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ESPN: Signs point to Giants playing starters vs. Redskins


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Another point that I haven't seen mentioned...we are playing a 4:25 Sunday game and the Giants could play as early as Saturday afternoon. Not sure how big a consideration that is, but it could be a "short" week. Now, the counter to that is that they are coming off a long week AND whatever team they end up playing in the first round won't have rested any starters (they are all playing for seeding). 

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17 minutes ago, TD_washingtonredskins said:

Another point that I haven't seen mentioned...we are playing a 4:25 Sunday game and the Giants could play as early as Saturday afternoon. Not sure how big a consideration that is, but it could be a "short" week. Now, the counter to that is that they are coming off a long week AND whatever team they end up playing in the first round won't have rested any starters (they are all playing for seeding). 


Been listening to some of the NY beat reporters on the radio today -- I'd summarize it this way.  McAdoo isn't giving away his intention, he's acting like they are all playing and this game is really important to the team -- but they think he can't be so dumb and risk their players health and if he does it, he's indeed a dummy.   They think he will play their starters for a good chunk of the first half and then take them out -- though McAdoo hasn't told them that's what he will do.  Some of their reporters think he's nuts for not resting players from the get go.  One reporter was going on about the Giants basically lucked out in getting themselves in effect a bye week, and McAdoo wants to throw it away?


I'll say this if McAdoo does play them all the way through and guys get hurt -- he's going to have a miserable week with the NY media leading into Wildcard weekend. 

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I suspect it does not matter if they play to win or not.  Either way the talk after the game will be that this was a meaningless game for them...


If they win they will say HA you redskins lost in a meaningless game for the Giants.  And if the Skins win it will be, so what they were already in the playoffs and playing soft.

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35 minutes ago, illone said:

I suspect it does not matter if they play to win or not.  Either way the talk after the game will be that this was a meaningless game for them...


If they win they will say HA you redskins lost in a meaningless game for the Giants.  And if the Skins win it will be, so what they were already in the playoffs and playing soft.


I am sure they would downplay it if they lost.  Keep in mind, how this looks IMO is predicated on them playing their starters or not.  If they play their starters it speaks for itself.  Other teams in the same situation are resting their guys.


If their starters play and they get whupped.  They can spin all they want but they would look foolish.  Yeah unlike other teams in the same situation we played the starters, yeah we said we wanted to get the offense going, yeah we said we wanted revenge from the loss to the Redskins earlier in the season, yeah we said this was a dress rehearsal for the playoffs, yeah we said its key to momentum -- but we didn't mean any of that.  We risked injuries to our starters just for the heck of it -- no reason behind it at all.  


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25 minutes ago, illone said:

I suspect it does not matter if they play to win or not.  Either way the talk after the game will be that this was a meaningless game for them...


If they win they will say HA you redskins lost in a meaningless game for the Giants.  And if the Skins win it will be, so what they were already in the playoffs and playing soft.

This. They will come out fighting but don't expect them to make the extra effort if they fall behind. Regardless of what the coach says, I can't see them giving 110% when knowing that the game only counts for pride (at least to them).


IMO we need to come out and jump to an early lead. 10-0, 14-0, etc. I have a feeling if we can do this the Giants will fold.

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24 minutes ago, ddub52 said:

I understand them not wanting to go into the playoffs with 3 consecutive losses. But if I was McAdoo I'd play my starters in the first half and then let them rest. 


Im pretty sure someone said this but all it takes is ONE starter to limp off the field and it makes up a coaches mind real quick. Eli takes a blind side hit in the 3rd quarter of an ultimately meaningless game??  If I was the Giants coach im not taking that chance....


And I hate the Giants!

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Interesting discussion between all the guys on 980 this week on this topic.  Cooley says no way they are playing more than a quarter, and most of the guys will be playing at 94%.  Both he and Sheehan agreed that McAdoo was stupid to even start guys like Eli and OBJ.  


At any rate, IMHO McAdoo is just blowing smoke and their top 5 or 6 guys come out at the end of Q1.  


If the skins lose this game it will be an all time crappy loss.  

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10 hours ago, ddub52 said:

I understand them not wanting to go into the playoffs with 3 consecutive losses. But if I was McAdoo I'd play my starters in the first half and then let them rest. 

*2 consecutive losses. They won the game that they played (Vs Lions) 4 days before their loss to the eagles. This would be their 2nd straight loss if we win. 

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35 minutes ago, Hooterman said:

Interesting discussion between all the guys on 980 this week on this topic.  Cooley says no way they are playing more than a quarter, and most of the guys will be playing at 94%.  Both he and Sheehan agreed that McAdoo was stupid to even start guys like Eli and OBJ.  


At any rate, IMHO McAdoo is just blowing smoke and their top 5 or 6 guys come out at the end of Q1.  


If the skins lose this game it will be an all time crappy loss.  


