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pft.com bruce Allen won’t let Scot McCloughan talk to media


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22 minutes ago, Lombardi's_kid_brother said:

Where's Art now that we truly need him?!?!?!?!?


By the way, I absolutely love the idea of Jay Gruden having his weekly Saturday night family dinner at Red Lobster or Chilis and getting an urgent text from Bruce Allen: "We need to sign you TONIGHT!!!!!"


If you don't like what's being said, change the conversation. 


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1 hour ago, redrobert said:

Per Rotoworld...


Mike Jones seems to believe Redskins president Bruce Allen used NFL Network's Ian Rapoport as a mouthpiece to spread the rumor as a misinformation tactic with the Redskins embroiled in front-office drama. Ultimately, the Redskins decided giving Jay Gruden a two-year extension would be better P.R. "Bruce was like, alright we gotta do something because my fake Ian Rapoport Redskins three-way trade thing didn't work to change the story." Jones suggested the Redskins are now seen as so dysfunctional NFL agents are wary of their players signing with Washington because they're unaware of who's in charge. GM Scot McCloughan did not attend the Combine and is expected to be let go after April's draft.


I love my Redskins but this is outta control. Snyder has to step in, as much as we all hate how controlling he has appeared. 


Jones' comment about Allen "leaking" the trade rumor was a throw-away comment...could have even been half tongue-in-cheek when he said it. From what I understand he didn't say it as if he has knowledge and info to back it up, it was just something he said in explaining why he thinks Gruden was extended when he was. "Whoops, my leak about a trade didn't work like I thought it would, better come up with another way to distract the masses"...

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5 minutes ago, Wildbunny said:

Seriously? You've seen this fanbase? Mike Jones or Chris Russell farts and they start panicking! Most wouldn't sign Kirk more than 8M/year or give DJax a 5M contract and wonder why he'll laugh at them...

And I'm still not talking the 2015 Draft.

Well this has to be up for most mis-informed post of the day...

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What a **** show. Regardless of whether or not Scot is on his way out, the way this whole thing has been handled is just pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. I'd really love to see everybody in Redskins PR get **** canned, and for Bruce Allen to get thrown to the curb as well. I'm starting to think Allen is the common denominator to a lot of our bad press and bad decision making as a franchise.

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Ho estly, i get the angst and mistrust from a lot of the fanbase. I really do. The past has been ugly. Horrid. I just feel that, in terms of inner structure of the org, we finally have a solid foundation,  from which we can begin to build a consistent winner, and are entering the process where we add more pieces to make that happen.


Opinions and stances aside, it just breaks my damn heart that as a fanbase, we cant for once,  stand largely in solidarity against reporting which (no matter what "side" you are on ) clearly has long held a grudge against this team, and for once, give the guys in charge the benefit of the doubt (until something more comes out). Just once.

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3 minutes ago, Mr. Sinister said:

Ho estly, i get the angst and mistrust from a lot of the fanbase. I really do. The past has been ugly. Horrid. I just feel that, in terms of inner structure of the org, we finally have a solid foundation,  from which we can begin to build a consistent winner, and are entering the process where we add more pieces to make that happen.


Opinions and stances aside, it just breaks my damn heart that as a fanbase, we cant for once,  stand largely in solidarity against reporting which (no matter what "side" you are on ) clearly has long held a grudge against this team, and for once, give the guys in charge the benefit of the doubt (until something more comes out). Just once.

ITA with this. This fan base is too quick to believe the negative news reports.Let's wait and see how everything plays out.

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I am in no way trying to compare our little drama to the Pats but what kind of information do you think they would be disseminating if they were in this situation. think about that for a minute.


I think its refreshing that for once our FO has decided to keep a lid on things and not air our dirty laundry in the WaPo

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1 minute ago, TheBlueIndian said:

I am in no way trying to compare our little drama to the Pats but what kind of information do you think they would be disseminating if they were in this situation. think about that for a minute.


I think its refreshing that for once our FO has decided to keep a lid on things and not air our dirty laundry in the WaPo

They would be doing what the same thing the Skins are doing being quiet. They stay quiet and no one calls them dysfunctional. Skins do it and everyone is like OMG  what a mess!

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41 minutes ago, theTruthTeller said:

I may be wrong, but I think Jones was just kidding about Allen making up the Romo trade to deflect interest from SM.  If anything, the trade story highlighted how important it is to have a fully functional GM in place.

I'm not sure either...here was the original article I had read about it from The Big Lead: http://thebiglead.com/2017/03/06/washington-post-reporter-bruce-allen-leaked-fake-3-way-trade-to-ian-rapoport/




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22 minutes ago, TheBlueIndian said:

I am in no way trying to compare our little drama to the Pats but what kind of information do you think they would be disseminating if they were in this situation. think about that for a minute.


I think its refreshing that for once our FO has decided to keep a lid on things and not air our dirty laundry in the WaPo


Someone is talking. We just don't know who

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21 minutes ago, TheBlueIndian said:

I am in no way trying to compare our little drama to the Pats but what kind of information do you think they would be disseminating if they were in this situation. think about that for a minute.


I think its refreshing that for once our FO has decided to keep a lid on things and not air our dirty laundry in the WaPo


Interesting case study. This organization is the go to "dysfunction ha-ha" whipping boy, but for some reason, it only sticks to us. Deadspin, WaPo, ESPN, other local beatwriters, etc . They all descend like vultures


Cowboys -Have even moreso of a meddling owner. Largely they've been bad almost as long as us. Signed multiple headaches in the past (most notably TO). Recently signed  psycho woman beater Greg Hardy, who acted like a psycho woman beater acts, and was a nuisance throughout the season. He was cut. But its all good, its Jerruh. And Texas. And big tittied cheerleaders and big oil.


