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Reports: Hacktivist group Anonymous publishes names of alleged Ku Klux Klan members


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Admiring the number of people who seem to believe that announcing which political party Klan members used to be members of, 50 years ago, is somehow significant.

But that mentioning which party they tend to be members of, for the last 50 years, isn't worth mentioning.

The phrase "grasping at straws" comes to mind.

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To be fair to history, the Dixiecrat splinter of the Democratic Partydid move those Klan members to the GOP. That was almost 70 years ago. 


Not sure how many of them are still left.



Huh no it didn't. There is no evidence Klan members moved to the GOP after all GOP policy positions are anthema to what the Klan believes and always have been.

Admiring the number of people who seem to believe that announcing which political party Klan members used to be members of, 50 years ago, is somehow significant.

But that mentioning which party they tend to be members of, for the last 50 years, isn't worth mentioning.

Can you name one GOP US Senator or House Member past of present that was member of the Klan? 

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Huh no it didn't. There is no evidence Klan members moved to the GOP after all GOP policy positions are anthema to what the Klan believes and always have been.



So your claim is that the Southern Democrats who split off into the Dixiecrat party back in the 1940's-1950's over "states rights" (aka legalized discrimination) didn't eventually flow into the existing GOP party?


That Strom Thurmond wasn't a GOP Senator for almost 40 years after first being a Democratic Senator for 10 years?


Can you name one GOP US Senator or House Member past of present that was member of the Klan? 


He might be able to after 11/6/15 (or whenever that official list is supposed to come out).  :)

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So your claim is that the Southern Democrats who split off into the Dixiecrat party back in the 1940's-1950's over "states rights" (aka legalized discrimination) didn't eventually flow into the existing GOP party?


That Strom Thurmond wasn't a GOP Senator for almost 40 years after first being a Democratic Senator for 10 years?


He might be able to after 11/6/15 (or whenever that official list is supposed to come out).  :)

So your contending all Southern Democrats were Klan members? Is that what your saying? Your saying Thurmond was a member of the Klan? Is that what your saying?


Ever wonder why the Dixie-crats politicians that were actual Klan members did not leave the democratic party - ie Byrd, Fulbright and others? The answer lies in identity politics and which party is the champion of those politics and which is the adversary of those politics.

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Byrd didn't leave the D party because GOD couldn't get elected as a GOPer in WV during Byrd's reign (a blue at the state level because of the coal/steel union state as there ever was one).


No idea on Fulbright and others.


And no, my contention wasn't that they were all Klan members. My contention was that the majority of them (Klan voters and politicans) went to the GOP because the GOP embraced their political beliefs (aka the southern strategy that is referenced in Beal's post above).

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Admiring the number of people who seem to believe that announcing which political party Klan members used to be members of, 50 years ago, is somehow significant.

But that mentioning which party they tend to be members of, for the last 50 years, isn't worth mentioning.


you mean back when they were killing, bombing and burning  vs simply talking **** now.


admiring  :rolleyes:

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Byrd didn't leave the D party because GOD couldn't get elected as a GOPer in WV during Byrd's reign (a blue at the state level because of the coal/steel union state as there ever was one).


No idea on Fulbright and others.


And no, my contention wasn't that they were all Klan members. My contention was that the majority of them (Klan voters and politicans) went to the GOP because the GOP embraced their political beliefs (aka the southern strategy that is referenced in Beal's post above).

You see that is just it the GOP never embraced the Klans political beliefs which revolve around identity politics.  Many southern racists abandoned the Democratic party because the identity politics policies being pushed by their former party were now no longer to their advantage.

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Unfortunately we don't have the same ACLU as we had 30 years ago. They have also become "selectively indifferent." I'll try find the article from a couple of years ago, that talks about some of their older members bemoaning that change. Guess it's the times.



Yeah, a lot of conservatives who hate the ACLU like to say that.   They never back it up, but whatever....

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Huh no it didn't. There is no evidence Klan members moved to the GOP after all GOP policy positions are anthema to what the Klan believes and always have been.

Can you name one GOP US Senator or House Member past of present that was member of the Klan?

Of course I can't prove this, but if Jesse Helms were a member, it definitely wouldn't have been a shocker!
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So your contending all Southern Democrats were Klan members? Is that what your saying? Your saying Thurmond was a member of the Klan? Is that what your saying?





No.  He is contending (correctly) that GOP made a deliberate decision to attract conservative southern whites (some of who were in the Klan) with the Southern Strategy.  Those people were driven away from the Democratic Party by Lyndon Johnson and the civil rights movement.  


Now the Dixiecrat demographic that once opposed integration and civil rights is the voter base of the GOP.   The people have changed, and they are not the overt racists that they once were, but it is still the same demographic with much the same values.  If you are a white conservative man in Georgia in 1960, chances are about 95 percent that you were a Democrat.  If you are a white conservative man in Georgia in 2015, chances are about 95 percent that you are a Republican.


Instead of voting for Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms (the 1960s Democratic Party versions) they moved to the GOP where they voted for.... Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms (the 1980s Republican Party versions).   that was the big change.  


This is political science 101.   You can pretend not to understand if you like.

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The Gizmodo article has some good journalism, and basically shows that (at least some of) the people's who's names have so far been posted are just victims of hacktivism gone very wrong.





I contacted the email addresses published to hear the other side of the story. One of the recipients called me within minutes. “I’m not a member of the KKK,” Patricia Aiken told me. She sounded weary.


Aiken is the president of the Excessive Discipline Protection Database, a New Jersey-based consulting group that advises law enforcement unions. Her business email address appears in the Pastebin dump.
“This was done by a high-ranking employee at a jail to harass a union member,” Aiken told me. That employee, Aiken alleges, is Kirk Eady, the former Deputy Director of the Hudson County Correctional Center. Eady is currently on the other side of the bars. He was convicted for wiretapping Aiken, along with other union-affiliated coworkers at the jail, in September.
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This is political science 101.   You can pretend not to understand if you like.


So the GOP attracted and reformed the racist,lying,murdering ,terrorizing Democrats ?


you can pretend it's not true if ya like

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Yes, REFORMED them into voting Republican.


vs voting Dem while murdering .burning and terrorizing.


of course now that they are law abiding(and not voting D)  the Dems  castigate them.....before that it was all good..


same treatment for anyone leaving the plantation.

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