I'd characterize the NY media and DC media as polar opposites on this game.  NY media: McAdoo just might do it, play their starters the whole way or a good chunk of the game.  They want to win this one bad.   DC media -- the Giants don't care if they win.  They are doing the same thing the Steelers, Cowboys, etc will do and won't take this game seriously and it will be a laugher.    There are straggler exceptions to this thought.  But I gather the DC media is either not paying attention to what's being said in NY or think its all BS.  


I am still sticking to McAdoo means everything he's saying but for one half of the game.  They will come out intense and try to take the Redskins out early.  Be interesting to see what he does if it doesn't go down that way -- be stubborn and try to take the game back, or take some of their starters out to avoid injury. 

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1 hour ago, bird_1972 said:

We should want the Giants starters to play all game. 


This Skins team needs to earn their wins - not have them handed to them. After all, the goal isn't just to make the playoffs, but win games once they are in.


As long as they win I agree this would be the ideal scenario.   I hate the Giants but I still think they are perfectly capable of beating the Redskins and vice versa for that matter.   Redskins defense IMO makes them vulnerable to just about any team.  


As much as I dig this team, I don't expect them to go far in the playoffs if they get in -- the defense can't stop anybody.  I'd feel differently if they were getting better defensively as the season progressed but if anything the defense seems to be getting worse.


It would be a bitter end to the season for me to watch that team which is already smug rubbing the Redskins noses in that they took them out of the playoffs.   So everything being equal, I just want in, no matter how we get in.  But If I had to draw it up and be assured of the outcome, it would be great to beat the Giants at full blast. 

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8 hours ago, bird_1972 said:

We should want the Giants starters to play all game. 


This Skins team needs to earn their wins - not have them handed to them. After all, the goal isn't just to make the playoffs, but win games once they are in.


I just want the Redskins to make the playoffs right now.


I don't really have any illusions that they will do anything in them. The defense isn't very good and the offense, while very good, has enough trouble in the red zone at times that a good defense can give them fits.


I'll hope for the best, but right now, a playoff berth by any means is my goal. :) 

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You act like you are playing starters so your team still prepares full throttle through the week. You dont want to miss a beat. So, you have the team prepare to play. 




You dont activate some key players because you cant activate OBJ if you plan on playing him only 8 snaps. When you have only 44 players to play a game. 

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21 minutes ago, William Barbour said:

You act like you are playing starters so your team still prepares full throttle through the week. You dont want to miss a beat. So, you have the team prepare to play. 




You dont activate some key players because you cant activate OBJ if you plan on playing him only 8 snaps. When you have only 44 players to play a game. 


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How does this compare to the Cowboys v Lions last week?  Were the Boyz amped up because they were at home?   They were not playing 94% and went at them lions hard.  Was their effort due to the home game in primetime?


If that's the case, then NYG should bow out and take the loss and prepare to travel to be someone's beach in the first round.


and we need some revenge in Seattle

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I think we bring some nice blitzes at the start of the game... get to Eli and rough him up or Eli goes over the top and they score....  either way there will be less and less reasons to keep Eli and rest of starters in the game....


if if we play it normal and the game is close but Eli is staying upright then I can see Giants playing out the whole game with the starters...

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2 hours ago, sjinhan said:

I think we bring some nice blitzes at the start of the game... get to Eli and rough him up or Eli goes over the top and they score....  either way there will be less and less reasons to keep Eli and rest of starters in the game....


if if we play it normal and the game is close but Eli is staying upright then I can see Giants playing out the whole game with the starters...


Yeah I agree, blitz the heck out of him early.  That was Santana's advice play them physical and make them feel it.   Can our defense pull that off?  Got my doubts.  But Murphy, Kerrigan, Baker, Preston should be able to impose pressure on the weak Giants offensive line.  


If I had to guess, McAdoo hasn't figured out what he wants to do and will judge based on the tempo of the game.  I actually don't hate the idea of them playing their full slate of starters, as was said on this thread it would be satisfying to beat them that way.    What would bug me is them playing their full slate, and the Redskins losing and the Giants rubbing the Redskins noses it.  Or more specifically for me, I am surrounded by Giants fans where I am at, I couldn't easily endure an 8 month off season with them rubbing my nose in it. :)  


So lets go Kirk and company!

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Best thing for the Skins to do is build a early first quarter lead of 17-0, the Giants will sit their starters and we can run it up and then rest our players for the second half.  I'm personally excited to get a shot at Seattle, they wrecked our 2012 campaign and we owe em one.  I really like our chances of going out there and grabbing a win.  I like the way things have set up.  

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20 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

I've got a feeling that the Giants are playing all starters, all game.  No evidence as to why, just a gut feeling.  

No personal attack here, as I've seen this same sentiment by a few here, and I just don't get it.


McAdoo has a multi-million dollar job, coveted by many, but only 32 of them in the world. To play your top players in a totally meaningless game could be career suicide if one of those players were to get hurt, or even worse, badly injured. He's a first year head coach who improved his team dramatically, and got them in the playoffs. He's as secure in his position as almost any coach in the league. Why would he jeopardize that? To get revenge? To gain momentum? Just because?


To take the chance of putting your "dream" job on the line because you played top players in a completely meaningless game, to me, seems the height of stupidity. 



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