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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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From the Kellyanne Politico story:



"Well it is, and world leaders see that," Conway replied. "I find tweets like this to be incredibly irresponsible. It adds to the insulting that the mainstream media and the president's detractors ... to their ability and their cover to speak about the president of the United States ... in ways that no president should be talked about."


Notes the shill for the guy spearheading the birther movement to deligitimize a sitting president.  

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1 hour ago, visionary said:



Two things from this article jumped out at me.



"According to the Reuters/Ipsos daily tracking poll, the Republican president’s popularity is eroding in small towns and rural communities where 15 percent of the country’s population lives."


We really let 15% of the country basically elect our presidents? No wonder we're so totally screwed up. I knew so-called real 'Muricuh had outsized political influence but I didn't realize it was like that.



Rural people are more cynical about the federal government than people in general are,” Stauber said. “They’ve heard so many promises, and they’ve not seen much done.” Despite all the talk of bringing manufacturing jobs back, Stauber said he has not seen any companies which have relocated to his region, or anyone expand their workforce, due to new federal policies. “It just seems like we’ve dropped off the screen,” he said.


Could it possibly be that JimBob is figuring out that he was sold a bill of goods? Either way, this makes me happy. Anything that makes rural 'Muricuh suffer is a good thing.




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