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SF Gate - Sex robots might be better in bed than real humans

The Evil Genius

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Sex robots might be better in bed than real humans

By Beth Spotswood

Updated 3:05 pm, Wednesday, September 7, 2016



We're getting closer to a world full of sex robots. According to certain experts, by the year 2050, sex robot tourism, marriage, and prostitution will be commonplace.

Robotics expert John Snell of Iowa's Kirkwood College suggests that sex robots, which are robots with which one can presumably have intercourse, will be better in the sack than humans. "'Because they would be programmable," Snell explained to Metro UK, "sexbots would meet each individual user's needs."

Concerned about the human condition, Snell notes a possible downside, saying, "Robotic sex may become addictive. Sexbots would always be available and could never say no, so addictions would be easy to feed."

Need more expert sexbot predictions? The University of Victoria Management School's Ian Yeoman and Michelle Mars wrote a paper entitled, "Robots, Men, and Sex Tourism" which suggested that sex robots would be used as high-end prostitutes by the year 2050. Yeoman, a scientist and Mars, a sexologist, envision a futuristic brothel staffed with sexbots.

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38 minutes ago, The Evil Genius said:


Masturbation might be more convenient than real humans

By Beth Spotswood

Updated 3:05 pm, Wednesday, September 7, 1995


We're getting closer to a world full of masturbation. According to certain experts, by the year 2050, masturbation will be commonplace.

Wacking expert John Snell of Iowa's Kirkwood College suggests that masturbation will be better than interacting with humans. "'Because masturbation would meet each individual user's needs."

Concerned about the human condition, Snell notes a possible downside, saying, "Masturbation may become addictive. Your hand would always be available and could never say no, so addictions would be easy to feed."

Need more expert whacking predictions? The University of Victoria Management School's Ian Yeoman and Michelle Mars wrote a paper entitled, "Masturbation" which suggested that the internet would be used as masturbation fodder by the year 2050. Yeoman, a scientist and Mars, a sexologist, envision a futuristic time when people surf the internet extensively for pornography. 

more at link



I found a very similar article (above) from 1995 .... somehow the world didn;t come to an end.........?  

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These robotics experts must suck at sex if they think a robot will be better than a woman. Don't they understand emotional inter-play and connection, sexual trance, sexual tension, dominance, and sexual expression?

Those are the things that make sex with another more than some mutual masturbatory endeavor. It's also those things that build and enrich our emotional response and anticipation with another, so that a touch can be laden with so many more things to come. 


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1 hour ago, Fresh8686 said:

These robotics experts must suck at sex if they think a robot will be better than a woman. Don't they understand emotional inter-play and connection, sexual trance, sexual tension, dominance, and sexual expression?

Those are the things that make sex with another more than some mutual masturbatory endeavor. It's also those things that build and enrich our emotional response and anticipation with another, so that a touch can be laden with so many more things to come. 


You must know that a lot of people suck at sex. Right?

We get the robots to have sex too thereby exchanging and storing human genetic "material" and with their corresponding human (when desired) and procreation goes on.  Some kinks <cymbal crash> to work out for sure.

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29 minutes ago, KAOSkins said:

You must know that a lot of people suck at sex. Right?

We get the robots to have sex too thereby exchanging and storing human genetic "material" and with their corresponding human (when desired) and procreation goes on.  Some kinks <cymbal crash> to work out for sure.

Lol, I hear you. 

Yea, people do overall seem to have not that great of a connection with their sexuality and by extension the sexuality of potential partners. But, I was like that too at one point, we can all improve, in sometimes even spectacular ways.

But, I feel that for people who do indulge in this, especially those who don't balance it with actual human sexual contact will further stunt their sexual development. Not only that, but they'll develop habits of objectification, disconnection and other behaviors that could be dangerous towards any eventual people they do have sex with, while also losing out on positive ones.

