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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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1 hour ago, The Sisko said:

Two things from this article jumped out at me.


We really let 15% of the country basically elect our presidents? No wonder we're so totally screwed up. I knew so-called real 'Muricuh had outsized political influence but I didn't realize it was like that.


Could it possibly be that JimBob is figuring out that he was sold a bill of goods? Either way, this makes me happy. Anything that makes rural 'Muricuh suffer is a good thing.




They get what they voted for.

As I've been saying over and over; even if companies do move manufacturing back to the U.S.; all they are going to do is create temporary construction jobs. Those jobs would be building new plants or refurbishing old abandoned plants. The plant once completed would be mostly automated; so they aren't going to have any permanent jobs for humans.

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6 minutes ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

Trump Jr is an epic doofus. He is the biggest idiot in the bunch.




I'd love to rigorously explore his, don's, and eric's brain, but my scenario requires the unlikely suspension of a number of very important formalities. 

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Ivanka, you want to affect policy; then run for office.


Trump only cares if he looks good. Except in those rare national instances; he will never have support beyond his idiotic base.  Sadly, that could be enough to get him reelected in 2020 if his opposition is divided.


He will accomplish nothing and as his allies will try to take over the GOP in the 2018/2020 elections. That may work in some areas but I venture to guess that getting some these Trumpsters as GOP nominees will see the Democrats winning some races; they probably wouldn't otherwise.


The asshole needs rallies to cheer himself but he hasn't accomplished nothing as president.

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