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USA Today: Protests break out after Baton Rouge police fatally shoot man


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Protests break out after Baton Rouge police fatally shoot man



Protesters called for more demonstrations Wednesday following a night of unrest over the fatal shooting of a black man by police officers that was caught on video outside a Baton Rouge convenience store.


The two officers have been placed on administrative following the incident early Tuesday. The officers have not been identified.


Officers responded to the store about 12:35 a.m. Tuesday after an anonymous caller indicated a man, later identified as Alton Sterling, 37, selling music CDs and wearing a red shirt threatened him with a gun, Cpl. L’Jean McKneely said.


Two officers responded and some type of altercation with the man ensued. One officer fatally shot the suspect, McKneely said. Both officers have been placed on administrative leave, which is standard department policy, he said.


Rep. Cedric Richmond, D-La., who called for the Department of Justice to investigate the killing, said officials claimed both officers had body cameras "but they fell off during the struggle and do not show the shooting."

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You and another officer have him on the ground... and you "see a gun" and your first instinct is to pull yours and shoot the man.


Cold-blooded execution-style murder.  No other way to paint this one.


You can make certain arguments about a lot of these officer involved shootings (not all of them), but this one the dude should be charged by Friday.  And I'd recommend the death penalty if it's an option and I'm the DA.

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Sounds like one of those situations where a whole lot more information might help.  (Although the article has a lot in it.) 


Sounds like the 911 call reported a gun.  And apparantly the cell phone video contains the cops saying he had a gun.  And the clerk says that the victim didn't have a gun in his hand, but he did see the cops remove a gun from the victim's pocket. 


It's certainly possible that this was a completely justified shooting. 

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Sounds like one of those situations where a whole lot more information might help.  (Although the article has a lot in it.) 


Sounds like the 911 call reported a gun.  And apparantly the cell phone video contains the cops saying he had a gun.  And the clerk says that the victim didn't have a gun in his hand, but he did see the cops remove a gun from the victim's pocket. 


It's certainly possible that this was a completely justified shooting. 


Removing it from the pocket means that it wasn't fixed on the officers.


How is that justified at all? 

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Removing it from the pocket means that it wasn't fixed on the officers.

I'm sorry. I must have missed the part where it was a rule that, when the cops are struggling with an armed suspect, they are required to wait until the suspect's gun is exposed and pointed at the officers, before they are threatened.

Cold-blooded execution-style murder. No other way to paint this one.

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Removing it from the pocket means that it wasn't fixed on the officers.

How is that justified at all?

My thoughts as well.

I do agree with Larry that it's best to see what else comes out before getting up in arms about it though. But it definitely doesn't look good. And both body cams "falling off" is inexcusable in my book

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I'm sorry. I must have missed the part where it was a rule that, when the cops are struggling with an armed suspect, they are required to wait until the suspect's gun is exposed and pointed at the officers, before they are threatened.


One of the officers threatened the man as well. 


“He’s got a gun,” one officer cries while the pair pinned Sterling to the ground.

“You f-----g move, I swear to God,”




Having a gun =/= reaching for it.


This is why the footage will be SO important as far as clearing things up. 


From what I've read and the limited information I've gathered, it seems like murder. 

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I'm sorry. I must have missed the part where it was a rule that, when the cops are struggling with an armed suspect, they are required to wait until the suspect's gun is exposed and pointed at the officers, before they are threatened.



I'm sorry.  I must have missed the part where having a gun and resisting arrest automatically mean you get executed.

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Assuming LA law is like law in other states I'm more familiar with, I think 2nd Degree Murder is the charge unless there are mitigating factors we're unaware of (eg., he had gun partially pulled...not that I think that happened).

The death penalty probably isn't on the table, as this doesn't seem to fit the criteria of any capital offense in LA.

Tragic. If things are as they seem, I hope the guy who pulled the trigger gets the full force of the law against him.

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I'm sorry.  I must have missed the part where having a gun and resisting arrest automatically mean you get executed.

Maybe not automatic, but it sure raises the odds.

The presence of a gun absolutely changes things.

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my understanding is that they're trained to shout when they see a gun, and everyone else is to respond accordingly.


when the man is clearly resisting/struggling or otherwise seems combative, accordingly = shooting.


but that video of the officer holding the gun up to his head is just.... it's awful.


questions to me:

Did he have a gun?
Did the other officer shout "He's got a gun"?

Did they feel like they had no control over the situation?


Even if the answer to that are yes, yes, and yes... it still looks awful.

I'm sorry.  I must have missed the part where having a gun and resisting arrest automatically mean you get executed.


Well, it's certainly not very ****ing smart.


It's pretty much a guarantee you'll get shot. Executed is probably just a matter of luck.

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Maybe not automatic, but it sure raises the odds.

The presence of a gun absolutely changes things.

For black people. The presence of a gun absolutely changes things for black people. Isn't LA an open carry state?

And that was not resisting arrest, trying to protect your vulnerable body while being tackled and thrown to the ground is not resisting arrest. Trying to breathe when someone has a knee on your throat isn't resisting arrest. There is no realm of reality where pointing a gun at someone's head at point blank range and shooting almost immediately is justifiable.

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Speaking of body cams, came across this video yesterday of some chick trying to bribe a police officer on a DUI stop (don't want to hijack this thread too much so I'll just put the link. It's SFW though)


It's a great example--as the officer in the vid acknowledges at the end--of why and how officer body cams work for EVERYONE except criminals (both on the street and in blue). They should be a no brainer for every department in this country at this point.

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I'm sorry. I must have missed the part where it was a rule that, when the cops are struggling with an armed suspect, they are required to wait until the suspect's gun is exposed and pointed at the officers, before they are threatened.



So you and your boy are on top of the suspect (and you still feel threatened), and he has a weapon in his pocket (his pocket, and you still "feel threatened"), and you feel that gives you cause to cook a few off into him? 


He's out of the fight the minute you're on top of him unless his weapon is in his hands and he's trying to shoot you. 


Soldiers can think this way... I'm not sure why a Police officer can't, as well.  And we get paid less!

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Resisting is generally a misdemeanor.

It appears this man was executed for committing a misdemeanor without due process. Having a gun on his person DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A THREAT. An officer "feeling threatened" is not enough to justify execution - there are legal standards that have to be met, and this situation did not appear to clear those.

Literally the only thing that would make this shooting "ok" is if he were pulling the weapon with clear intent to use. Every shred of evidence we have to this point indicates that was not the case.

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The thing about resisting arrest is it's sometimes a pretty fine line from simply asking why you're being arrested to "resisting".

Police roll up on you, wanna cuff you for reasons unknown, you wanna know why, then boom it's labeled resisting and spins outta control.

But we'll see what happened here when more info comes out.

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