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The political thread that helps us understand each other


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Hidden Brain Episode 59 is incredibly interesting, i'm not finished but it's neat. It's a different way of analyzing the last election and why people vote the way they do. Shocker - it's not just people on the right that vote against their supposed self interest. Studying voters show that what is and isn't appealing isn't always what we think it is.





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The violence was out of hand but it was a peaceful protest until people showed up with masks and started throwing ****. It's too bad because the kids at Cal and those who can afford to live in Berkeley and the surrounding area are good people and generally passionate about social justice.


That said..the world needs less of Milo Yiannopoulos. That ****er needs to be shut down. Personally, I don't see the point of Cal letting that douchecanoe speak on campus. Especially at a school that has about 25% white students. 

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2 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

The violence was out of hand but it was a peaceful protest until people showed up with masks and started throwing ****. It's too bad because the kids at Cal and those who can afford to live in Berkeley and the surrounding area are good people and generally passionate about social justice.


That said..the world needs less of Milo Yiannopoulos. That ****er needs to be shut down. Personally, I don't see the point of Cal letting this douchecanoe speak on campus. 


Far, far more likely that the few "masked hooligans" were hired by Milo/Brietbart to cause chaos than it is that they were actual students or affiliated with the university in any way.

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8 minutes ago, TryTheBeal! said:


Far, far more likely that the few "masked hooligans" were hired by Milo/Brietbart to cause chaos than it is that they were actual students or affiliated with the university in any way.


Speaking of hired help, ND is looking to collect state income tax from the paid protesters there. 

Might be fun.

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33 minutes ago, Kilmer17 said:

Protesting is ABSOLUTELY the right answer.  Presenting facts to defeat his opinions is the right answer.  Rioting and preventing him from speaking is NOT.


I agree. As I said I'm against the violence. But I think it's worth noting that this guy is not an ordinary "other side" speaker. He will harass and publicly identify students who are not public figures. There's a line between free speech and harassment and I think he crosses it. 

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12 minutes ago, TryTheBeal! said:


Far, far more likely that the few "masked hooligans" were hired by Milo/Brietbart to cause chaos than it is that they were actual students or affiliated with the university in any way.


I doubt it. I think this was a natural reaction by some less tolerant (to hate speech) towards someone who prides himself on being controversial with race based hate speech. 

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18 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

The violence was out of hand but it was a peaceful protest until people showed up with masks and started throwing ****.

That's pretty much how this always goes though.


It's fine, until it's not.


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2 hours ago, mrcunning15 said:


I'm tired of the right playing this victim card bull**** if you're going to stoke the fires you're going to get burned. This crap is not free speech it's hate speech that needs to be marginalized and resisted. They play this BS that the left is violent and oppressive and against free speech and they never report any of the peaceful stuff the left does or the violent crap that the right wingers do.I'm tired of the media associating the "Black Bloc" with Dems, for christs sakes they're an anarchist group, the media can start assocating the black bloc with the Dem's when the Dem's make their own Black Bloc wing of the party like the Repb's did with the TEA party.

Who is all of this "they"?  I saw plenty of coverage of the peaceful marches the day after inauguration.  I saw plenty of coverage of people on the Right punching protesters at Trump rallys.  Maybe you just spend too much time on Breitbart.

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Yes, as i posted when I was talking about proud/not proud, even Fox News went out of their way to say the protests immediately following the inauguration were peaceful. It was said almost every other sentence it seemed.


For good reason. Most of the protests in the last 3-4 years have turned ugly and pretty quick. To have that many people assemble in the national's capital following a transfer of power and have it be peaceful is remarkable and important to know.


I also think it flies in the face of numerous people (including people here) who have justified violence and destruction at protests by saying it's what's required to get anything done/get attention. I don't know a single person that is unaware of the peaceful protests that weekend. Every single person I've come across has mentioned it in some form, and almost every person has said "at least it was peaceful" if they disagreed with the protestors or just mentioned it was peaceful if they agreed.


The one exception I suppose was Madonna being scum by talking about thinking about blowing up the white house. That was a trashy moment. Some people suck and abuse their position/platform for selfish reasons, nothing you can do about it.

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32 minutes ago, TryTheBeal! said:


Far, far more likely that the few "masked hooligans" were hired by Milo/Brietbart to cause chaos than it is that they were actual students or affiliated with the university in any way.

Do you really believe that? Seriously do you?

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11 minutes ago, tshile said:

Yes, as i posted when I was talking about proud/not proud, even Fox News went out of their way to say the protests immediately following the inauguration were peaceful. It was said almost every other sentence it seemed.


For good reason. Most of the protests in the last 3-4 years have turned ugly and pretty quick. To have that many people assemble in the national's capital following a transfer of power and have it be peaceful is remarkable and important to know.


