survive our current predicament for that to happen so I should hold off on that worry. For now. 


Its definitely muddy right now. I would not surprise me if Trump and the GOP successfully squash this either. 


Scary place we are in to be honest. 



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28 minutes ago, Larry said:


I'm mostly with you.  


If I were betting, I'd bet against there being any nefarious plot, on Trump's part.  The dude's too stupid.  He'd have confessed to it, by now.  




That is mostly what I've believed from the get-go. I actually think a lot of folks around Trump are the nefarious ones and Trump is the bumbling fool who goes along with everything because he doesn't know any better.  Do people really think he'd have a clue what is and isn't against the law as far as public officials go? The guy has never shown any inkling he knows much about anything besides using his wealth to woo women. 


It doesn't mean Trump isn't guilty of collusion or obstruction due to ignorance of the law though. 

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Just now, NoCalMike said:

The guy has never shown any inkling he knows much about anything besides using his wealth to woo women. 


Haha, even this is questionable.  Remember his fake publicist, John Miller? Trump used to call media outlets pretending to be his own assistant to tell everyone about how many women he was getting with.


Donald Trump masqueraded as publicist to brag about himself


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