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Assorted Militia/SovCit news,(formerly Bundy thread)


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  • 4 weeks later...


Charges: Utah head of militia tried to detonate bomb at BLM facility in Arizona

Federal prosecutors say a Tooele County man placed a pipe bomb against the door of a BLM cabin and pushed the button on a remote detonator multiple times, with no result.

His mistake? He'd unwittingly assigned an undercover FBI agent to build the bomb.

William Keebler, 57, of Stockton, was arrested early Wednesday morning in Nephi and appeared Thursday in U.S. District Court, charged by federal prosecutors with attempting to blow up federal property at an Arizona Strip BLM facility that he had allegedly scouted with Robert LaVoy Finicum.

Keebler is being held in Salt Lake County jail and will have a June 29 detention hearing. He faces five to 20 years in a federal prison if convicted of the charge.

Charging documents say Keebler is the commander of a citizen militia group headquartered in Stockton. He was present at the April 2014 standoff with federal land administrators near the Bunkerville, Nev., ranch of Cliven Bundy, and he was an associate of Finicum, who was killed in late January by Oregon state police after he tried to avoid their roadblock in eastern Oregon amid an occupation of a federal wildlife refuge. The Tribune wrote about Keebler in December 2011, when he worked as an outfitter guiding coyote sport hunters.

Undercover FBI employees became members of Keebler's "Patriots Defense Force," charging documents say, and trained for an "anti-government action" where, Keebler told members, they would be "going on the offensive."

Keebler's group scouted the BLM office in the Gateway Mall in Salt Lake City as a potential target, but found it unsuitable due to the commercial and homeless activity, charging documents state.

Prosecutors allege that Keebler told the group it would target BLM facilities in "the middle of nowhere," damaging vehicles and buildings. He asked a militia member — who happened to be an undercover FBI employee — to build an explosive device.

In April, the militia member showed him a video of a 6-inch pipe bomb blowing up office furniture in the mountains of southern Utah. Keebler asked the militia member to make more of those bombs, saying he hoped to target a BLM cabin in Mount Trumbull, Ariz., that he had visited with Finicum for reconnaissance in October 2015.

He wanted two bombs — one that he would detonate near one of the cabins at the Mount Trumbull facility, and the other to use against law enforcement agents if they were stopped driving to or from Mount Trumbull.

Keebler planted the device — which, unknown to him, was inert — late Tuesday. He tried multiple times to detonate the device remotely, charging documents state, before departing. The FBI arrested him Wednesday morning in Nephi.

According to the charging documents: "Keebler made it clear he didn't plan on blowing people up for now, but he wanted his group to be prepared to escalate things, and take people out if necessary."

West Valley City resident Pete Olson attended Keebler's initial court appearance Thursday, having met Keebler at Finicum's early-February funeral in Kanab.

Olson said he didn't know Keebler to have any involvement with explosives. Rather, Olson said, Keebler tried to educate people about what he felt was an unconstitutional use of power by the federal government.

"Bill's always been a good, friendly guy," Olson said. "Many people are upset with the current direction of the government."

A news release says the FBI's Salt Lake City Joint Terrorism Task Force led the investigation with help from the FBI in Phoenix, BLM law enforcement and local law enforcement.

Mount Trumbull is near the BLM grazing allotment owned by Finicum, known as Tuckup.

Finicum was fined $12,000 after his cattle were found last August to be grazing on the land before the permitted season. His wife, Jeanette Finicum, recently said she hasn't determined how to proceed, but the Finicum cattle were still grazing on the allotment in May, past the dates allowed by their permit. Jeanette Finicum could not immediately be reached for comment Thursday.

Mount Trumbull was also the name of a nearby town founded by Abraham Bundy — Cliven Bundy's great-grandfather — a Mormon settler who had left Mexico during the revolution in the early 1900s.

In 2001, the BLM worked with Bundy descendants to rebuild the town's iconic white schoolhouse after it had been destroyed by arsonists.

Edited by BornaSkinsFan83
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  • 2 weeks later...

That poor, poor attorney. Public defender probably working 70 hours a week juggling dozens of cases and she has to deal with that BS

If I'm the attorney I preface each meeting I have with "we have 30 minutes to discuss your case. I have several things I need to go over with you and recommended strategies for your defense. However, if you'd like to steer our conversation elsewhere that is fine too. Either way, we have 30 minutes.

And if she wants to spend 30 minutes yacking about Admirilty law, fine. I start my stopwatch and walk out without a word mid sentence when that 30 minutes is up.

Too many other defendants I represent that need help

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Whenever you see someone say "misprison of felony" you know they are a pseudo-lawyer spouting gibberish.   It's a real term, its even present in a few older statutes, but it is not language that anyone uses anymore.  

