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Per CBS News: SC Justice Scalia found dead


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You're obsessed with race lol



He's obsessed with race the same way short people are obsessed with height. They know that it has a disproportionate influence on most every part of their life, and the statistics are there to back up the claim, tall dude.   ;)



I'd just like to thank Justice Scalia for serving his country all these years, and now more than ever.

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GOP Senators already united about blocking any Obama appointee, apparently. I think the prospect of blocking appointees for a full year has to hurt them politically, at least a little, in November. Right?


Srinivasan was confirmed UNANIMOUSLY by this Senate a relatively short time ago.  Opposing him for the Supreme Court instantly turns every GOP senator in a blue or balanced state into an extremely visible and vulnerable partisan hack, ripe for ejection from office at the next election.  Anything more than a token short-term stand followed by confirmation would be a likely suicide mission for several of them.


A long GOP filibuster will not only probably fail to get Sri confirmed and put Senate seats at unnecessarily elevated risk, but will also hurt the GOP's 2016 presidential election hopes (provided they don't realize a Cruz or Trump nomination is already an automatic loss).

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GOP Senators already united about blocking any Obama appointee, apparently. I think the prospect of blocking appointees for a full year has to hurt them politically, at least a little, in November. Right?

It would be the most un-American thing they could do, and quite frankly, if I'm on the other side of the isle, that is how I would frame the discussion. McConnells argument that it would allow the people to help decide the choice is absurd.The people decided in 2012. McConnell just doesn't like the choice they made.

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Have no love for Obama at all but last time I checked our law says the president appoints judges. What foolishness for Reps to already come out and say they will block any appointed judges. Do they assume they have the election for president already locked up? If they lose the democratic president could appoint someone who the might deem far worse. Should have seen who was appointed first before opening their mouths. Maybe Obama appoints someone towards the middle and like I said before, unless they know for sure they have the election for president locked up maybe they should consider accepting whomever Obama appoints or get a worse option. I actually hope Obama appoints the farthest leaning republican judge possible so we can either see them backtrack or stubbornly still refuse and be shown for the fools that they are. Then have Obama revoke it just to prove a point.

Then again our elected officials did the same thing in 1988 rejecting the first 2 justices appointed by RR so it's funny to see the left act like the reps coming out saying they will reject anyone appointed is some huge crime. I have an idea, how about we wait and see whom is appointed before making any decisions. Really getting sick and tired of both sides of the aisle who are all one in the same all things aside. Two wings on the same bird is the best way to describe them.

I hope Justice Scalia, family and friends find peace.

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He was also a very talented legal writer from what I understand (and based on the opinions of some lawyers who I respect)

His opinions are surprisingly readable even for a layman like me. He was entertaining. A good interview too. He's absolutely deserving of respect even though I couldn't stand his jurisprudence.

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