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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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It amazes me. THIS will be Tillerson's legacy, this is what he will be remembered for.Not his millions, not his ranch, not his tenure at Exxon, THIS overt and callous destruction of the State Dept and the international diplomatic order. How does he not see it, that this will define him forever, that people will be standing in line to piss on his grave because of this? How the hell does he get to sleep at night? It boggles my mind.

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Trump slams late night comedians for 'unfunny' anti-Trump jokes


Poor Cheeto, can't take being made fun of.


Trump can implement policies or spend money that leads to a cure for Cancer, Aids, Alzheimer and there will still be 50% of the country that despises him.

The only time his popularity may go over 50% would be after some national event. Ie another 9/11,  going to war after being attacked, etc...


The man is so thinned skinned.  I remember both Bushes ended up embracing some of the people who made fun of them.

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It's a shame that this guy can't be shamed because he has no shame.


I was thinking this morning that he hasn't killed anyone yet, mostly because he doesn't want to go to prison. That's kept him under control.


Unfortunately, now he's in a position to kill lots of humans, without conscious or remorse. 


The absolute worse situation for this narcissistic moron. Dangerous for humankind.

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