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The Supreme Court, and abortion.


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Wish I could be certain that that's a fake. 

While I think that the modern right wing of American politics could credibly be argued to be literally working at Satan's command, .....  


While I will admit that I, personally, have fantasized about becoming a Punisher clone, targeting the political Right, ......


I really hope that no one is actually doing it. 

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It's been what half a week since the leak, (which the right-wing media immediately got out in front of it to say the left was overreacting and that this merely meant the decision goes back to the states) and we've already had McConnell float a federal ban, Blackburn say birth control should only be for married couples, Louisiana & I believe Mississippi forward legislation to ban IUD's & Plan B etc etc etc.....but yes, of course the left is "overreacting"

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Pft! This is probably fake, but I really hope that it isn't. The GOP has gone out of its way to specifically target and take away people's rights...what do you expect people to do? At what point do people stand up for themselves? At what point have people had enough? I'm not going to say that people SHOULD go out and do this, but I don't feel one iota of sympathy for these "victims". When your sole purpose is to **** with people's lives and trigger them, well, don't be surprised when they get triggered.


This is the part where some of you moderates or boomers will come in and say that this isn't the answer. Well, neither is a glass of milk, doesn't mean you can't enjoy it. We all know the GOP is going to call the left thugs/violent/criminals/etc anyways, so why even worry about that? If the past two years have taught me anything, its that protesting is a waste of time. Perhaps it is time to get more "active"?

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39 minutes ago, Simmsy said:

Pft! This is probably fake, but I really hope that it isn't. The GOP has gone out of its way to specifically target and take away people's rights...what do you expect people to do? At what point do people stand up for themselves? At what point have people had enough? I'm not going to say that people SHOULD go out and do this, but I don't feel one iota of sympathy for these "victims". When your sole purpose is to **** with people's lives and trigger them, well, don't be surprised when they get triggered.


This is the part where some of you moderates or boomers will come in and say that this isn't the answer. Well, neither is a glass of milk, doesn't mean you can't enjoy it. We all know the GOP is going to call the left thugs/violent/criminals/etc anyways, so why even worry about that? If the past two years have taught me anything, its that protesting is a waste of time. Perhaps it is time to get more "active"?


Here's my take on that


John Brown WAS guilty, and it was a charge of "bad timing in the first degree". Oct '59 and he's jumping the gun, Apr '61 and he gets a commission. 


Anyone that wants to go out tonight and start burning **** is gonna get swept up and lokt up and will miss all the real fun that's coming. Too soon is always bad manners. When the **** hits the fan you'll know it, everyone will know it and you can collect all the heads you want to without a bunch of blowback.


If you are seriously thinking about striking a blow for __________ (fill in the cause), you might want to think about working on your skills, ammo, camo and blammo, ie. weapons and training- woodcraft and survival skills- vigorous chemistry on a budget. Fortune favors the well prepared.

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34 minutes ago, LD0506 said:

Anyone that wants to go out tonight and start burning **** is gonna get swept up and lokt up and will miss all the real fun that's coming. Too soon is always bad manners. When the **** hits the fan you'll know it, everyone will know it and you can collect all the heads you want to without a bunch of blowback.


Long ago movie Sidekicks featured a kid who was fantasizing about begin Chuck Norris' sidekick.  There's a scene, where the two of them are about to infiltrate a villain's base.  And the kid says "What's the signal?".  Chuck Norris says "The usual.  All hell breaks loose."   


BTW:  No, I am not advocating that people need to be going out and beginning their self-training in how to become an independent terrorist.  Just sharing a funny movie line from a not very good movie, that's stuck in my head.  


Edited by Larry
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My wife and I have been together since I was 16. We never wanted kids, don't want them now.


Am I going to be able to get a vasectomy after she's obviously going to get denied birth control pills? WHAT in the actual ****? 


Day to day, I go along in my life and it seems like the silent majority is 80% of the country. How in the **** are these backwards mother ****ers still deciding about other people's bodies?! I'm a member of a number of different social media sites and we all share a world view that is similar, with a few hiccups now and then. I don't see this "majority" in my offline life. Where is this and why?

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3 hours ago, Cooked Crack said:



So now the Anti-Freedom Party is really trying to get corporations to relocate to blue states.


3 hours ago, TheMalcolmConnection said:

My wife and I have been together since I was 16. We never wanted kids, don't want them now.


Am I going to be able to get a vasectomy after she's obviously going to get denied birth control pills? WHAT in the actual ****? 


Day to day, I go along in my life and it seems like the silent majority is 80% of the country. How in the **** are these backwards mother ****ers still deciding about other people's bodies?! I'm a member of a number of different social media sites and we all share a world view that is similar, with a few hiccups now and then. I don't see this "majority" in my offline life. Where is this and why?

