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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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1 hour ago, AsburySkinsFan said:


You have 16 women who have ALL come forward as character witnesses against Trump and 8 more against Moore and you STILL shill for them.

You ain’t fooling anyone around here.

You ONLY take character witnesses seriously when they support your bias.


The question would be if I take them more serious than the unnamed source.


But don't let YOUR shilling for someone that attacked sexual assault accusers bother ya conscience.



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I haven't  been following this thread, so maybe this was posted already.




ABC News head is pretty peeved. This just adds fuel to the fire when you make errors like this. Some eye catching stats on how many Americans distrust journalism these days.

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24 minutes ago, Zguy28 said:

I haven't  been following this thread, so maybe this was posted already.




ABC News head is pretty peeved. This just adds fuel to the fire when you make errors like this. Some eye catching stats on how many Americans distrust journalism these days.

What is notable is that the legit news organizations actually take punative actions against employees who screw up, vs say KAC and the "bowling green massacre", Alex Jones, etc etc.


Add: Also, "the MSM" is made up of probably thpusands of humans with all of the human foibles, so it becomes easy to cherrypick support of the argument that they are screwed up as a group.


For example, Moore chases young girls, therefore Rs are ok with pedophilia.

Edited by RedskinsFan44
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1 hour ago, Zguy28 said:

Some eye catching stats on how many Americans distrust journalism these days.


Alot of us never did. I know it seems like forever ago but there was a time when Black people for example couldn't believe a single word CNN said about another black person. Always seemed to be bull**** or underlying racial ****. Like the mugshot thing they do with black people accused of a crime verses the FB profile pick they use for white folks. 


It's wild how much it has changed cause I feel like the news organizations are the only people willing to tell me the truth about the President and what he's been doing to the country. 


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4 minutes ago, Llevron said:


Alot of us never did. I know it seems like forever ago but there was a time when Black people for example couldn't believe a single word CNN said about another black person. Always seemed to be bull**** or underlying racial ****. Like the mugshot thing they do with black people accused of a crime verses the FB profile pick they use for white folks. 


It's wild how much it has changed cause I feel like the news organizations are the only people willing to tell me the truth about the President and what he's been doing to the country. 


and even then, they arent telling the entire truth.

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6 minutes ago, BenningRoadSkin said:
and even then, they arent telling the entire truth.


Right. They let these people get away with alot more then they should. Thats how we got here. News organizations helped to cause this problem. Its only right that they help destroy this guy. 


Its funny to see people crying about the unfair media now but when they were watching cops drag black people out of their homes because they were doing drugs it was a hit TV show. 


You will never see me say I am a fan of the media. And I will correct every man that looks like me if they say the media tells the truth. But I also notice that they are stepping up to this hostile take over of our government and at least talking about it. 

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10 minutes ago, Llevron said:


Alot of us never did. I know it seems like forever ago but there was a time when Black people for example couldn't believe a single word CNN said about another black person. Always seemed to be bull**** or underlying racial ****. Like the mugshot thing they do with black people accused of a crime verses the FB profile pick they use for white folks. 


It's wild how much it has changed cause I feel like the news organizations are the only people willing to tell me the truth about the President and what he's been doing to the country. 


Who can forget the infamous Wolf Blitzer?



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nice strategy,, poison the well for 25 years, blame everything you do on this ridiculous "MSM" conspiracy, convince a truly ignorant and hateful segment of the population that you are the only source of information that can be trusted, cherry pick the occasional mistake or abuse by any other media organization and use it as proof that they are the reason people distrust media.


We've seen this before, albeit with different technology.

 Fox news and it's ilk follow a tried and true playbook. it's time people start to wake up to it.

Josef says Hi, and he's glad these morons have ignored it for as long as they have.




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12 minutes ago, Llevron said:


Right. They let these people get away with alot more then they should. Thats how we got here. News organizations helped to cause this problem. Its only right that they help destroy this guy. 


Its funny to see people crying about the unfair media now but when they were watching cops drag black people out of their homes because they were doing drugs it was a hit TV show. 


You will never see me say I am a fan of the media. And I will correct every man that looks like me if they say the media tells the truth. But I also notice that they are stepping up to this hostile take over of our government and at least talking about it. 

With regards to today's climate, I really think its a confluence of several things happening after many years.


