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To Sit, or Not to Sit... That is the Question


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People speak of momentum. Okay, so if we play our starters for the sake of preserving momentum, and end up losing anyway, what happens to our momentum then? After all, we're 4-1 in our last 5, but that 1 loss was to Dallas.


Not to mention that each of our past 3 playoff appearances came on the strength of late-season winning streaks, yet we only advanced beyond the first round once, and that was in an ugly game that we were very fortunate to win. For all the good our momentum did us those years.....

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A few days ago my view was that I wanted all of the starters to start as normal. But after further thought and reading, I've changed my mind.


The clincher was the thought of seeing someone like Cousins, Reed or TW being carted off in the first quarter at dallas. It would then appear obvious that we should have rested the starters. So why chance it with a playoff game on the horizon.


I'm still big on the momentum thing, but it is only one game and we could still beat the cowboys with the second team (maybe a bit of homer wishful thinking).


The thought of seeing all of the starters on the sideline. cheering on the second stringers beating dallas. would be priceless.

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The bye week is not comparable.

A bye-week includes extra days off away from the facility. Many players travel and leave the city. This is nothing like that. Jay is not going to give these dudes a week off.

Players would practice as usual, just not play on Sunday.


I just think people are discounting the whole "not playing a game" aspect.  If players know they aren't playing, they won't practice the same nor will they mentally prepare the same.  Unless it's something to where they are told 2 minutes before kickoff that they aren't playing, but I don't see that really happening.


I totally get the arguments for resting guys and putting Jordan Reed in a bubble until the playoffs, but we need the game reps to stay sharp.

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The NFL playoffs are not the NHL Playoffs.  Each of the 16 regular season games are important for team to improve, progress, and fine tune.  The Panthers have proven they can execute game in and game out.  The Skins have not.  Sitting starters for the final game is playing out of fear- and champions are not motivated by fear.  I want to see the starters play at least 2 quarters are when they build a big lead.

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Play'em all.  


This game is as valuable as a playoff game, why ..? Because it means nothing. So here's the thing, if I can get my men to come out, prepare, dominate, and win a game that "means nothing", how hungry are they are going to be when the stakes are high? 


That's the mentality I would have - if I was the coach of an NFL team,   :P


We all hate the prevent defense right? Resting starters is no different.  


Conceding defeat at any point is a bad way to do business.  I do believe by resting starters you are conceding defeat. You are saying, it's okay if we don't win.  Think about that, when should an organization ever have that mindset? 


If you are going to make a mistake, do it going a 100 miles per hour. 

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Play'em all.  


Conceding defeat at any point is a bad way to do business.  


If you are going to make a mistake, do it going a 100 miles per hour. 

A bad way to do business is to be shortsighted.  Running a business you try to achieve a long term goal. Goal one achieved, division champs.  This is OUR chance to, in effect, have a first round "bye". To not take advantage of this would be, as you said, "a mistake, going at 100 miles per hour."  That would be the epitome of bad business.  Hail

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I say rest the vets. They are not going to learn anything with this game and how would you feel if Hall or Kerrigan got hurt and had to mis the playoffs? Give some guys, that get very little play time, some work. Keep everyone interested. GHA rested his guys before the playoffs. Can't rem if JJG did but he prob did.

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A bad way to do business is to be shortsighted.  Running a business you try to achieve a long term goal. Goal one achieved, division champs.  This is OUR chance to, in effect, have a first round "bye". To not take advantage of this would be, as you said, "a mistake, going at 100 miles per hour."  That would be the epitome of bad business.  Hail


Well, this is where things can get messy.   You are looking at this analytically and I'm not saying that's wrong. hell, it's probably the most logical way to go about this.  Truth be told I'm concerned about the mindset/psyche of the team and how losing as of result of resting players will leave a negative residue that will carry on to the next week, which I'm fully aware has no concrete basis! 


