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Have you ever had major surgery and if so what was it?


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Yeah, penis reduction surgery sucks, but you gotta do what a brother gotta do.  It's hot and humid in the dirty south, can't tuck your junk in your sock and wear shorts.  :/


ya can always throw it over ya shoulder

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ya can always throw it over ya shoulder

and tape it to your back....damn adhesive tape though 



On topic:  I had one wisdom tooth pulled, then the other three later.  I broke my nose playing basketball, left side crushed/shattered into the right, literally crooked on my face.  Had to be put to sleep to get it fixed.  That's been it for me so far *knock on wood*


My daughter had a cleft palate repair when she was one year old, it was a 2 hour surgery.  She also had two ear tube surgeries and during one, partial adenoid removal.  

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Jeez, where do I start. I've had 12 surgeries in all. Put completely asleep with 11 and local with 1. I'll put them in order, with the exception of one. It's a doozy.

1. Infant/Newborn (don't even remeber). Couldn't pee straight. They had to go in and straighten the urethra. Birth defect.

2. Tonsils around 2 or 3 years old.

3. Surgery #1 to remove a benign cyst from my neck. About 7 yrs old

4. Surgery #2 to remove the same benign cyst that came back. About 7 1/2.

5. Surgery #3 to remove the rest of the benign cyst along with half my adams apple and some neck muscle. 8 yrs old.

6. Oral surgery to remove 4 teeth to make room. Permanent teeth, so they put me completely under. About 10/11 yrs old.

(See #7 below) 15 yrs old.

8. Another Oral surgery to remove a damaged permanent front tooth (I have a bridge) and remove a cyst that had formed because of the trauma. Completely put under. 17 yrs old.

9. Surgery to remove a benign cyst from my groin (so you see a cyst theme here). 22 yrs old.

10. Surgery on my left middle finger. Bent the tip of my finger back and it snapped with some tendon damage. Only surgery where I was awake. They used a tourniquet and numbed my arm up. I asked the nurse if I could take a nap. I was bored. 30 yrs old.

11. Appendix. Almost burst. About 37 yrs old.

12. Surgery to correct deviated septum and palate reduction. Couldn't breathe out of my left nostril and snored like a train. About 42 yrs old.

***OK, now on to the doozey. #7.

When I was a teenager, my parents commented that I was a more than normally lazy teenager. I had been diagnosed with a heart murmur when I was very young, but nobody paid much attention to it. I was a bone-thin, rail of a kid. But, playing sports, I was a slow runner. I mean, I could only beat the heavy kids or the non-athletic kids. I would chug and chug with everything I had, but I just couldn't go fast. My coaches in youth sports couldn't understand why a skinny little kid like me couldn't run fast. I had good burst, but no speed. My legs would literally "fall asleep" climbing stairs.

One day my mom noticed a rash on my left arm. We thought it might be sweat, poison ivy or something I got into. I was 15. We tried every ointment and it wouldn't go away. So, she tried to take me to our doctor, but they had no openings, so she called my old pediatrician. She agreed to see me. Just routine stuff, they discovered my blood pressure was high. Not elevated, but we're talking 192/90. That is not normal for a 15 year old. So, they put me on a salt free, fat free diet and I came back in a week later it was now 200/95. It was getting worse. She had her suspisions, so they sent me to Children's Hospital in DC.

I went in and did the stress test. Then the Cardiologist decided he needed more, so they scheduled me for a heart catherization. If you've never had one, good for you. It's no picnic. You are awake and they shoot this hot dye into the vein in your groin to see if there is any blockage. There was.

I had what is called a "Coarctation of the Aorta," or blocked aorta. I could have died just walking to the backyard if it gave way. Turned out, it too was a birth defect that should have been found before I was 5. Well, they scheduled surgery 2 weeks later and it took 10+ hours under the knife, 4 days in intensive care and 9 days in the hospital. I missed 3 months of school and had a home tutor come in to teach my classes. Let me repeat, I was 15. Doc said that my heart had somehow compensated and grew a seperate "branch" aorta to keep the blood flowing. Kind of a miracle.

Anyway, to this day, I have short legs and little hair on my legs and toes. It doesn't help being blonde either. I'm about 5-9, but doc said I lost about 2-3 inches in height. Would have been around 5-11 to 6-0. My upper body is longer than my lower body. Very traumatic experience, even to this day. I have to get an EKG and check once a year, but so far everything looks good. I take high BP medicine to this day.

