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Moose & Squirrel v Boris & Natasha: what's the deal with the rooskies and trumpland?


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31 minutes ago, dfitzo53 said:

I really don't want to believe that one of our major political parties could be complicit multiple levels down the chain. 


I'm not naive enough to believe it's impossible, but it hurts my heart. 


You ought to be taking aspirin regularly for that 'cuz it's gonna get worse, they not only are but have been for far longer than anyone realizes.....yet.

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4 hours ago, dfitzo53 said:

I really don't want to believe that one of our major political parties could be complicit multiple levels down the chain. 


I'm not naive enough to believe it's impossible, but it hurts my heart. 

Neither political party is some bastion of goodness. One of them is an absolute cess pool and the other has a lot of problems of their own.

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7 hours ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

Neither political party is some bastion of goodness. One of them is an absolute cess pool and the other has a lot of problems of their own.

Yeah I get all of that.  (And what @LD0506 said too.)


I just wish it weren't so.  The idea that a number of people outside of Trump's immediate circle could have been in on this opens up all kinds of other moldy nooks and crannies.  I want to cover my ears and yell, "I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"


But like I said, I'm not that naive.

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2 hours ago, Llevron said:

Wonder why they would want that

You think that was paper they were burning in there?



I'm kidding, but, yeah, uh, politically connected Russians tend to, uh, die at an...unfortunate rate.  They want to live like Kasparov, specifically, not in constant fear of Putin.

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When history books are being written 20ish years from now on the present era, we will look back and realize just how totally Russia had reverted to a KGB state.  Everything they do is right out of a KGB playbook, with some slight alterations for utilizing corporate oligarchy for maximum effectiveness.

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The Kaspersky thing is interesting. No one (private sector wise) really knows what the tie to Moscow is, if there is any.


They just released an article about a Russian hacking tool kit, somewhat like the nsa tool kit in a way. It's actually pretty neat the way they used compromised satellite uplinks to communicate in a way to avoid NSA snooping.


But even the experts aren't sure if it's a legitimate leak, or if they're using a toolkit that's already been burned by the NSA in an effort to look separate from Moscow.


If Kaspersky is indeed operating independently then that's a shame because the company is going to be severely hurt by the US Government and media.

Edited by tshile
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Here's a link on the story





One of the clever things the tool does is use hijacked satellite connections for command and control, helping it evade detection by broad surveillance capabilities like what what NSA uses. We've seen Russian attack tools that do this before. More details are in the Kaspersky blog post.


Given all the trouble Kaspersky is having because of its association with Russia, it's interesting to speculate on this disclosure. Either they are independent, and have burned a valuable Russian hacking toolset. Or the Russians decided that the toolset was already burned -- maybe the NSA knows all about it and has neutered it somehow -- and allowed Kaspersky to publish. Or maybe it's something in between. That's the problem with this kind of speculation: without any facts, your theories just amplify whatever opinion you had previously.


Oddly, there hasn't been much press about this. I have only found one story.



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10 hours ago, dfitzo53 said:

Yeah I get all of that.  (And what @LD0506 said too.)


I just wish it weren't so.  The idea that a number of people outside of Trump's immediate circle could have been in on this opens up all kinds of other moldy nooks and crannies.  I want to cover my ears and yell, "I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"


But like I said, I'm not that naive.


I know, I understand and feel the same way. All those great Hollywood visions of who and what we are as a nation, all those myths and origin stories and ideals have sustained us all for our entire lives. To a large extent they are so pervasive that we never even question them, never doubt, never wonder, they just are in a way that air or gravity are. We pay lip service to them and shoot fireworks onto our neighbors roof for the Fourth and go on our merry way, never really forming the thought of "What does this mean?" or "How does it really work?" or more importantly these days "How fragile are our assumptions?" or worse, "WTF are we going to do if it all goes away?"


The black box vomits out the thought that a large number of elected officials and their cohorts have been actively conspiring to topple the country, to undermine the Bill of Rights and usurp the rule of law and in essence rig the entire game from the top down for their own benefit and profit, doing so in active collusion and cooperation with what has been seen as the preeminent hostile foreign power on the planet. We do not have the tools to even consider this..... this abomination. Mental vaporlock.


And yet.....................

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On 9/3/2017 at 10:18 AM, DogofWar1 said:



HAD thought Cobb was the reasonable one in all this, staying mostly quiet.  Apparently it was only because nobody had shown a spotlight on him.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

MoJoe is going to have her on the show "coming up"...they teased it with Pesci's "tuxedo scene" :ols:

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Sounds like they're waiting for the right time to completely embarass Trump. Problem is that the GOPers will watch a video of Trump being pissed on by Russian hookers and then say, "Still better than Hillary." This is the level of stupidity we're dealing with here. It has to be getting close to some form of mass-dellusion.

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