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Reports: Hacktivist group Anonymous publishes names of alleged Ku Klux Klan members


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So you are OK with random civilians, with no oversight or regulations, violating the privacy of Americans because you disagree with their beliefs?

Pointing out that that boat sailed a long time ago, when we decided to give corporations legal permission to invade their customer's privacy, using any means they could come up with.

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The Klan is a terrorist organization that has infiltrated our political establishment to the considerable detriment of the American public. I have no issue with their identities being revealed. In fact, a better question might be...

Why hasn't the FBI been on this case for the past 50 years? Rooting out the nefarious Klansmen and eliminating them from positions of power.

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The Klan is a terrorist organization that has infiltrated our political establishment to the considerable detriment of the American public. I have no issue with their identities being revealed. In fact, a better question might be...

Why hasn't the FBI been on this case for the past 50 years? Rooting out the nefarious Klansmen and eliminating them from positions of power.

Because being a member of a racist organization isn't illegal. Seriously, that would be a violation of civil liberties. Freedom of speech and expression has been ruled on in this matter many many times. 




I can't wrap my mind around the mental gymnastics required to feel like what Anonymous does is OK simply because they are exposing people you disagree with. They are hacking and releasing private information on individuals because their demands haven't been met. That is blackmail.

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While I agree with your view (mostly Pope), I do wonder if these were card carrying ISIS members if that would have been ok. Kind of. At least.


Make no mistake. I think the Klan are domestic terrorists. They should be labeled as such.


The real question is..how many Klan members were also on Ashley Madison? Or better yet, on the gay equivalent of it?

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Excuse my ignorance ... but in these modern times, are people still members of the Ku Klux Klan. What does membership actually mean? Are there 'official' local chapters? Is there an annual fee, an application process, a monthly magazine, etc. ?



Yes, people are still members of the KKK. Yes, there are local chapters and meetings. Not sure on dues.
After Obama election membership rapidly picked up for white supremacy terrorist groups - not sure on total numbers now.

The last big controversy I can remember was a few years ago when it was reported that GOP Rep. Steve Scalise - current Majority Whip - spoke in front of a local KKK chapter....supposedly by mistake. 

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I dont like the KKK being listed in the "People you disagree with" category.

I disagree with people who believe that Marvin Harrison isnt an all time great WR. The KKK can ****in go to hell

I have no love for any member of the KKK (well, that I'm aware of; I do have some rather old relatives from the sticks). But being a member is not illegal. Therefore having their identities revealed by illegal means is an invasion of their privacy.

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If these Senators have ties to the KKK I'd guess it was from a while back *. You'd have to be a complete ****ing moron to win a Senate seat and still actively participate in the KKK. You know you'd get discovered.




* That doesn't make it any more acceptable, obviously.

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Paul Fraim has been the Democratic mayor of a city that's half black 20 years. A city with a well-educated, organized, and politically active black community. Black voters are the ones electing Paul Fraim. The accusation that he's a white supremacist is absurd, much less one that's affiliated with the KKK.

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“The Klan today is weak, poorly led and without any sort of centralized organization. It’s even looked down upon by other hate groups – they look at them as these country bumpkins, and they’re generally right.” – Mark Potok, senior fellow at the Southern Poverty Law Center




It would not surprise me if individual klan groups tried to "claim" a politician is a member, but that

does not mean it is true. lol. I don't see those guys hanging around a bunch of low class losers.

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While I agree with your view (mostly Pope), I do wonder if these were card carrying ISIS members if that would have been ok. Kind of. At least.


Make no mistake. I think the Klan are domestic terrorists. They should be labeled as such.


The real question is..how many Klan members were also on Ashley Madison? Or better yet, on the gay equivalent of it?

Now that's funny.


It will always be illegal for private citizens to illegal obtain information about other private citizens and blackmail said individuals with the illegally obtained information. 

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The Klan isn't known for limiting their activities to racist jokes over a game of backgammon at the gentleman's club.


The modern Klan is a toothless joke, unlike when the Dems filled it's ranks


we used to have a chapter here, last numbers I heard was about 3,000 members nationwide  :rolleyes:

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