Then there's this, if the Skins were going back to the playoffs for the third year in a row, and had a seasoned QB that didn't kneel down at critical times of the game, and had a coach that was big game tested, and a team that didn't lose must win games to lesser teams starting journeyman quarterbacks (Dallas a few weeks ago) okay,it would be easier to rest players.  We are are not those things. 

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Truth be told I'm concerned about the mindset/psyche of the team and how losing as of result of resting players will leave a negative residue that will carry on to the next week, which I'm fully aware has no concrete basis! 




What about the mindset/psyche after losing when playing all or most of our starters? Not saying we will lose as I have faith in my team but we did lose to them at home just a few weeks ago... Beating Dallas even with our starters isn't a guarantee as many around here seem to think.   How much confidence would be lost if they lost to Dallas again?  Not trying to be a glass half full guy here but its a consideration.  At least with resting some or several players gives the game a "nothing to lose" feel.  If its a loss players and fans alike chalk it up to resting players.  A win on the road with some back ups playing just feels great.


I want a win and confidence but I want to be rested and healthy for the playoff game more.

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I imagine there are still a few old farts hanging around here who remember 1972 clear as day. But for me, the whole I hate Dallas thing is pretty antiquated. 


I think they're clowns. I don't hate them. I laugh at them. And I certainly don't fear them. 


Doesn't mean we can't lose to them, evidently. And I know that. But knowing that doesn't equate to fear. 


I fear New England. If we face them, I'd have palpitations beforehand, figuring we'd give up 50+ points. But I don't fear Dallas. And I don't hate them. 


I hate the Giants organization, because **** Mara. And the Giants are a thorn in our side all the time. 


The biggest **** talkers are the Eagles. I hate their fans. There's a distinction there. I also hated the team itself during the run Andy Reid had against us. I dislike the Giants and Eagles more than the 'Bois.

I actually hate seattle the most out of all of them, because I was in that stadium. Hands down, I'd use hate in relation to seattle, not Dallas. 


The repeated playoff losses to seattle stick with me more and hurt more, in recent history, than the annual who gives a **** when we play Dallas for basically nothing. 


I was alive but not cognizant for the original WE Want Dallas. And if those in here who are citing that reference are truthful with themselves and us, few but the 45+ years olds can really claim ownership. Few fewer can claim being in that stadium.



So, in short ... the rally cry of we want dallas falls on somewhat deaf ears to me. It's more of a historical reference to me, whereas the seattle rivalry still hurts emotionally. Because I was in that stadium. 



I am one of those old farts who remember the 72 Skins like it was yesterday. Back then the Cowboys were the world champs and our Skins had been the dregs of the league for decades, except for the one Lombardi year. The Skins were always dominated by the Cowboys back then so there was a lot more hate for them. That early GHA team started the hate between us and the Cowboys and was the most intense in all of sports imo. The intensity was still there with the JJG teams and imo seemed to loose alot over the DS years pos because we were not that good and neither were they. Any Redskin fan old enough to remember those early 70's Redskin Cowboy games will testify that the intensity was awesome and unequaled and over the last 20 yrs or so seems to have gone away. Beating Dallas is always important but not worth loosing a starter for at this time. Speaking of the 72 NFC champs team, GHA rested his players for the last two games. One of them Dallas. We lost the game and I think it even cost Larry Brown a rushing championship, but our guys were rested and then went out and destroyed the Pack and then the Boys. Hope it happens again, this year. 

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 Here's another way to look at it.


  Suppose the Redskins played well enough to earn a bye week; what would happen then?


  It could be a possibility that the other NFC teams would not have great records and we just happened to have a record good enough to get a bye. how would the players deal with that? 


 See, its not about a 'personal vendetta' against our long time rival, which coincidentally i'd love to see us curb stomp them, but reality is, Reed has had a few concussions and other injuries, Hall is back from a major injury, DJax has missed half of the season with his hamstring and other things.


