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Reports: Hacktivist group Anonymous publishes names of alleged Ku Klux Klan members


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"Hacktivist" group Anonymous, which last week vowed to expose Ku Klux Klan members, has begun publishing personal details of alleged KKK adherents, according to news reports.
Anonymous said it would reveal the identity of 1,000 members of the KKK after gaining the information through a compromised Twitter account associated with the group, the International Business Times (IBT) website said Monday.
On Sunday and Monday morning, IBT reported, Anonymous posted four listings on text-sharing website Pastebin, including 57 phone numbers and 23 email addresses.


More from the link, including a few US Senators and a bunch of Mayors.


Man, one thing I never joke about online is Anonymous. I remember after the 2012 election, they started posting super racist tweets with the bio of the person who posted it, where they worked, etc. 


People on this list must be ****ting themselves right now.

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Dem jokes/accusations are fighting words. Closest I ever got was a colleague interviewing one of them or discussing the group with a civil rights professor.


well ya do have a twitter follower that could be a legacy member from what I hear. :P

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Is there any evidence of these claims?  If all those elected officials really belong to the KKK, the race debate is going to reach a new level of outrage. 


I suspect that we will soon be hearing that some **** obviously signed the Senator up, using his name. 


(Whether the Senator is a member or not.) 

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You think a group of people that would choose to go after the CIA are cowards?


And the Klan.  Don't forget them. 


(Although, if I'm a member of Anonymous, I think I'm a lot more worried about the CIA figuring out who I am, than the Klan.) 


(Although, the flip side of that is, if the CIA figures out who I am, the most likely result is a job offer.) 

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(Although, the flip side of that is, if the CIA figures out who I am, the most likely result is a job offer.) 


Or a bag thrown over your head and a plane trip to a country that's ok with torture.  The CIA hacked congress with the intent to hide evidence, got caught, and suffered no penalty.  If you didn't think they could do whatever the hell they wanted before, it should be clear now. 

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Is there any evidence of these claims?  If all those elected officials really belong to the KKK, the race debate is going to reach a new level of outrage. 

Robert Byrd was a member of the KKK. Didn't seem to bother the Dem Party at all.  Does the leak say they are 'active' members, or just that they have at one point in time been a member?

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I'm more concerned with the units that branched off of Anonymous that went level 11 with "because they can" versus denouncing Anonymous themselves as of late.

I'm not always going to support their methods (as many of them involve breaking the law), but I can live with this one if it turns out to have any ounce of truth. Like I wouldn't expect the FBI to investigate this as far as these guys have, which is another reason I'm fine with Anonymous putting this out there.

There's only so much the "good guys" can do because of the rules they have to follow. Stuff like this feels like the void being filled.

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I'm more concerned with the units that branched off of Anonymous that went level 11 with "because they can" versus denouncing Anonymous themselves as of late.

I'm not always going to support their methods (as many of them involve breaking the law), but I can live with this one if it turns out to have any ounce of truth. Like I wouldn't expect the FBI to investigate this as far as these guys have, which is another reason I'm fine with Anonymous putting this out there.

There's only so much the "good guys" can do because of the rules they have to follow. Stuff like this feels like the void being filled.

So you are OK with random civilians, with no oversight or regulations, violating the privacy of Americans because you disagree with their beliefs?

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