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What's your game plan to survive a zombie apocalypse?


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First step for me would be to binge watch The Walking Dead, because I have no idea what the whole deal with zombies is all about.  I know they're dead, they shuffle along slowly, and they need human flesh or brains to... what? Come back from the dead? To continue being dead?  To vote for Trump? 


I'm woefully out of the loop on the whole zombie thing.

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The stage for a zombie plague has to be properly set.  The pieces have to be moved into position so that when they fall they take society down with them.  It can't just be "hey some people are getting all bitey after then die, bruh" like the Walking dead did it.  The Walking dead scenario is crap because a healthy well armed and organized populace could very easily survive some slow jello boned shamblers walking about.  The ancient Romans would have used a field full of zombies as practice for their infantry. 


Here's a zombie scenario to consider:


First thing you need is a pandemic.  A major disease that's spreading around that authorities can't figure out and can't quickly contain.  This is the zombie plague but it hasn't reached it's final stage.  People seem to be getting better or at least coping with it.  Relevant authorities are alarmed but since no one is dying they can't quarantine.  They start to work on a cure.  Think of it like the Zika virus that is all over the news.  It's bad but it's not plastic sheets and duct tape bad. 


That disease takes an unexpected turn after most of the world already has been exposed to it.  Something changes and people that were ok are suddenly not.  Government, military, infrastructure, emergency response, etc are all hit hard.  A large segment of everyone is really sick.  Eat up your resources sick.  They aren't dying yet but they need care and can't work.  Hospitals are overwhelmed and governments start to tell people to stay where they are and care for their loved ones as best they can.  The result is that the sick stop being transported to treatment centers, they stay where they are.  They are everywhere.


People panic.  They have sick people to care for and no one to help them.  Stores aren't stocked as well as they should and people fear shortages.  Riots break out.  There aren't enough police to keep the peace so military, already hard hit, are stretched far and wide to try to maintain order.


The sick die, the dead rise.  No one is ready and the dead are everywhere.  Society has collapsed even if no one has come to terms with it. 


What do you now?  Live as long as you can keep running and die screaming, most likely. 


Best bet would be to look for someplace cold and well supplied, with access to a dock and working boat.  Grow in numbers.  Organize.  Specialize.  Then all you've got left to do is conquer the world.


Not that it would matter to me, because I'd be well and truly ****ed early on. 

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Oh, we were supposed to use our own situations?

In that case, Me and the gf would be dead in an hour. 


slide through CO.  Not a highly populated area. Rick and I would welcome you, so long as you pass "the questions."

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We can rally to our family's farms nearby. They have tools for farming, farm land, creeks and ponds to irrigate, livestock, source of timber, firearms and ammunition. Open lines of site from every direction, which could be a good thing or a bad thing. There's natural gas nearby too, I'm sure we can figure out a way to wrangle that. 

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Anyway, I would actually just find somewhere that is relatively zombie free to wait for a while.


7 Scientific Reasons a Zombie Outbreak Would Fail (Quickly)




I prefer the one by SeanBaby.


6 Sensible Things You Should Never Do in a Zombie Outbreak





6.  Don't Make Friends


When it's you against a world of undead, you should probably get some help, right? You'll need a few partners to kill the zombies behind you or to guard the entrances while you scrounge for canned stew. You need a rotating watch so the rest can sleep, and someone has to watch over suppl- holy ****, look what just happened. I started talking about group survival, and one sentence later I'm already fussing about food rations and scheduling. Do you really want to spend the apocalypse checking your day planner?
Nothing screws up a wasteland of shambling monsters like a group of human survivors. Every person who joins your rabble takes your exciting tale of action horror one step closer to psychological melodrama. The Walking Dead is almost entirely about human men flossing their teeth with one another's tongues. What happens is that when people form fruit loop society microcosms, they start to realize that they have to hang on to the only thing they have left: their humanity. You know why? Because when someone sits around thinking about crap like this too long, their thoughts fold in on themselves until their entire brain becomes a vagina.
You know who doesn't have to deal with that ****? The feral maniac living in the sewer and becoming one with the night. Basically, when the end of the world arrives, you have two choices: Spend it as Tarzan or spend it as Meryl Streep.
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Even after watching Fear the Walking Dead, I still don't get how we'd lose to slow zombies.  Anyone have a plan for fast, living zombies like 28 days later style (far more plausible)? I'm still working on mine.


a suppressor and a lot of ammo?

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How about another scenario...weaponized zombeism?


Some brilliant scientist in a rogue state develops a virus that specifically targets many areas of the brain but leaves the basic motor controls, autonomic systems, and hindbrain intact, but destroys everything else. Everything is gone but the reptile brain and the most primal drives: survival, dominance, mating, feeding, aggression. And the virus can be transmitted through close contact and body fluids.


No need for a huge, widespread delivery device. No need for nukes. No need to really do any fighting. You just turn the people of a densely backed city into the most basic, aggressive animals, sit back, and watch it all burn.




DISCLAIMER: I absolutely do not have 2 fully functional science labs 40 feet below my home in a concrete bunker.

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I'm half feral and enjoy solitude, I think I'd be OK living alone in the wilderness. Spend my time alone, writing down the history of my people in between my labors towards acquiring food. I'd be like the Venerable Bede of 21st Century America to future historians.

But I think the really ambitious man takes the opportunity of an apocalyptic destruction of society to build a harem and become a strongman.

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I would take my wife and kid and get out of the city. Go to my friends ranch in the Texas hill country (about 2 hr drive). Holdup in that house for as long as possible.

If it were like the Walking Dead - world wide epidemic - and my family died I would just kill myself. Seems terrible.

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a suppressor and a lot of ammo?


I don't like the idea of attracting attention either.  Saw rumor of 28 Months later in the works, not sure how that would work (as my hope of them needing water evaporated with the first sequel being 28 days later).

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