I also think it flies in the face of numerous people (including people here) who have justified violence and destruction at protests by saying it's what's required to get anything done/get attention. I don't know a single person that is unaware of the peaceful protests that weekend. Every single person I've come across has mentioned it in some form, and almost every person has said "at least it was peaceful" if they disagreed with the protestors or just mentioned it was peaceful if they agreed.


The one exception I suppose was Madonna being scum by talking about thinking about blowing up the white house. That was a trashy moment. Some people suck and abuse their position/platform for selfish reasons, nothing you can do about it.


Neo nazis deserve to get their asses kicked. Other than that, I'm not sure who you are referencing (here) that wants violence & destruction to happen at protests.


I have said though that it's understandable (the violence) when hate speech and hateful policies are being protested. 

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I didn't say they want it. I said they justify it, with the lame excuse that peaceful protest doesn't work.


They've also justified blocking traffic and other such things, because if you don't inconvenience everyone it also doesn't work.


It's been done repeatedly and by a few. If you missed it then no worries, you didn't really miss much.

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15 minutes ago, tshile said:

Yes, as i posted when I was talking about proud/not proud, even Fox News went out of their way to say the protests immediately following the inauguration were peaceful. It was said almost every other sentence it seemed.


For good reason. Most of the protests in the last 3-4 years have turned ugly and pretty quick. To have that many people assemble in the national's capital following a transfer of power and have it be peaceful is remarkable and important to know.


I also think it flies in the face of numerous people (including people here) who have justified violence and destruction at protests by saying it's what's required to get anything done/get attention. I don't know a single person that is unaware of the peaceful protests that weekend. Every single person I've come across has mentioned it in some form, and almost every person has said "at least it was peaceful" if they disagreed with the protestors or just mentioned it was peaceful if they agreed.






Michelle Obama said "when they go low, we go high".  This woman disagrees.  She actually said she won't condemn violence. 


That's not good. 

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Look, all you jags just love bipartisan compromise.


Here is a very fair compromise.


The right will recognize that left-wing riots are all caused by the same small group of idiots from San Francisco.


The left will recognize that Westboro Baptist is literally one goddamn family from Topeka.


Do we agree? Can we move on with our lives now?

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50 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:

The violence was out of hand but it was a peaceful protest until people showed up with masks and started throwing ****. It's too bad because the kids at Cal and those who can afford to live in Berkeley and the surrounding area are good people and generally passionate about social justice.


That said..the world needs less of Milo Yiannopoulos. That ****er needs to be shut down. Personally, I don't see the point of Cal letting that douchecanoe speak on campus. Especially at a school that has about 25% white students. 


It is the Occupy Oakland crowd. A giant group of losers.


Their twitter feed will give you a brain aneurysm.



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5 minutes ago, Lombardi's_kid_brother said:

Look, all you jags just love bipartisan compromise.


Here is a very fair compromise.


The right will recognize that left-wing riots are all caused by the same small group of idiots from San Francisco.


The left will recognize that Westboro Baptist is literally one goddamn family from Topeka.


Do we agree? Can we move on with our lives now?


So how do you explain texas, baltimore, fergesun, etc?


That group just travels real well? The packers fans show up everywhere, I'm willing to buy it.


Not just rioting and destruction, also looting. In their own community.

Also, can I claim false equivalency?


The protests you're talking about that turn violent/destructive/looting, are excused on some level by (some) people on the left. Kids being kids, peaceful protest doesn't work, even the 60's were violent, it's outside agitators (completely excusing everyone that then joins in), etc etc.


No one excuses the westboro baptist church. Some reluctantly sigh that it's their right, but most people on the right want those people to be beaten badly in public for what they do. Most people cheered the military guy that punched them.


so, false equivalency!


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Here's Occupy Oaklands call to their members:



Liberals love to claim that “fighting fascism is the real fascism,” just like much of the Right does. Whatever happens Wednesday, don’t allow liberals to shut you down. Either with calls for “non-violence” or attempts at creating a dialog between one side and the other, or because some youtube Gandhian scholar just knows what has to happen. **** all that noise. 


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2 hours ago, Kilmer17 said:

When the left wing stops claiming that any idea or speech that they dont agree with is hate speech, or racism, or whatever else offends them, maybe they'll start attracting more people to their ideas.


But I doubt that will happen in my lifetime.  They are becoming more entrenched in their position that any opposing view is not worth allowing in the public forum.


Anyway, this thread is about understanding each others positions.  Here's mine- The Dem party= the actions at Berkeley and similar events across the country.  


I didnt agree with some of the obnoxious speech spewed at the women's march, but I didnt see people trying to prevent it from happening. 


that is a pretty self serving, simplistic, and lazy position to take.  


it is a position that i expect booger eating morons to glom onto.   

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