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Tandler's - Need to Know: Which classic Redskins games do you want to see again?


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Didn't realize it until someone brought it up on twitter the other day, but I've never seen the NFC Championship game against the Vikings in it's entirety. My oldest memory is watching the Super Bowl several days later, but I don't remember watching THAT game and I've only seen highlights of the last play where "Joe Gibbs has gone to his knees" and you know the rest.

That would be a cool one to see.

I have DVDs with all of the Super Bowls and the 82 and 91 NFCCGs on them... and I just never noticed I don't have nor have I ever seen the 87 game.

It may be on YouTube. I watched it a couple of months ago, but every once in a while the NFL deletes them.

And yes, 1990 for that Lions game.

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  For me, the 87' paloff game against "da Bears", Walter Payton's last meaningful game.


 That year, everyone was so high on the 49ers going all the way, but then Anthony Carter and the Vikings stopped by to do say 'Hi There' and bounced them, which then turned the focus towards da Bears and Redskins, whom everyone was saying the winner of this game would go to the Superbowl.


So much drama in that game, paloffs, possibly Walt's last game, butt-ass cold, QB flip-flop in DC, bears looking for payback from last year's paloffs, winner gets home field for NFCC game, and of course Jimmy 'the Greek' Snyder opening his pie hole about black athletes. 


 Gotta admit, it was a nail-biter of a game, and the better team won.

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Super Bowls and playoff games I won't wade into, but I would LOVE to see Washington at Dallas in 1987. 13-7 doesn't sound like all that special of a score, but I've always wanted to see one of the games that the replacements played, especially when they beat down Dallas' team with its pros still playing. I've searched and searched, but I could never find much actual footage of any of the replacement games.

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Super Bowls and playoff games I won't wade into, but I would LOVE to see Washington at Dallas in 1987. 13-7 doesn't sound like all that special of a score, but I've always wanted to see one of the games that the replacements played, especially when they beat down Dallas' team with its pros still playing. I've searched and searched, but I could never find much actual footage of any of the replacement games.


 Those SOBs had no idea what was coming their way. There was talk of them stomping us into the turf, but thats what ****iness and under-estimation gets you; one of the most humiliating losses in their franchise's history. 




My two favorite regular season "classic" games occurred during that magical year 1991:


1.  The season opener against the Lions ... "pure domination" I have not witnessed since ... an almost perfect game.


2.  The away game @ the Meadowlands when the Skins finally broke their "hex" and beat the pygmies in their building ... the game where Gary Clark dropped a sure TD ... then a play or two later caught a beautiful post from Ryp in the end zone to seal the deal!


Unfortunately ... neither game is on You Tube.


 It was crisp, precise play by the skins. They had a chip on their shoulders from the previous year and wanted to show everyone on national tv they would be a force to deal with.


 But later in that year we played the Eagles at home on a monday night, and if i'm not mistaken, held them to under 100 TOTAL yds of offense. I'd have to rank that game higher personally.

That night, every player was intense, focused, it seemed like they knew every play the Eagles would call.

I gotta get me a beta vcr; i've got some of the 91' games, my Bears game, and a few others, but damn things are 300 bucks !

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It's just dumb that a mega-enterprise like the NFL doesn't take a proactive step in making games available. They could chip in from all the teams and have digitally remastered games online to get fans thru the tween-season, bring in new fans and respark interest in old ones.


Of course, the fact that it makes sense probably explains its absence................

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 I gotta get me a beta vcr; i've got some of the 91' games, my Bears game, and a few others, but damn things are 300 bucks !

It would be cool if someone transcribed the '91 season ... all games on a CD.  I would pay 300 bucks for that!

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Didn't realize it until someone brought it up on twitter the other day, but I've never seen the NFC Championship game against the Vikings in it's entirety.  My oldest memory is watching the Super Bowl several days later, but I don't remember watching THAT game and I've only seen highlights of the last play where "Joe Gibbs has gone to his knees" and you know the rest.


That would be a cool one to see.


I have DVDs with all of the Super Bowls and the 82 and 91 NFCCGs on them... and I just never noticed I don't have nor have I ever seen the 87 game.



It used to be up on youtube, but it was taken down. Maybe someone will put it up again.

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As was said in the tweet thread.

91 Oilers game. Really a memorable game.

That eagles game at the end of the season was great too, but only the first half.

I think It'd be fun to rewatch that entire season actually.

I remember that Oilers game as it was the Sunday morning after my Wedding night in Vegas. My wife did not know really how much I was a Redskins fan until I left the wedding bed to go watch the game in the Sports Bar with my bro who was also my best man. 25 years later still going strong, and oh she definitely knows that on Sundays it is Skinsday and is a frustrated wife on Sundays especially if we lose. 

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That 91 eagles game was amazing, until we pulled our starters. I bring that game up a lot. Being from Philly I got to see that defense a ton and I still think it was the best I've ever seen. I think they had Tommy ****ing Tupa at QB at one point because everyone else was hurt. Their offense was humiliatingly awful.

