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CNN: Shooting at Oregon College

Sacks 'n' Stuff

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I sure don't expect these multiple deaths by guns are going to "get better" anytime soon in our culture. This is just one of the ongoing aspects of our landscape now.



It really is ... I mean, I think a lot of us are not shocked by this anymore, it's more of a "what took so long" attitude ... Riggatoni's post is right on. 

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It hasn't even been a few months really. 


Just numb. Elected officials having their interns cut/paste their previous "thoughts and prayers" tweets with a tweak to mention current location.


40th+ shooting at a school this year. So....**** it. 

Sadly, that's going to be a lot of people's reactions. This has become way too common in this country and it doesn't seem like anyone is concerned enough to find a solution.

 The solution doesn't donate money to campaigns. Its not that nobody can find one. Its that the solution is rejected because some mythical 2nd amendment belief.

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This is a three year old article. Sadly, still apt.




First we get the shaky camera phone videos and the tweets. Then the distraught eyewitness interviews and 911 call recording. Quickly, the shooter is identified.Politicians issue statements of shock and sorrow. The shooter's parents, if interviewed, are confused and abashed or else hide. The social media forensics begin. People with the same or a similar name as the shooter are harassed. There is speculation he is part of a right-wing group, or an Islamic terrorist, or a former Army veteran. The FBI and the armed forces check their records and issue denials or confirmations. Calls for better gun control efforts are issued once again. Defenders of the Second Amendment fight back immediately, or even pre-emptively. The victims of the shooting are blamed in social media for being where they were attacked. More eye-witness interviews. The shooter's parents are castigated. Survivors speak. Warning signs are identified as the alleged shooter's past is plumbed.




There is another wave of public discussion about our failures, and the nature of evil. Politicians make feints at gun-law changes, which fail. And then everyone forgets and moves on. Everyone, that is, except the survivors.

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As good as dealing with the Confederate flag was, it somewhat deflected discussion of mental health (which is an issue along with guns; the much easier to handle issue).


We don't know much about this shooting yet, but it's possible this one might push some movement there.  Hopefully.


Just something, anything, to stop this absurd trend.




Probably about 80% of what's wrong with this country ties back to campaign finance law.  Next chance to do something about the Sandy Hooks and VA Techs and holy crap how many, will probably be after Citizens United is erased from history and further special interest constraints are put in place.  Get rid of those, and maybe, just maybe, we can actually put together real legislative solutions.


If that ever happens.

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Cosign the Sandy Hook statement. That was the most disgusting vile horrendous shooting that has ever happened. Yet, we do nothing.

It is a combination of lack of intervention when it comes to mental health, combined with easy access to guns. It's the same trend over and over.

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