That person could possibly lack when it comes to paying attention and communicating with their partner. Reading their cues and reactions, matching rhythm, how to escalate and fractionate, etc. They'll lack self-restraint that allows a man to shape and express himself with sex so he's not just some dude getting off, but a man creating an experience with another that says something about who they are.

These are the things we only really learn with a partner while trying to express and create.

Ha, I'm not trying to be like all raaawwwrrrr about it, I get the interest, but I'm passionate about healthy sex and hope people understand there needs to be a balance to these kinds of indulgences. 

These kinds of things are like a honey bun compared to a well balanced meal. Short term it may scratch that itch, but long term we're better off if we take our lumps and choose the harder but more nourishing choice. 

I feel the same way about porn to be honest. 

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11 minutes ago, Fresh8686 said:

Lol, I hear you. 

Yea, people do overall seem to have not that great of a connection with their sexuality and by extension the sexuality of potential partners. But, I was like that too at one point, we can all improve, in sometimes even spectacular ways.

But, I feel that for people who do indulge in this, especially those who don't balance it with actual human sexual contact will further stunt their sexual development. Not only that, but they'll develop habits of objectification, disconnection and other behaviors that could be dangerous towards any eventual people they do have sex with, while also losing out on positive ones.

That person could possibly lack when it comes to paying attention and communicating with their partner. Reading their cues and reactions, matching rhythm, how to escalate and fractionate, etc. They'll lack self-restraint that allows a man to shape and express himself with sex so he's not just some dude getting off, but a man creating an experience with another that says something about who they are.

These are the things we only really learn with a partner while trying to express and create.

Ha, I'm not trying to be like all raaawwwrrrr about it, I get the interest, but I'm passionate about healthy sex and hope people understand there needs to be a balance to these kinds of indulgences. 

These kinds of things are like a honey bun compared to a well balanced meal. Short term it may scratch that itch, but long term we're better off if we take our lumps and choose the harder but more nourishing choice. 

Good points all.  For a normal healthy human it applies.  

There are all kinds of situations, however, where people are damaged for one reason or another and it's not their own fault or due to lack of effort.  Scenarios exist where I could imagine these robots might actually qualify as a therapeutic device.  Bet it takes the insurance companies a long, long time to agree with me on that though, lol.

They would almost certainly be misused by people (probably a lot of people) in the manner which you describe.

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44 minutes ago, KAOSkins said:

Good points all.  For a normal healthy human it applies.  

There are all kinds of situations, however, where people are damaged for one reason or another and it's not their own fault or due to lack of effort.  Scenarios exist where I could imagine these robots might actually qualify as a therapeutic device.  Bet it takes the insurance companies a long, long time to agree with me on that though, lol.

They would almost certainly be misused by people (probably a lot of people) in the manner which you describe.

Yup, I could see that. Lol, medicinal sex robots. You think they'd do it like they did with weed? Dudes hitting up their doctors for a sex robot card :ols:

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Robots won't kink shame.  Sometimes you want the emotional connection.  Sometimes you just want to [censored] on a [censored] while [censored] and [censored] [censored] your [censored].

Unless being kink shamed is your kink, in which case, these robots will totally kink shame you.

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I'm not much into shaming or emotional connection. I'm a dude.

If I could have lived in a world where a robot could be fabricated to look like Cindy Crawford, do all kinds of freakiness, and then clean my house afterwards while I'm napping, I would work my ass off until I could afford to buy one, and then spend the rest of my life in euphoric bliss interrupted only by the occasional need for servicing.

And I would pay for the upgrades that eliminate unnecessary vocabulary words like relationship.

Anyone think it's more than just a coincidence that this article comes out just as HBO is putting out trailers for Westworld?

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It's a tough one, because I do agree not everyone is cut out for maintaining a healthy sex life.  As a species, we've gotten past the point of that being a determining factor in whether an individual member of the species survives (like some other animal species).  If that's what people want to do, that's their business, I can't get down with it.  Will be interesting when sex robots become self-aware and start demanding rights (trust me, we don't know better before letting it get to that point, its going to happen).

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