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Reports: Hacktivist group Anonymous publishes names of alleged Ku Klux Klan members


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Because being a member of a racist organization isn't illegal. Seriously, that would be a violation of civil liberties. Freedom of speech and expression has been ruled on in this matter many many times. 


I can't wrap my mind around the mental gymnastics required to feel like what Anonymous does is OK simply because they are exposing people you disagree with. They are hacking and releasing private information on individuals because their demands haven't been met. That is blackmail.


I am not necessary okay with it...but I am def going to look at what they release.  :lol:


Look, I see it as the same as the Ashley Maddison hacks. It is illegal. It is not okay. But I am not going to get upset over it and I will be interested to see news from it. Sorry if that is hypocritical. 

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Is their an expectation of privacy when you join a pro bigotry organization that participates in the outward harassment of and violence towards minorities? 


And why isn't the KKK (and others like it) listed as domestic terrorist groups and then fall under the USA Freedom Act (previously Patriot Act)?

Look at the membership to find your answer. Too many politicians and judges (esp. historically) for that treatment though really who would argue that the KKK hasn't been a terrorist organization (and still is)

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Is being a member of ISIS illegal?

Sorta, by stretching the 'material support' clause to a group we are not technically at war with. The govt will say yes, the ACLU will say no. Providing money is.


It doesn't matter. If a group of ES members got together and downed a **** ton of Red Bull and hacked ISIS to determine the identities of US "members," and then demanded that the US members donate $100 to PETA* or your names will be leaked. And leaked the names of ISIS "members' in the US, you would all be breaking the law.


*Picked as a nonsensical demand.

If there was credible information that your child's 3rd grade teacher or baseball coach was a member of NAMBLA, would you want to know?

I know I would. Probably everybody would...except Popeman. He would never be party to such a awful violation of ones civil liberties.

Did I say I wouldn't use the information? Nope. But nice bull****ting. The people that illegally obtained the information would still be criminals.


It's amazing how quick some are to completely ignore privacy rights simply because what is discovered piques their interest.

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So you are OK with random civilians, with no oversight or regulations, violating the privacy of Americans because you disagree with their beliefs?


Just out of curiosity, how do you feel about corporations performing much more sophisticated surveillance on you? 


How do you feel about, say, your cell phone provider tracking your location, 24x7? 

Look at the membership to find your answer. Too many politicians and judges (esp. historically) for that treatment though really who would argue that the KKK hasn't been a terrorist organization (and still is)


I'm not at all sure that the "and still is" applies. 


Might be.  Maybe I just don't hear about it. 

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Just as an aside...in the Ashley Madison Hack thread, all 9 pages and 350+ posts, not a single "illegal/blackmail/civil liberties/blah blah blah" post from The Great American that has taken residence in this thread. Not a single one...guess he was busy that day saving all our civil liberties somewhere else in the world.

It's amazing how quickly someone can become a privacy rights crusader simply because what is revealed piques their interests.

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Let's not make it personal, ok?


People are allowed to have their own viewpoints. And it's not like he's defending the undefensible. It's just uncomfortable when people find themselves on the same side as ACLU* on cases like this. Especially because I am sure there are many issues that I agree with the ACLU - this just isn't one of them.


*assuming the ACLU would be against Anonymous in this case.


Pope does have a good point. Actually, a few great points. I just don't view it as black and white as he does. Maybe it's cause I'm morally gray,

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What's to be shocked about? We accept that corporations and government can spy without any meaningful oversight or control... what's one more group of spies, especially when they seem to have a better PR plan for their spying. You can't expect people to accept all the other stuff and then say well now it's absolutely unacceptable.

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I dunno man.

At first I'm like, "**** the KKK, let them burn."

Then I'm like, "This is just wrong."

We are slowly turning into a mob society of SJW's ready to attack and ruin anyone who disagrees with the masses and that is scary as hell.


Slowly turning into?


We're already there....


*shrug* I'll enjoy it when it fits my morals and shake my head when it doesn't.


Don't get me wrong, I'd love to take a true stance on the issue but the fact that nothing will be done prevents me from even caring at this point. So all that's left is to enjoy the ones I can.


Like when racists and adulterers get outed.

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Update: Here's one extra reason to take the supposed leaks with a grain of salt: it names Knoxville Mayor Madeline Rogero as a KKK member. As she explains, that's ridiculous on its face. She's part of an interracial family, launched an initiative to reduce violence among "men of color" and has pushed hard for LGBT rights. In other words, at least some of the current list is dodgy.
Moreover, the Anonymous-affiliated Operation KKK account on Twitter maintains that it hasn't released any information yet. What data you've seen so far may not have been vetted properly, if it isn't out-and-out false. In other words: don't count on anything being truthful, at least not before November 5th.


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Just as an aside...in the Ashley Madison Hack thread, all 9 pages and 350+ posts, not a single "illegal/blackmail/civil liberties/blah blah blah" post from The Great American that has taken residence in this thread. Not a single one...guess he was busy that day saving all our civil liberties somewhere else in the world.

It's amazing how quickly someone can become a privacy rights crusader simply because what is revealed piques their interests.

Yeah, because it was already covered.There were other posters who already pointed this out.

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Of course it's not illegal but you're judged for better or worse by your actions/associations.

So the "ends justify the means" argument?  It's in the public's interest for this to be known so the illegal method the information was obtained is of no concern? 

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