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Josh Duggar admits to "making mistakes" as a teen sexual molester


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I'm happy to say I didn't know this show was a thing, and I had no idea who this kid was. I think some of you watch too much TV. The tube rots your brain.

And 20 kids?!? My goodness. That's just wrong.

As far as the incest business, I have to say I've often thought that the rules and attitudes many religious folks have about sex are so repressive and unnatural as to cause pathological or deviant behavior. This is just another in a long line of examples.

Lord save us from the people who love you.

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fox news tv is running with this right now:

that the liberal media is attacking the dugars because they are christian but praises bruce jenner, or whatever his name is now, because they're pushing an agenda.

The first part is BS. But Good Lord with the Bruce Jenner thing. WHO CARES

What will the next liberal pet project be? Swingers I bet. We will be inundated with the story of Bobby and Jane. All Bobby wants to do is share his wife with strangers at truck stops. Society is preventing him from truly being happy. Time for a vanity fair photo shoot!

By the way, "swinger" is racist. Centuries of oppression, man. Selma. Etc, etc.

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Yeah, I get looking at the bruce jenner thing that way. I, for the most part, quit watching news except for maybe 15-20 minutes of local news a night, just in time it appears. It was totally random that I turned them on last night for about 2 minutes, and after watching 2 minutes of that nonsense i turned it off. I've missed most of the bruce jenner thing, which is awesome because I couldn't give two ****s what he/she does with his/her own money and body.


But.... to put that up against the duggars, and then blame it on their religion. i mean holy hell fox news.


he molested children and it was covered up, wtf is wrong with you...

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...and Michelle Duggar is doubling down on the claim that transgenders are pedophiles..because "it just makes sense".


That takes some balls, lady.



You seem to like making claims (whether they are accurate or not) without citation.

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I wish Sarah Palin would weigh on this.


Oh wait...... nevermind.



I'm just ready for this story to go away, and this family to be out of the public consciousness forever. The damage is done. The daughters have had their minds already ****ed on this whole topic. God knows if they blame themselves in some way. The parents already pimped out their children to a national audience for long enough to get rich. Reality TV like this seems to be worst than any Beyonce song. 

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I wish Sarah Palin would weigh on this.


Oh wait...... nevermind.



I'm just ready for this story to go away, and this family to be out of the public consciousness forever. The damage is done. The daughters have had their minds already ****ed on this whole topic. God knows if they blame themselves in some way. The parents already pimped out their children to a national audience for long enough to get rich. Reality TV like this seems to be worst than any Beyonce song. 

We don't need Sarah Palin. We have post's like these to fill that void.

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Yeah, especially the extreme right reality shows. They need to start moving to the left to the left.


How about just ending all together? and I liked that little dig there. Of course its more "left" overall. Doesn't mean as a whole it's anything but cheap to make and market to the dumbest viewers. 

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We don't need Sarah Palin. We have post's like these to fill that void.


Are you still waiting on those links to Michelle's comments regarding transgenders?





I'm curious..do you believe that any of these arguments are true?


1) The Duggar parents were correct in waiting over a year to report the issue (let alone to a pedophile cop) to authorities?


2) The Duggar family is correct that Joshua can be/was rehabilitated by going to work on a friend of the family's house over the summer and through prayer?


3) The Duggar girls who were molested (and the babysitter) have been harmed more through this story seeing light 10+ years later than they were from the original molestations?

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B) <<<-------skinsgoldpants


I got it, pal.


But I still wanted to make the point that to me. #1. Reality TV is some of the worst stuff out there. and #2. It mostly is designed for the less conservative viewer.


Real World to Survivor.....not exactly the 700 Club.

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Are you still waiting on those links to Michelle's comments regarding transgenders?





I'm curious..do you believe that any of these arguments are true?


1) The Duggar parents were correct in waiting over a year to report the issue (let alone to a pedophile cop) to authorities?


2) The Duggar family is correct that Joshua can be/was rehabilitated by going to work on a friend of the family's house over the summer and through prayer?


3) The Duggar girls who were molested (and the babysitter) have been harmed more through this story seeing light 10+ years later than they were from the original molestations?

I saw your links. I wasn't trying to bust your chops, just a sort of pet peeve when it comes to making claims, especially of previously unknown information. :)


 I disagree with those arguments mostly. Here's why I say mostly, its how you word them which I don't find completely accurate.


#1 - I disagree with them waiting

#2 - I do believe in grace, repentance, and prayer to rehabilitate. Otherwise, mankind is without hope of being free from sin and God is powerless to redeem us. This does not let a criminal off the hook from civil authorities.

#3 - Only the victims can really know this.


This pretty much sums it up on how I feel and how a great many Christians I know feel as well. Please take 2-3 minutes and read it.



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I saw your links. I wasn't trying to bust your chops, just a sort of pet peeve when it comes to making claims, especially of previously unknown information. :)

I disagree with those arguments mostly. Here's why I say mostly, its how you word them which I don't find completely accurate.

#1 - I disagree with them waiting

#2 - I do believe in grace, repentance, and prayer to rehabilitate. Otherwise, mankind is without hope of being free from sin and God is powerless to redeem us. This does not let a criminal off the hook from civil authorities.

#3 - Only the victims can really know this.

This pretty much sums it up on how I feel and how a great many Christians I know feel as well. Please take 2-3 minutes and read it.


Mark 12:17

Let's keep this a conversation about crime and punishment in the eyes of the law. Much cleaner that way

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I got it, pal.

But I still wanted to make the point that to me. #1. Reality TV is some of the worst stuff out there. and #2. It mostly is designed for the less conservative viewer.

Real World to Survivor.....not exactly the 700 Club.

Agree totally on no. 1.

No. 2 Dugger and duck commander

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Isn't that what the link I posted essentially was about?

You keep bringing up redemption and salvation in response to others frustration that there have not been more severe punishments and investigations

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Jim Bob and Michelle placed locks on doors after the fondling incident.


No mention if they meant on the outisde or inside of the doors (I'm assuming the later). 







In the wake of the incidents, the sisters said the parents restricted the children from playing games like hide and seek and placed locks on bedrooms where the girls and boys slept.
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