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Josh Duggar admits to "making mistakes" as a teen sexual molester


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Also..to end any of the illegality of the records being released.





There is some irony in that bolded part. ;)



Despite outcry from the Duggars, police records detailing how Josh Duggar molested five underage girls as a teen – including four of his sisters and the family babysitter – were not illegally released, the Springdale, Arkansas, city attorney said in a statement Thursday.


During their exclusive interview with Fox News’ Megyn Kelly Wednesday night, Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar said they believe their son’s police records were illegally released – and that they are looking into taking legal action to make sure this never happens again. 


Last month, after consulting with Springdale City Attorney Ernest Cate, the city’s police chief, Kathy O’Kelley, released the scathing 2006 police report containing child molestation accusations against the 19 Kids and Counting stars’ eldest son to a tabloid, which unleashed a media firestorm and led to Josh resigning from his job at the Family Research Council.


“This information was released illegally,” Jim Bob told Kelly. “I wonder why all of this press is not going after the system for releasing juvenile records. That is a huge story.” 


But Cate says that the Springdale Police Department did not break any laws. “On May 20, 2015,” his statement reads, “in full compliance with Arkansas law, the Springdale Police Department responded to a records request under the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act.


“The requested record was not sealed or expunged, and at the time the report was filed, the person listed in the report was an adult,” the statement says. 


“Any names of minors included in the report, as well as pronouns, were redacted from the report by the Springdale Police Department in compliance with Arkansas law prior to release.” 


Springdale mayor Doug Sprouse said O’Kelley and Cate consulted before deciding to release the report. 


“From every indication I have, the chief and city attorney reluctantly did what they had to do to comply with the state FOI law,” said Sprouse, according to local media reports.

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Am i reading that right?

The fact that they waited so long to report it prevented Josh from being protected as a juvenile?


I found that ironic, in the very least.





The evangelical Christian parents, stars of TLC's "19 Kids and Counting," insisted during an interview Wednesday with Fox host Megyn Kelly that they went to extreme measures to protect their children after Josh confessed to inappropriately touching the girls.


The molestations began in 2002 when Josh was 14, continued through 2003 and included an incident when he molested a 5-year-old sister as she sat on his lap and he read her stories, a police report has revealed.


"My parents said OK, we're not going to do this hide-and-seek thing where two people go off and hide together," Dillard, 24, said in the interview. "Locks on the doors. You know, everybody's in bed. Girls in the girls' room. Boys in the boys' room."

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I have never seen a topic with so many legs in so many different circles in my life.

Also, the difference between level of intensity of debates here in this thread and on the places I go on Facebook is astounding. When Christians are debating this topic among themselves, they are getting ruthless with it for real. 

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Can someone give me a 2-3 sentence summary of who this Duggar guy is and why I should care that he molested his sisters? This story seems to have been on the news for like 2 weeks, this thread is 7 pages long, and I'm confused about why. Thanks in advance.

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Can someone give me a 2-3 sentence summary of who this Duggar guy is and why I should care that he molested his sisters? This story seems to have been on the news for like 2 weeks, this thread is 7 pages long, and I'm confused about why. Thanks in advance.


Wow. Sad to read that is how you feel about the situation. In the news for two weeks and seven pages...not that interested or concerned.


Read the thread, or use Google.


I never heard of this guy before this incident as I have never watched the show...between the news and the internet...I figured it out.

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Wow. Sad to read that is how you feel about the situation. In the news for two weeks and seven pages...not that interested or concerned.

Read the thread, or use Google.

I never heard of this guy before this incident as I have never watched the show...between the news and the internet...I figured it out.

I've read headlines about it for two weeks and enough of the articles to know that he's a part of some reality show. But again why is this two weeks of news?

Also... Reading a little of this page of the thread, what does Sarah Palin have to do with it? Exceptionally confused now.

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The Duggars have had a regular show in TLC since 2008 and practice an extreme Christian lifestyle (some may consider a cult) that literally interpret the Bible verse "be fruitful and multiply" as a command to have lots of babies. Joshua is their oldest son (not sure if they have a daughter that is older) who was also featured on the show and until these allegations came out was one of the top members of the Family Research Council (a far right conservative lobbying group). He also is married with 4 children of his own.

People care because they like them, hate them, etc. Fans (which include many Christians) will defend them. Non fans may believe the Duggars buried this in 2006 to preserve their show (they had specials at the time and were not a regular show).

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Sure but there's probably dozens of creeps every week that molest their sisters, why is he worth two weeks of news coverage? That's what I'm asking. Not why it's wrong...

His family is involved with the Family Research Council, which is a big time social conservative foundation. They like to tell people that gays are coming to molest their children.

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Duggars, just another in a long line of hypocrites in the world.


I also find the Duggar comment about going after the police chief that was simply honoring a FOIA request another hypocrite moment.


And, you are accountable for your actions and cannot be forgiven or have your sins removed.

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They like to tell people that gays are coming to molest their children.


Needs to be updated to ... your own heterosexual children are coming to molest your children.


The Family Research Council would blame lack of prayer in schools for all this ... if the Duggars weren't home schooled.

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My personal opinion is that they waited to report Josh's actions until the statute of limitations ran out, and he couldn't be prosecuted as either a juvenile or adult.


Of course the girls were brainwashed into "forgiving" Josh, so it's all good now. /gag

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