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Got my first degree from a community college out in the sticks (Warrenton, Winchester, don't ask why). There was a plethora of home schooled kids. Always had them in my dumbass group assignments (I hate group projects. Lazy teaching, waste of time, utter bull****). I was spending entire semesters, multiple times a week meeting them outside of class. Nicest people you could meet. And every single one was awkward as all hell. Same time, I was working at a Domino's. Two brothers and a sister there (one was a manager, the other two were insiders). Again, nice as you could want. They'd help you with anything (the sister was actually in Japan during the earthquake/tidal wave doing missionary work.) And again, all three were awkward. It's like their adolescence started started a decade too late and they're socially stunted, if that makes sense.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Ryan Bundy wants $1M to be ‘defendant’ or ‘judge’


PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — In bizarre court documents filed Tuesday, Ryan Bundy declared himself sovereign from state and federal government and wanted to be paid $1 million to accept “the role” of defendant or inmate.




He also demanded $100 million if he has to face a judge for the conspiracy matter related to the takeover and occupation of the federal facility.




Click on the link for the full article

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I, Larry P, judge, rofl.



Actually, you need to do it like this - exactly like this:  lArry-P;  


otherwise you activate your double secret probation genie American citizenship under admiralty law, and your whole carefully constructed and irrefutable defense to all charges falls apart.   

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Oh, wow. This is some full-on sovereign citizens bull**** here.


I'll be honest, two years ago, I could explain in detail what this all meant, but I haven't done a deep-dive into this before.


The capitalization thing is extremely important in their minds. Writing words in certain ways denies the court jurisdiction over them.


Just wait until they start talking about the yellow fringe in the flag.

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Check this guy out. He's anti everybody. Picked up steam during the peak of the Oregon Standoff,(he's opportunistic to say the least). 





Edit: Should have known. Quick search out of curiosity and yep. Jones likes him. 



Seen some of his vids. Seim is one of the worst. Not only does he constantly go looking for trouble but he is so insanely smug; I'm willing to bet 100 bucks that he masturbates to his own youtube videos. He also talks about himself in the third person, which is pretty much an immediate tip off that someone is a jackoff. 

Edited by mistertim
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Seen some of his vids. Seim is one of the worst. Not only does he constantly go looking for trouble but he is so insanely smug; I'm willing to bet 100 bucks that he masturbates to his own youtube videos. He also talks about himself in the third person, which is pretty much an immediate tip off that someone is a jackoff. 

His most recent rant was about not being able to take weapons into an amusement park in Vegas and then the stamping of hands at Chuck E Cheese. He lost a few of the few of his followers on that one. Says a lot there.

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His most recent rant was about not being able to take weapons into an amusement park in Vegas and then the stamping of hands at Chuck E Cheese. He lost a few of the few of his followers on that one. Says a lot there.

Holy ****. I have to see that one. Hahah. What a tool.

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Primed To Fight The Government  

A fast growing U.S. movement armed with guns and the Constitution sees a dire threat to liberty.

REDMOND, Ore. — B.J. Soper took aim with his AR-15 semiautomatic rifle and fired a dozen shots at a human silhouette target. Soper’s wife and their 16-year-old daughter practiced drawing pistols. Then Soper helped his 4-year-old daughter, in pink sneakers and a ponytail, work on her marksmanship with a .22-caliber rifle.

Deep in the heart of a vast U.S. military training ground, surrounded by spent shotgun shells and juniper trees blasted to shreds, the Central Oregon Constitutional Guard was conducting its weekly firearms training.

“The intent is to be able to work together and defend ourselves if we need to,” said Soper, 40, a building contractor who is an emerging leader in a growing national movement rooted in distrust of the federal government, one that increasingly finds itself in armed conflicts with authorities.  

Those in the movement call themselves patriots, demanding that the federal government adhere to the Constitution and stop what they see as systematic abuse of land rights, gun rights, freedom of speech and other liberties



*Click Link For More* 

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I seriously want all all these people to get it out of their system and live out their seccessionist, revolutionary pipe dream for a bit.

Maybe when they go up against trai ed soldiers with supreme firepower, with tanks, and get lit up, they'll come to their senses, or die. Either scenario is good for the rest of the country.

This isn't a movie. You cannot seriously defeat the greatest military force on the planet

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I seriously want all all these people to get it out of their system and live out their seccessionist, revolutionary pipe dream for a bit.

Maybe when they go up against trai ed soldiers with supreme firepower, with tanks, and get lit up, they'll come to their senses, or die. Either scenario is good for the rest of the country.

This isn't a movie. You cannot seriously defeat the greatest military force on the planet

Whatever man, that's what they told George Washington.
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