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On 2/1/2017 at 3:53 PM, Kosher Ham said:

See I think this is part of what the problem was with I - III. We already knew that Vader was going to die, we already knew who the emperor was, etc.

I had read all three of the LOTR books when I was a kid and knew everything that was going to happen but those movies were still ****ing awesome. The problem with 1-3 was that George Lucas did a ****ty job.

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51 minutes ago, Sacks 'n' Stuff said:

I had read all three of the LOTR books when I was a kid and knew everything that was going to happen but those movies were still ****ing awesome. The problem with 1-3 was that George Lucas did a ****ty job.


Rogue One--you knew they were going to succeed in stealing the Death Star plans, still kicked all kinds of ass.

Problem with 1-3 is that George Lucas did an immensely ****ty job.

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19 hours ago, mistertim said:


Yeah I agree. The Han Solo origins movie really doesn't interest me all that much. Problem with doing a KOTOR type movie set way in the past is that it would likely only appeal to big time Star Wars fans who have been pretty deep into the extended universe and KOTOR stuff. Whereas everyone knows who Han Solo is so it would have a wider appeal and likely make more money. And that's all that the studios care about. 


I totally agree with you, but IMO, that's a shame.  So true though. TFA was a cash grab IMO. Disney... :(

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To be fair, these kinds of movies are expensive to make. A studio really can't commit to one unless they believe it will bring crowds. 


That doesn't mean they aren't money grubbers, but when people talk about major studios and game companies as though they are making a mistake when they produce titles with mass appeal instead of niche fan stuff, I think those people are fundamentally misunderstanding the whole setup. (Or they understand it, but are lamenting the unfortunate nature of something that just isn't going to change.)

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55 minutes ago, dfitzo53 said:

To be fair, these kinds of movies are expensive to make. A studio really can't commit to one unless they believe it will bring crowds. 


That doesn't mean they aren't money grubbers, but when people talk about major studios and game companies as though they are making a mistake when they produce titles with mass appeal instead of niche fan stuff, I think those people are fundamentally misunderstanding the whole setup. (Or they understand it, but are lamenting the unfortunate nature of something that just isn't going to change.)


I totally agree with you, I get that, but I'm pretty sure a KOtOR era movie would easily be a worthy investment. Probably not a block buster, but let's face it, if they try to make all of the Star Wars story movies blockbusters, it's going to ultimately not go well. However, I completely understand why studios don't see it that way. More of why I love Lucas. He went independent to make sure he could do what he wanted.   Not everyone likes what he wanted, but he did what he believed in. For example, I don't agree with him changing the Han and Greedo scene, but when you read his explanation why he did, I get it. I don't agree, but I understand 

Edited by codeorama
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6 hours ago, Mr. Sinister said:


Pretty much every scene felt like deja vu


The Force Awakens borrowed some beats from from Empire Strikes Back too:


A Skywalker rejects his father who is trying to lure him to his side.  And the movie ends with a Solo defeated and the girl he was quarrelling with flies off in the Millennium Falcon, with Chewbecca by her side, and the last shot is her standing with Luke.

Edited by Bishop Hammer
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On 2/10/2017 at 0:05 PM, The Evil Genius said:

So has anyone seen this rumor? Ezra Bridger is..



I saw that...somewhat interesting, but seems like they're trying too hard to force Rebels into the Cinematic Universe--like Lucas cramming every OT character he could into the PT. Disney has done a good job so far with the Marvel Netflix series keeping them "small," but still letting you know they're a part of the same universe as the Avengers MCU. They did that with dopping hints in Rogue One, without it being forced.

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Picked this up, haven't started it yet though.





Following Star Wars: Aftermath and Star Wars: Life Debt, Chuck Wendig delivers the exhilarating conclusion to the New York Times bestselling trilogy set in the years between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens.


As the final showdown between the New Republic and the Empire draws near, all eyes turn to a once-isolated planet: Jakku.