You must not live anywhere near 💩hole 'Muricuh bc I've periodically heard that kind of crap since I moved to Georgia. That said, the brilliant founding fathers did design an incredible system that allowed for minority rule. So since most people don't live in or near 💩hole 'Muricuh it's relatively rare that they encounter the Luddite wing of the Christian Shariah party.



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I promise I’m not a conspiracy theorist but I have to wonder how much of this forcing people to have babies thing is because somehow they are making money off of it. It’s easy for me to believe that some rich man somewhere sees every aborted baby as a missed opportunity for a new prisoner they can use to make them money. Or a new drug addict they can sell medications to. It’s the only thing that makes sense to me right now because I know these people are not doing this for some religious devotion. They hate Jesus and his teachings in reality. So why then? 

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6 hours ago, Llevron said:

I promise I’m not a conspiracy theorist but I have to wonder how much of this forcing people to have babies thing is because somehow they are making money off of it. It’s easy for me to believe that some rich man somewhere sees every aborted baby as a missed opportunity for a new prisoner they can use to make them money. Or a new drug addict they can sell medications to. It’s the only thing that makes sense to me right now because I know these people are not doing this for some religious devotion. They hate Jesus and his teachings in reality. So why then? 


I kinda see it as "we don't want people adopting all those Chinese and African babies" so we need "domestic suppliers"


The same way that they didn't like seeing people darker than them making all that coke money, so they brought us oxy

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7 hours ago, Llevron said:

I promise I’m not a conspiracy theorist but I have to wonder how much of this forcing people to have babies thing is because somehow they are making money off of it. It’s easy for me to believe that some rich man somewhere sees every aborted baby as a missed opportunity for a new prisoner they can use to make them money. Or a new drug addict they can sell medications to. It’s the only thing that makes sense to me right now because I know these people are not doing this for some religious devotion. They hate Jesus and his teachings in reality. So why then? 

Imo, it’s just appealing to a political demographic (Christians). It’s not a winner, but it’s not insignificant.



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51 minutes ago, LD0506 said:


I kinda see it as "we don't want people adopting all those Chinese and African babies" so we need "domestic suppliers"


The same way that they didn't like seeing people darker than them making all that coke money, so they brought us oxy

Never thought about it that way before, but that rationale makes more sense than anything else I've heard/read. 

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50 minutes ago, Die Hard said:

Imo, it’s just appealing to a political demographic (Christians). It’s not a winner, but it’s not insignificant.



That and it makes it harder for people to be successful. The unwanted pregnancies turn into life long expenses. 

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Maybe the politicians have some secret agenda.  I don't see it.  I see it as either politicians captured to the Christian vote (ie. "white evangelical voters") or those voters having a very specific demand over 20+ years and wanting to see Roe v. Wade overturned.  As a white evangelical, let me tell you -- every election since 2004 I've been exposed to logic from the pulpit that is either "I can't tell you directly how to vote, but there's only one party that protects life" or more directly "a vote for Democrats is a vote for killing babies". 


Evangelicals literally overlooked all the flaws from Trump in 2016 because they feel Roe vs. Wade / abortion is the single biggest issue in the country.  This truly did lead to relatively huge  fault lines within the church -- for sure it was probably 80% pro-Trump and 20% anti-Trump, but previously even within churches it was probably a 95/5 percent split -- so there was some genuine debate in Trump vs. Hillary.  But even within the church there is plenty of space for anti-Hillary propaganda (ie. Clinton body count to spread).  Even pre-2016 I was shocked at the rumors/lies that were spread about Obama within the church on social media-- people that I respected commonly flooded me with social media posts about Michelle Obama was a man - Obama a Muslim, etc.  From a Christian perspective, Obama was likely the best President that we've had, but for white evangelicals politics is defined singularly around abortion and everything else is secondary.  


Whether continuing to support GOP due to great political contemplation, reflection about the direction about the country and prayer or 20+ years of brainwash from the pulpit that abortion is the single biggest issue in the country -- I am fairly certain that it is very much less deep thought about the country and more the brainwash.  God hates abortions and if you don't vote with the party that honors God, you yourself are personally responsible for all abortions going forward... it shouldn't even be up for debate.  There's this idea of communal sin in America which traces back to the Old Testament and abortion is by far and away the biggest sin.  But don't think for a second that same-sex marriage is not up next -- because next to abortion and the sacredness of life, the sanctity of marriage is the next item up.  