Philly- Signed Michael Vick out of prison. Signed him to a $100 million contract. Signed a bunch of free agents who sucked. Hired a prick college coach who traded all the players that were actually good, then tried to slander them in the media. Canned after coup attempt. But its all good. First rate organization, even when it's not, apparently.


Giants - Prick owner that robbed several teams of cap $$. Had a player that nearly shot himself in  the dick. Routinely had people talking about the fact that the players hated their coach. Fires coach eventually. Lets coach come back to use facilities. Had a player that committed multiple acts of domestic violence on team. Did nothing until pressured by outside pressure.   But Mara.


All these teams (Pats, Saibts, Seahawks, Niners, etc) in the NFL screw up. most of the time its worse. But nothing ever sticks.


Meanwhile the assholes over here will hold an axe over the teams head if the field isn't even treated properly.



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14 minutes ago, Busch1724 said:

I'm not sure either...here was the original article I had read about it from The Big Lead: http://thebiglead.com/2017/03/06/washington-post-reporter-bruce-allen-leaked-fake-3-way-trade-to-ian-rapoport/



How can anyone not be sure...when he says it everyone starts laughing lol. It's transparent how some other media outlets ran with that joke as a serious article headline.

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3 hours ago, Skinsinparadise said:


Let me preface this with I don't love any of the reporting on Scot and assume and hope its hyperbole.  But Russell isn't exactly on an island with this story, a bunch of beat reporters think there is something cooking with Scot and wonder if he will be around much longer.  Mike Jones hit it hard this morning.  I am hoping all those guys are wrong.


Russell more than anyone nailed what was going to happen and who they were going to interview when it came to the defensive coordinators.  He does have sources.  Whether they are good sources or not is a different story.  He used to cover the Redskins for the 980 beat so he knows people at Redskins Park.   Is Russell wrong at times, yep.  Do I think and hope he's wrong here -- yeah.  But he isn't always wrong -- I spent a lot of time on the defensive coordinator thread and Russell was killing it on that subject as for leads.

DC's tend to be his thing.  His facts are right sometimes.  His opinions are generally ludicrous. 


And he likes to be the center of attention. 

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45 minutes ago, Mr. Sinister said:

Ho estly, i get the angst and mistrust from a lot of the fanbase. I really do. The past has been ugly. Horrid. I just feel that, in terms of inner structure of the org, we finally have a solid foundation,  from which we can begin to build a consistent winner, and are entering the process where we add more pieces to make that happen.


Opinions and stances aside, it just breaks my damn heart that as a fanbase, we cant for once,  stand largely in solidarity against reporting which (no matter what "side" you are on ) clearly has long held a grudge against this team, and for once, give the guys in charge the benefit of the doubt (until something more comes out). Just once.

The problem is that the bolded part is now in question.  Yeah, the media has a job to do and will throw crap against the wall until something sticks.  Always have and always will.  Just about a month ago, Mike Jones reported there was animosity and jealousy within the organization primarily between Scott and Bruce.  Easy to blow that off.  Now given all the other odd things going on since that report came out, primarily related to Scott - it's far more likely that there is indeed turmoil in the front office than it be media speculation and BS.


2.5 months ago, I said time and time again if the Redskins were a stock, I'd buy them.  Primarily because of the fact that for the first time in my adult life, we appeared to be a competent organization with a conventional structure that works.  Given all the drama that has played out over the last month and how the team has handled it, I'm second guessing that opinion big time.  I have absolutely no clue who's doing what, who's drinking, who's right or wrong, nadda...but I do know that there is absolutely too much smoke for there not to be a fire.


I'm not sure what it solves to 'stand in solidarity' against reporting, that to this point looks more believable than not. (outside of the Romo trade)

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8 minutes ago, Voice_of_Reason said:

DC's tend to be his thing.  His facts are right sometimes.  His opinions are generally ludicrous. 


And he likes to be the center of attention. 


Agree, he's got some crazy opinions.  I just don't agree that he has no sources with the team.  He was the beat 980 reporter for awhile, he's nailed some stuff.  I'd love to isolate him on the McCloughan stuff but he has some company from other beat reporters in that something is up with Scot -- just with different versions of the story.  I hope all of these guys are wrong.   I am a big Scot guy.   

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I found Scot here at the bar in Panama, drinking a Mojito, and his hair is perfect. Relax. He found 4x 350 pound Gorilla lineman in the jungles of Panama for our D-Line that are absolute beasts. 


Thats where he has been people!






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7 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:

The problem is that the bolded part is now in question.  Yeah, the media has a job to do and will throw crap against the wall until something sticks.  Always have and always will.  Just about a month ago, Mike Jones reported there was animosity and jealousy within the organization primarily between Scott and Bruce.  Easy to blow that off.  Now given all the other odd things going on since that report came out, primarily related to Scott - it's far more likely that there is indeed turmoil in the front office than it be media speculation and BS.


2.5 months ago, I said time and time again if the Redskins were a stock, I'd buy them.  Primarily because of the fact that for the first time in my adult life, we appeared to be a competent organization with a conventional structure that works.  Given all the drama that has played out over the last month and how the team has handled it, I'm second guessing that opinion big time.  I have absolutely no clue who's doing what, who's drinking, who's right or wrong, nadda...but I do know that there is absolutely too much smoke for there not to be a fire.

If you take the first part of what you're writing, then you agree that media casually throw stuff against the wall and see what sticks.


On the second part you're stating that there's too much smoke for there not to be a fire.


At which point do you start to think that this fire has been lit by the media?

Was there any trouble at Redskins Park before they started to throw some **** on the wall? Because if there wasn't, then they are the pyroman here and deserve the blame.


I'm pretty sure there's some guys within local and national media that would love for the Redskins to fail for the next 30 years.

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