The Battle of Endor shattered the Empire, scattering its remaining forces across the galaxy. But the months following the Rebellion’s victory have not been easy. The fledgling New Republic has suffered a devastating attack from the Imperial remnant, forcing the new democracy to escalate their hunt for the hidden enemy.

For her role in the deadly ambush, Grand Admiral Rae Sloane is the most wanted Imperial war criminal—and one-time rebel pilot Norra Wexley, back in service at Leia’s urgent request, is leading the hunt. But more than just loyalty to the New Republic drives Norra forward: Her husband was turned into a murderous pawn in Sloane’s assassination plot, and now she wants vengeance as much as justice.

But Sloane, too, is on a furious quest: pursuing the treacherous Gallius Rax to the barren planet Jakku. As the true mastermind behind the Empire’s devastating attack, Rax has led the Empire to its defining moment. The cunning strategist has gathered the powerful remnants of the Empire’s war machine, preparing to execute the late Emperor Palpatine’s final plan. As the Imperial fleet orbits Jakku, an armada of Republic fighters closes in to finish what began at Endor. Norra and her crew soar into the heart of an apocalyptic clash that will leave land and sky alike scorched. And the future of the galaxy will finally be decided.

Praise for Chuck Wendig’s Aftermath

Star Wars: Aftermath [reveals] what happened after the events of 1983’s Return of the Jedi. It turns out, there’s more than just the Empire for the good guys to worry about.”The Hollywood Reporter

“The Force is strong with Star Wars: Aftermath.”—Alternative Nation

“The Star Wars universe is fresh and new again, and just as rich and mysterious as it always was.”Den of Geek!

Aftermath: Life Debt

“Compulsively readable, the kind of caramel-corn book you just keep stuffing in your face until it’s gone.”—Tor.com

“Man oh man, this is good stuff. [Life Debt] reveals what Han and Chewie were up to after Return of the Jedi.”io9

“Gripping reading . . . [This novel] hits the ground running.”—New York Daily News

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On 2/4/2017 at 4:48 AM, Mr. Sinister said:

Pretty much every scene felt like deja vu


Which is why I liked Finn more than any other character.   He was the only character that wasn't just a rehash character from previous movies.  My pet theory is he was fanservice to Kyle Kataran (or possibly Crix Nadine, who was also an imperial defector but had a really minor role in the movies)


Rogue One's characters on the other hand, mostly stunk.  Except for Churri (sp?) and his wingman whose name I can't remember, who didn't even get that much screen time but were far more interesting than the "main" characters.  

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On 1/24/2017 at 10:57 AM, Ludomaniac said:

How exactly did the first order rise to power anyway?  You would think the governing body of the galaxy would be keeping close watch on those types of factions


I thought the First Order was just a rebranding of the Empire.   Which kind of makes sense if you lose a war.   Kind of like how Germany used to be known as Prussia, or the breakup of the Soviet Union 

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  • 4 weeks later...
6 hours ago, DM72 said:

If you're a Star Wars fan, how can you not watch Star Wars Rebels? Last night's episode was one of those episodes that directly intertwined with the saga. 


An important character died.


And anothet one was teased. It's a really entertaining show, even for a kid's cartoon. Thrawn is awesome.


Next week is the season finale...

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I've just had an idea. We need to find somebody who has the ability to put an idea into Mark Hammil's ear. 


I think it's pretty obvious that, some time in SW8, there's going to be some big, dramatic, scene where Luke Skywalker reveals that he's the father of one of the new characters, probably Rey. 


Well, when the movie comes out on Blu Ray, there needs to be a scene on the blooper reel. Where it's that scene, .....


and Luke does a Yoda impression, and says "Luke I am. Your father". 


Bonus points if Rey says "Nooo", as in "Nah, get outta here". 

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  • 3 weeks later...
2 hours ago, DM72 said:

Apparently there's a huge Star Wars announcement tomorrow on Good Morning America. 


The word going around is that tomorrow is a tie-in for Force For Change...with the trailer dropping on friday :) I'd be prepared for tomorrow though, just in case ;)

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