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What's your game plan to survive a zombie apocalypse?


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I guess I have to set up the rules.  The zombies are like in Walking Dead.  You get infected by getting bitten, they aren't incredibly fast, you kill them by a major head wound.


I would probably just hang tight for a while.  I have enough food in the basement to last a while.  Plus I'd start taking out the zombie neighbors.  After I kill zombie Len and zombie Marsha, I could going into their homes and take their food too.  I could last quite a while.  I would stockpile medicines, melee weapons, gasoline.


I would eventually head out into the country and look to set up a small farm to have a renewable food source.  Chickens and crops.  Surround it with a big fence and barbed wire.


I still have to figure out how to fend off marauders.


Still thinking about settling on a small island on a river or lake.


Anyway, what would you do?

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Got some land in eastern nc. Only way in is from the west. River to the north and deep creek to the east and south. No homes on those two sides either.

River for protein, land for farming. Would take our neighbors and their two kids. They are both engineers and she's good at gardening.

My brother in law is an excellent Hunter so my sister, him, and their kid make the cut.

Mom and dad also as they can help with the kids (would be 7 there).

Might bring one other family but preferably one with only 1 or 2 kids.

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I would definitely attempt to gather as many friends with weapons/ammunition/food/water/supplies as possible.  Then head out to the the NC coast.  Depending on the time of year, the Outer Banks.  You have fishing in both the ocean and inlet.  


Very defensible, ocean on one side and inlet on the other, one road in.  Granted the inlet side could be breached, but with the row of houses on the back lots, one could strategically place people to guard that side from the decks of the houses.  


Hurricane season would be my biggest worry.  But I'd worry about that when it happened.  Of course, without any more technology tracking storms, etc. it would make it hard to know if it was just a bad storm or if one was coming up on ya.


Might have to have another outpost further inland and keep track of the months so we would know when to move out if some bad storms came up.  

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As with nukes, would probably want to get away from DC, but if I was living in the city (like I expect to soon) and escape was hard, I'd probably try to get up high.


Before the internet went down, I'd map out large buildings with relatively flat roofs, and coordinate with people to get soil up there for planting food while simultaneously trying to store as much non-perishable food as possible.  Block off buildings below the 5th floor or so.  Place tools for rain catching everywhere we can.


Raid a place for solar panels.


Invest in good walkie-talkies.  We can get some techie dudes to work on our own personal cell towers with our own servers later.


And most importantly, ZIP LINES between the buildings.  WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


Also, weapons and vehicles and stuff, I guess, but that goes without saying.

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Plus I'd start taking out the zombie neighbors.  After I kill zombie Len and zombie Marsha, I could going into their homes and take their food too.  I could last quite a while.  I would stockpile medicines, melee weapons, gasoline.

Anyway, what would you do?


I wouldn't wait for my neighbors to become zombies to kill them, because **** those jerks for parking in front of my house!!


Only problem with setting up camp on an island--you would need to be skilled at, and have access to, a sail boat/schooner of some kind. Or your residence there would entirely depend on your amount of fuel.

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Be lucky enough to already be on an island somewhere, or a woodsy area with a lake.

Fresh water source

Food source

Trees/logs for firewood to keep warm/cook, and to fortify your encampment.

Don't take on too many survivors. More people means more supplies, more strain on your environment.

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I have a lot of guns. So does my neighbor. We've got a triple porch out back (walkout basement, elevated ground level porch) and master bedroom porch which has a half mile line of visibility to a main road.

Come at us, bro.

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Oh, we were supposed to use our own situations?

In that case, Me and the gf would be dead in an hour. I have several large hatchets, as well as a tomahawk, but no guns. I live in a crowded city (Bowie), off of 301. That would be a no go.

Best bet would be to head for the Patuxent on foot and find a boat, but naturally, hundreds of people would be thinking the same thing, resulting in a blood bath.

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Oh, we were supposed to use our own situations?

In that case, Me and the gf would be dead in an hour. I have several large hatchets, as well as a tomahawk, but no guns. I live in a crowded city (Bowie), off of 301. That would be a no go.

Best bet would be to head for the Potomac on foot and find a boat, but naturally, hundreds of people would be thinking the same thing, resulting in a blood bath.


I have faith in you going Mel Gibson Patriot on their asses and securing that boat.  



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I have a lot of guns. So does my neighbor. We've got a triple porch out back (walkout basement, elevated ground level porch) and master bedroom porch which has a half mile line of visibility to a main road.

Come at us, bro.

Gunshots will attract more and soon you'll be overwhelmed. Poor strategy

I think I would wait it out too. Quietly. All curtains drawn, all bathtubs filled with water, and an occasional scavenging type trip on bicycle. My weapon would be a long spear.

I would then probably kill myself at some point. What a terrible existence.

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I would head to Costco, evacuate everyone, and then close the doors.  Food for YEARS. Toys for my daughter for years. Flat roof for a fresh water catchment system. My truck would be parked inside, obviously. 


Of course, this is all fantasy so I have put 30 seconds of thought into this. Most likely? I'm a walker lol

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My neighborhood is about 1/3 military because it is near the Pentagon and also easy access to downtown and Ft. Belvoir (and b/c i think military attracts more military).  Several of my neighbors are officers in the special forces or "just" Army Rangers.  Many others are senior staff that haven't killed anyone since Desert Storm AND ARE DYING TO DO IT AGAIN.  All of them are obsessed with firearms.


It is also bordered on one side by Backlick Run, which is basically a big concrete trench for water run-off (which solves the problem of getting fresh water).  Zombies would not be able to get through it, so they would be left trying to come through 2 entrances on either side of the development.  I am certain the ****ing SEALS would have those well-covered and probably wired with god knows what kind of IEDs that they built while thinking about THIS EXACT SCENARIO and touching themselves.


Between the natural defenses and the military, my neighborhood would be fine.  The only threat would be starvation, but I think I'd be fine for several months.  I have a freezer in my garage that is well-stocked and a storage room next to my garage where we keep the haul from Costco runs.  It also has several dozen bottles of wine.  The liquor cabinet is also fully stocked.  I would effectively be on vacation. 

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The last place I would want to be is on my own, away from civilization.   I would find large groups of people to cooperate and kill all the zombies and gradually take back control of entire areas.   


I think people are too greedy and power hungry for that to work.  People would hoard resources, fights would break out, and too many people would want to be in charge.  Chaos would ensue.  People start acting crazy when there isn't enough food to go around.

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