I've never even seen or heard of the argument that I carry which is, "God gives everyone free-choice -- we shouldn't destroy other people's ability to choose obedience or not" and how futile it is to take choice away, because you also take obedience to God out of the picture.  There's this huge concept of communal sin, or a nation being righteous or unrighteous.  Banning abortion, banning same-sex marriage is a signal to God that America is a righteous country.  Democrats/liberals are unrighteous heathens hell bent on murdering babies.  How can you argue against baby murder?    


And on the flip side, I can walk myself through a compelling argument that leads me to the conclusion that abortion is a grave sin in America, our legislation should reflect morals, that life in the womb should be protected as much as possible by the government and that as a citizen I do want to ban abortion and I want a government that reflects my morals.  That would lead me to wonder why Christians only care about morals in this one narrow area -- why don't we ban pornography (the idea that sex outside of a committed monogamous relationship (avoiding the same-sex issue) is a-ok, but not just a-ok should be celebrated) and why don't we ban alcohol (which is certainly the 2nd largest addiction in America, behind pornography).  Why don't we care about income inequality, and the fact that our country is more and more driven to pursue wealth (mammon) as a sin in America?   Why don't we care about the character of our politicians more?

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46 minutes ago, Fergasun said:

Maybe the politicians have some secret agenda.  I don't see it.  I see it as either politicians captured to the Christian vote (ie. "white evangelical voters") or those voters having a very specific demand over 20+ years and wanting to see Roe v. Wade overturned.  As a white evangelical, let me tell you -- every election since 2004 I've been exposed to logic from the pulpit that is either "I can't tell you directly how to vote, but there's only one party that protects life" or more directly "a vote for Democrats is a vote for killing babies". 


Evangelicals literally overlooked all the flaws from Trump in 2016 because they feel Roe vs. Wade / abortion is the single biggest issue in the country.  This truly did lead to relatively huge  fault lines within the church -- for sure it was probably 80% pro-Trump and 20% anti-Trump, but previously even within churches it was probably a 95/5 percent split -- so there was some genuine debate in Trump vs. Hillary.  But even within the church there is plenty of space for anti-Hillary propaganda (ie. Clinton body count to spread).  Even pre-2016 I was shocked at the rumors/lies that were spread about Obama within the church on social media-- people that I respected commonly flooded me with social media posts about Michelle Obama was a man - Obama a Muslim, etc.  From a Christian perspective, Obama was likely the best President that we've had, but for white evangelicals politics is defined singularly around abortion and everything else is secondary.  


Whether continuing to support GOP due to great political contemplation, reflection about the direction about the country and prayer or 20+ years of brainwash from the pulpit that abortion is the single biggest issue in the country -- I am fairly certain that it is very much less deep thought about the country and more the brainwash.  God hates abortions and if you don't vote with the party that honors God, you yourself are personally responsible for all abortions going forward... it shouldn't even be up for debate.  There's this idea of communal sin in America which traces back to the Old Testament and abortion is by far and away the biggest sin.  But don't think for a second that same-sex marriage is not up next -- because next to abortion and the sacredness of life, the sanctity of marriage is the next item up.  


I've never even seen or heard of the argument that I carry which is, "God gives everyone free-choice -- we shouldn't destroy other people's ability to choose obedience or not" and how futile it is to take choice away, because you also take obedience to God out of the picture.  There's this huge concept of communal sin, or a nation being righteous or unrighteous.  Banning abortion, banning same-sex marriage is a signal to God that America is a righteous country.  Democrats/liberals are unrighteous heathens hell bent on murdering babies.  How can you argue against baby murder?    


And on the flip side, I can walk myself through a compelling argument that leads me to the conclusion that abortion is a grave sin in America, our legislation should reflect morals, that life in the womb should be protected as much as possible by the government and that as a citizen I do want to ban abortion and I want a government that reflects my morals.  That would lead me to wonder why Christians only care about morals in this one narrow area -- why don't we ban pornography (the idea that sex outside of a committed monogamous relationship (avoiding the same-sex issue) is a-ok, but not just a-ok should be celebrated) and why don't we ban alcohol (which is certainly the 2nd largest addiction in America, behind pornography).  Why don't we care about income inequality, and the fact that our country is more and more driven to pursue wealth (mammon) as a sin in America?   Why don't we care about the character of our politicians more?


And this is why separation of church and state is so important. Which religion's morals are really the right morals? It's the rule of law without religious interference that's so important in moving humanity out of the stone age. Believing in deities, heaven and hell, and such concepts as life after death or rebirth are superfluous and not rooted in reality.

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1 hour ago, skinsmarydu said:

And what I always say:  No one has ever been FOR abortion.  We're FOR the right to choose. 

No woman ever wants to make that choice, believe me.  


Huh. Maybe that's the reason that they don't sell Happy Abortion greeting cards at the Walgreens down the road?

Edited by michiskin
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