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Trump and his cabinet/buffoonery- Get your bunkers ready!


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13 hours ago, FanboyOf91 said:

Putin really wants to kill some American soldiers before Agent Orange is gone.



Hey, Leute, zieht diese polnischen Uniformen an und stellt euch vor den Radiosender, damit wir euer Foto machen können. Es wird eine Menge Gelächter sein


nah, we'd never do anything to cause a national emergency so as to expand the power of the totalitarian, right? 







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Do read this, frim the Daily Beast. Worth it.  Rick Wilson is the embodiment of Republican anger that Cheeto Mussonlini has overtaken his party.


Open Letter to Times Op-ed Writer: Go Public Now, Before They Bust You

You think: I’ll never work in this town again. And you’re probably right. But your only value now is to bring down the entire system.

by Rick Wilson

Dear Deep State Throat:

You need to run. Run fast. Run now.


First, I’m sure you can hear the national golf clap for your op-ed in The New York Times. Some people think you’re a hero. Some people (particularly a certain orange, rage-tweeting resident of the West Wing Inpatient Mental Health Care Facility) consider you a traitor of the first order.


I’m giving you half marks. You speak the truth we’ve seen reported since the start; Donald Trump is mentally, intellectually, and morally unfit to serve as President. His election was a repulsive historical lacuna in the long line of patriots from both parties to hold the highest office in the land. You’ve borne witness to his behavior, and claim a role in blocking actions even after President Trump utters his various mad-hatter declarations. Bravo for trying to keep the Gold Codes out of Trump’s wee little grippy paws so he doesn’t launch a nuclear war with Iceland.


For all that, you’re not getting any awards. You know what you're doing in service to Trump is morally indefensible, but you’re trying to “But Gorsuch!” yourself out of the ethical sewer. That’s so Swamp.


You want to excuse yourself by telling us that for all the military, diplomatic, economic, political, and moral hazards into which Donald Trump has steered this nation, you’ve moved the tiller to help avoid the rocks.  Slow clap. If you argue that you’re doing a great job, I should note that Frederick Fleet, the Titanic’s lookout, did ring the doomed ship’s warning bell and shouted to the bridge, “Iceberg, right ahead!” After all, only part of the ship hit the iceberg, right?


Now, take a deep breath, because here comes the hard part. You’re going to have to go public. You’re going to have to burn it down to save yourself. You’re thinking, “I’ll never work in this town again,” and you’re probably right.


The only path is to get into the daylight as fast as you can, not like Omarosa, but as a true whistleblower and patriot. Your only value now is in pulling down the entire system. First movers in the collapse of this White House get a book deal. The future of the tenth asshole who escapes this White House who says, "I saw all this crazy, terrible, illegal, dangerous stuff and still tried to help" is exactly zero. Here’s their future: “Welcome to Arby’s.”


Whole piece here:


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2 minutes ago, @SkinsGoldPants said:

DNC should fire everyone in their marketing dept and just let Obama write their tweets, ads, everything.


"How hard can that be?"


Jesus. In 5 words he does what Chuck and Nancy and Clinton and whoever simply can't/won't. 


Jon Stewart. 

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