Corporate conglomerate control of media.  All these multifaceted corporations now own our major outlets. Despite what they tell you, it does affect editorial decisions.


The lack of government funding on education, mixed with a rise in corporate funding which is causing the privatization of our public schools. Corporations and such have control of the media, and they have targeted public schools and public universities. University of Iowa's president was the former CEO of Boston Market and has no background in education. The Koch's are cool with him. Put two and two together.


And of course they control our elected officials, on both sides.


We are seeing all of these things come to the fore with our current climate where news stories arent given proper resources unless its to promote a corporate interest, our schools are churning out people who are undereducated and lack critical thinking, and our elected officials are just doing their bidding.


We are finished as a country. I keep saying it because it keeps happening and this is why. People gonna believe the sky is not blue or that the sun is the center of our universe. I have no idea how we are going to change things other than a revolution.

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2 minutes ago, Llevron said:


Gotta be a meteor. Not gonna be any revolution. Not possible with the weapons our military has. But thats a different topic 

I dont see a revolution happening because of what I laid out in my post.


A cataclysmic event will have to transpire. A crippling crash to our finances. The closing of all public schools. Something, idk.


Also, a revolution does not necessarily have to be violent.

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11 minutes ago, BenningRoadSkin said:

With regards to today's climate, I really think its a confluence of several things happening after many years.


Corporate conglomerate control of media.  All these multifaceted corporations now own our major outlets. Despite what they tell you, it does affect editorial decisions.


The lack of government funding on education, mixed with a rise in corporate funding which is causing the privatization of our public schools. Corporations and such have control of the media, and they have targeted public schools and public universities. University of Iowa's president was the former CEO of Boston Market and has no background in education. The Koch's are cool with him. Put two and two together.


And of course they control our elected officials, on both sides.


We are seeing all of these things come to the fore with our current climate where news stories arent given proper resources unless its to promote a corporate interest, our schools are churning out people who are undereducated and lack critical thinking, and our elected officials are just doing their bidding.


We are finished as a country. I keep saying it because it keeps happening and this is why. People gonna believe the sky is not blue or that the sun is the center of our universe. I have no idea how we are going to change things other than a revolution.

Let's be honest here, hasn't this stuff mostly been this way since the founding. Money has always mostly controlled the press and government. I think a major difference now is the amount of information flowing and its ability to reach wider audiences. And over time, with the advent of the internet, it has allowed a sustained flow of so much more agenda driven information to affect whole generations of people.

30 minutes ago, Bang said:

nice strategy,, poison the well for 25 years, blame everything you do on this ridiculous "MSM" conspiracy, convince a truly ignorant and hateful segment of the population that you are the only source of information that can be trusted, cherry pick the occasional mistake or abuse by any other media organization and use it as proof that they are the reason people distrust media.


We've seen this before, albeit with different technology.

 Fox news and it's ilk follow a tried and true playbook. it's time people start to wake up to it.

Josef says Hi, and he's glad these morons have ignored it for as long as they have.




I agree with you Bang. I called out Trump's tactics during the campaign's as right out of Goerbell's handbook. "I am the only one telling you the truth." etc. Scott Adam's is right that Trump is a master manipulator.

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3 minutes ago, Zguy28 said:

Let's be honest here, hasn't this stuff mostly been this way since the founding. Money has always mostly controlled the press and government. I think a major difference now is the amount of information flowing and its ability to reach wider audiences. And over time, with the advent of the internet, it has allowed a sustained flow of so much more agenda driven information to affect whole generations of people.

If we are going to be even more honest, this country was never a democracy and the founders never intended on representing all the people.


The point I am making is after so much progress in our society from The Great Depression to the late 70s, we are now returning back to those times and it looks like its been a concerted effort that has taken years to create. That's why I mentioned our public schools. I think the end goal for the super wealthy is removing that from public sector as well.

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2 minutes ago, BenningRoadSkin said:

If we are going to be even more honest, this country was never a democracy and the founders never intended on representing all the people.


The point I am making is after so much progress in our society from The Great Depression to the late 70s, we are now returning back to those times and it looks like its been a concerted effort that has taken years to create. That's why I mentioned our public schools. I think the end goal for the super wealthy is removing that from public sector as well.

Things do seem to be trending that way.

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