 It is absolutely not worth risking another player getting hurt and quite possibly costing this team a valuable weapon. Any talk otherwise is only wanting a moral victory, and this is the playoffs, where its 1 game and you're out; i'd rather have 45 guys who have had a nice rest and will be physically and mentally ready.

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There is no upside playing our starters.  Look - I think most agree anyone a little beat up (Djax, Williams) needs to sit.  Reed has such a history of getting hurt he HAS to sit.  So we are already thin.  

So now say you start all other starters and go the full game. Upside - Maybe you win and keep the momentum going without losing anyone.  Thats the BEST case Outcome.

Other possibilities - You lose....No one gets hurt but everyone is beat up and has lost confidence because most starters played and lost to a 5-11 team.

Someone gets hurt - a key player and you are left thinking "If only"


Now -if you REST most starters -let McCoy play - NOW you have backups playing hard trying to earn playing time for playoffs.  Possible outcomes - You win and feel confident that your backups are good enough to step in and win right now!  You lose - and no one case because you are going to the playoffs and know you didn't take this game serious....


Risk /Reward -Rest as many as possible.  

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man I wish they could nix that option for rg3 this week....I mean who and what is keeping that thing valid. Kill it, dress him and let him qb this sunday

Unless its his camp not wanting to give up the option...I guess to be sure he determines his own destination...no trade possible

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That's the problem with fans now-a-days... when we were at RFK we wouldn't sit ever. Fans would stand the whole game. We would make the stadium bounce. Now, it's sit down... pass the cheese, can I have another Bordeaux?


When the team is winning you should stand for your team. Stand, cheer 'til you can't speak, and high five every stranger in sight. What's with this sitting nonsense???





Oh... you mean the players. Meh, the bench is cold. They should stand too.

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That's the problem with fans now-a-days... when we were at RFK we wouldn't sit ever. Fans would stand the whole game. We would make the stadium bounce. Now, it's sit down... pass the cheese, can I have another Bordeaux?


When the team is winning you should stand for your team. Stand, cheer 'til you can't speak, and high five every stranger in sight. What's with this sitting nonsense???





Oh... you mean the players. Meh, the bench is cold. They should stand too.

I sit when I poop....poop and pee = sit, tho usually I always pee when I poop

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Anyone who wants to play the "key" starters in a meaningless game is delusional.

Stop already!

i guess Kirk Cousins is delusional then.

i am with whatever coach decides...i just don't believe for a nanosecond that this is an "easy" decision, & stated my reasons for thinking thus.

as far as wanting to elude rust as some sort of superstition...so is trying to avoid injury. in fact, many say it is best to be the aggressor, & initiate in order to avoid injury as injury avoidance can cause the exact opposite affect as intended. just a thought...not that i believe either way. heck...we could sit guys, & then lose 4 on the first 2 drives. then what difference did it all make? likewise...what difference would playing them have made?

there's no simple answer. i get how risk-averse ninnies would opt for the less scary scenario. totally. i'm mostly on that side of the fence. i just don't think resting starters has any more credence than not. as posited, the stats show (though wondering how that goes over the last 15 years specifically) that it may in fact be a wash. so the correct inference is that it makes no difference, no? so why not get the extra reps for guys in a game situation. try a few formations, see what you have with some plays you have yet to use in real-time.

and as i've shown above...it sounds silly when we use hyperbole, & insult to deride each other's opinions on a message board we are all on the same team about. i wrote what i did to exemplify how ridiculous we sound...especially at this particular time, in this particular season.

can't we all just sing the song?

Hail to the Redskins, that is!

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You sit all of the vets. We are the only NFC playoff team that has the luxury of resting our starters. I suggest we use that luxury.

bye weeks haven't proven good for this team. Staying sharp means staying mean. Keep em mean. Put em down, make them mad, feed em gunpowder and gasoline

Off days they get soft

(though I am in middle of Rocky marathon...eye of the tiger

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