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I'm surprised no body mentioned the Dec 18, 2005 shellacking we gave the Cowboys to a tune of 35-7. Chris Cooley scored 3 TDs that game. That was the second match up we faced the Cowboys that season; after the Monday Night Miracle. That game, and season for that matter, was pretty exciting, fun, and memorable.

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I'm surprised no body mentioned the Dec 18, 2005 shellacking we gave the Cowboys to a tune of 35-7. Chris Cooley scored 3 TDs that game. That was the second match up we faced the Cowboys that season; after the Monday Night Miracle. That game, and season for that matter, was pretty exciting, fun, and memorable.


That team should've won the Super Bowl.


I still have bad dreams about that Seattle game.


****ing Carlos Rogers...

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I'm surprised no body mentioned the Dec 18, 2005 shellacking we gave the Cowboys to a tune of 35-7. Chris Cooley scored 3 TDs that game. That was the second match up we faced the Cowboys that season; after the Monday Night Miracle. That game, and season for that matter, was pretty exciting, fun, and memorable.

>> I was at that game and have a DVD copy of it somewhere.

Also, the Redskins beating Dallas DVD is just over $5(!) on amazon.com



1982 NFC Championship

Monday Night Miracle (Brunell to Moss for 2 late TDs)

Hand of God Game (Sean Taylor returning blocked FG at end of game)

I guess in answering this question, if I have a copy of the game, I don't feel the need to see it again...would love to see another Redskins beating Cowboys DVD(s) put out.

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Seat Cusion game, it looks like mustard spilled onto the field!


And then the Houston game to stay undefeated, I will always have a fond memory of that game because this guy "Steve" in our section in 402, was saying how he had just won $5000 because he guessed the correct halftime score or something and said if the Redskins scored next or something, he would buy the whole section beer the rest of the game.... guess what we scored, and everyone in our section started chanting "Steve Steve Steve STEVE STEVE STEVE STEVE STEVE!!!!!" Over and over and over again, he must of bought 5 round for everyone! He was at the next game, guess what chant started , yep "Steve Steve Steve STEVE STEVE STEVE STEVE STEVE!!!!!"


LMAO good time/memories

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I'm surprised no body mentioned the Dec 18, 2005 shellacking we gave the Cowboys to a tune of 35-7. Chris Cooley scored 3 TDs that game. That was the second match up we faced the Cowboys that season; after the Monday Night Miracle. That game, and season for that matter, was pretty exciting, fun, and memorable.


I attended that game and it was one of the most memorable in-person games I've ever been to. It's probably third behind my first game as a 10-year old kid during the 1987 season (the week the real player returned) and the 2012 NFC East Championship game against the Cowboys. 


The team dominated that game in 2005 from start to finish. I think it was Phillip Daniels who sacked Bledsoe 4 times and Cooley lit up the Cowboy D, as you mentioned. 

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My two favorite regular season "classic" games occurred during that magical year 1991:

1. The season opener against the Lions ... "pure domination" I have not witnessed since ... an almost perfect game.

2. The away game @ the Meadowlands when the Skins finally broke their "hex" and beat the pygmies in their building ... the game where Gary Clark dropped a sure TD ... then a play or two later caught a beautiful post from Ryp in the end zone to seal the deal!

Unfortunately ... neither game is on You Tube.

I was going to say the second. That's the Sprint-Bomb game. Awesome.

Honorable mentions:

91 falcons regular season game. Jerry Glandville can suck it.

2007, season finale against the Cowboys. I was there for that one and it's the only game I've ever just sat in the stands after a game and stared at the scoreboard for probably 45 minutes...

2012 season opener against the Saints and Dallas (both)

2015 Tampa.

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October 11, 1974 Washington Redskins vs. Miami Dolphins - Final score 20-17 


From a Washington Post article:


"Larry Smith stood dressing slowly, ever so slowly, his face slightly puffy, two large-red welts on his temples oozing slightly. His hand and foot were throbbing too, because there are broken bones in each. And there was the pain from a pulled groin muscle.

Deacon Jones once called Smith "a walking wreck." Yesterday, his teammates and every football fanatic in this town who roots for the Redskins were calling him hero, and Sonny Jurgensen savior, after the 20-17 defeat of the Miami Dolphins....The Redskins rallied from deficits of 10-0 and 17-13, trailing by the latter score with 1:46 to play. Then Jurgensen, the old master, drove them 60 yards in the waning seconds to the touchdown that left the 54,395 in attendance and all of the Redskins delirious and the Dolphins stunned."


And my favorite quote: "When disaster reared its ugly head as Bob Griese threw 13 yards to Howard Twilley in the end zone with 13:14 elapsed in the final period, Jurgensen spat in its face."


It was the 1st time the Redskins had faced the Dolphins since the 1972 Super Bowl loss. It was probably the last good game played by Sonny who retired after the 1974 season. An improbable win against a Dolphins team that was arguably better than the 1972 Miami team. It served as a "what might have been" had Sonny been the QB in 1972 Super Bowl. And I was there with my parents in the old temporary end zone bleacher seats in the right field corner of RFK. An incredible day to be a Redskins fan. 




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October 11, 1974 Washington Redskins vs. Miami Dolphins - Final score 20-17 



I became a fan of the team in 1973 (when I was six!) and like reading recounts of the games from the 70s.  My memory of that time has faded......I don't remember watching this particular game, although have read about it and one of those "NFL Game of the Week" recaps was on You Tube at some point. Allegedly Sonny came into the huddle at the start of that game-winning drive and alluded that there was still going to be time left on the clock when they scored. 


Those Allen teams were solid, but aside from '72 couldn't get over the hump, losing to the Vikings twice and the Rams once in three playoff appearances from '73-'76. Then the relative drought with the collapse after the 6-0 start of '78, the devastating loss in the '79 season finale, before Gibbs came and the rest is history.  I only got to RFK once in the Allen era......a preseason game against the Steelers.....and my first Skins regular season game in person was the '82 season opening OT win at the Vet, with my first RFK regular season game the late-season loss to the Giants in '86.

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I became a fan of the team in 1973 (when I was six!) and like reading recounts of the games from the 70s.  My memory of that time has faded......I don't remember watching this particular game, although have read about it and one of those "NFL Game of the Week" recaps was on You Tube at some point. Allegedly Sonny came into the huddle at the start of that game-winning drive and alluded that there was still going to be time left on the clock when they scored. 


Those Allen teams were solid, but aside from '72 couldn't get over the hump, losing to the Vikings twice and the Rams once in three playoff appearances from '73-'76. Then the relative drought with the collapse after the 6-0 start of '78, the devastating loss in the '79 season finale, before Gibbs came and the rest is history.  I only got to RFK once in the Allen era......a preseason game against the Steelers.....and my first Skins regular season game in person was the '82 season opening OT win at the Vet, with my first RFK regular season game the late-season loss to the Giants in '86.

Yeah, I was in high school in the early '70s so I was able to see quite a few of the games at RFK.


This game stuck with me for 2 reasons: 1) Watching Sonny that day was absolutely incredible. Basically playing on 1 leg because his other knee was so messed up. There was no running game that day. I think they gained <30 yards on probably 20 carries. Sonny's gunslinging & shear will to win got them the win; 2) It was the only game my mother ever went to with me & my dad. My brothers were busy/at school that Sunday so she decided to go down to RFK with us. I can still remember jumping up in down in those crappy end zone bleacher seats when Smith scored that TD in our end zone. The stadium just exploded. 


I'll admit to being a biased Sonny fan. But I really think he could have won vs. the Dolphins in '73 Super Bowl. Billy had a horrible game against a very good Miami defense. I still think Sonny would have played better. Watching him play was just a thing of beauty. He could take a violent hit for a sack, get up, draw a play in the dirt in the huddle, & toss a bomb to score a TD on the next play. He was just that good. And that was in the era when the defense could smack the **** out of the QB. He played until he was 40. Guys today couldn't withstand the punishment the QBs in that era took. 


The game has changed. I'm glad I got to see Sonny & Kilmer play & to actually be a part of the RFK era. 

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I'll be the first to mention this one ...

The 2 November 1986 game at RFK against the Minnesota Vikings that featured Dexter Manley grabbing an errant shotgun snap to Kramer for a TD, three missed extra points by Max Zandejas and coming back in the fourth quarter with two touchdowns (followed by two of those missed XPs, the third being after the Manley score).  It was a wild game that ended with Clark's scamper down the far sideline in the first two minutes of overtime.


It was a late afternoon CBS kickoff on a weekend when NBC had the doubleheader with Dallas and New York playing early in East Rutherford with all three teams at 6-2.  Even with a short overtime, the game was four hours that set some combined passing yards records between Kramer and Schroeder.

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I wouldn't mind seeing any full game from before the 70's.  I would have to let someone more seasoned than me decide which one would be great to watch.


I would love to see Sammy Baugh play a full game, especially one where he was in on defense and punting.

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More a personal classic but the 1972 REGULAR season game when Dallas came to town.  That was the game that my die-hard Redskin fanaticism began.



Re-watch versus true first time?  Knowing the outcome of the game changes what I enjoyed about it.

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I would love to see Sammy Baugh play a full game, especially one where he was in on defense and punting.

Couldn't agree more with this.  


As the only number officially retired by the team, I think this is a necessity.   The majority of the fanbase has probably never even seen the best player in team history actually play.  


Seems like the perfect opportunity to give fans a real one of a kind experience.  Obviously the game with 4 touchdowns and 4 interceptions comes to mind, but who knows what kind of footage exists for it.


FWIW, he really needs his own "Football Life" special

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