So, do I win? ;):D

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Jeez, where do I start.  I've had 12 surgeries in all.  Put completely asleep with 11 and local with 1.  I'll put them in order, with the exception of one.  It's a doozy.


1. Infant/Newborn (don't even remeber).  Couldn't pee straight. They had to go in and straighten the urethra.  Birth defect.




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Well, let's see-I had my colon removed due to having Ulcerative Colitis.  After the first operation, I had a colostomy bag, and that was horrible.  The second operation involved them going back in and making a new colon by inflating my intestine.  After that surgery, no more bag and that was wonderful.  I had UC for over 10 years, and while the surgery was difficult and the recovery was awful (who knew you used your stomach muscles that much?), being able to travel and not worry is a godsend.

While they were in there, they noticed a cyst on my kidney which turned out to be malignant.  So, first they tried to freeze it off, but it came back so part of my kidney was removed.  Now, the problem (other than having had cancer) is that I have a fair amount of scar tissue in one area and that has caused my intestines to kink.

So, yes, I've had surgery.  

Also, I have tried not to give too much detail, but I became quite the expert on UC as well as surgery options.  I am more than happy to discuss my ordeal.  I know it's becoming more common, but not something anyone wants to talk about.  Just contact me if you want more info.

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I guess I could post this...


Never anything "major" in my mind.


I broke my arm when I was 8...the entire arm basically.


Radius, Ulna, Humerus, along with a fractured whatever the elbow is called, and broken wrist.


They put me to sleep to set it.


Old school cast...super itchy.


It did not set correctly. They had to re-break my arm...clearly put to sleep again.

All said 8 months in a cast. More annoying than anything because I was stuck in the house.


Stitches a few times nothing crazy.

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I had a splenectomy and my gall bladder removed when I was 18.  This is back in the 80's when you'd be in the hospital for a week with a 10 inch incision in your gut.  I think these surgeries are less invasive now.


Yes, when I had my gall bladder removed there were three small incisions, and I was sent home the same day.

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I never considered it major, but hernia at 9 months.

Dad said I tried to pick up a little toy piano.

Ended up in 11 years of piano lessons.

He never denied that I knew what I loved. It was music. If you can't play well enough to make money, you would normally teach.

I became the server who could sing the scores of games.

A guy gave me a VERY generous tip to sing his girlfriend "Happy Birthday". I did it with a ketchup bottle, on my knees, totally into it. In an Applebee's, I swear.

All this from being a baby, wanting to know what that thing over there was.

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reconstructive surgery on my hand.

when i woke up the nurse said "Don't lift your" but i had already started lifting my hand up to admire the giant cast, at which point i realized i had no control over my arm and i smashed myself in the face.


surgery was fine.


it was the 12+ weeks of therapy that sucked. the pain of getting those muscles moving again is by far and away the most painful experience i've ever had.


i was on percocets heavily for months just to get through it.


i probably have 60% feeling in my hand and 90% movement.


it took me a long time to relearn how to throw a football, and I'm not nearly as good as i used to be. though i've gotten a lot better.


i still have issues typing. i used to type 100+ wpm with incredible accuracy. i still type fast, accuracy just sucks relative to what it used to be.

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When I was 15 I was hit by car and my foot was ran over in the process. It ripped all the skin off the inside of the right side of my foot. Lucky enough I didn't break any major bones, just a toe. Anyways, I had a skin graph to repair the foot, because it couldn't get stitched up from the size of the wound. The worst part is for a couple of weeks I had to be off my feet so the skin graph could set. In the end just a scar that kind of looks like a burn scar. I was able to walk fine after it healed and still play soccer 16 years later. I did lose the joint in the big toe and can pop it in and out of place now.


Also, I had all four wisdom teeth removed at the same time. Not nearly as bad as everyone claims.

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Feb 2007. Craniotomy and biopsy after what turned out to be an MS lesion looked like a tumah.


Similar for me. Had a "suboccipital craniotomy" 4 weeks ago (what is it with Feb brain surgery).  In my case it most definitely was a tumor (melanoma) but my near term prognosis is very very good and nobody can complain about that. Recovery has been almost a joke - getting over the anathesia was by far the biggest hurdle. Aside from a fast-healing incision on the back of my head you'd have no idea that I had brain surgery. Just an utterly amazing job done by a great team of doctors, nurses and other health care professionals.


KAO MS is no joke either, and I hope that you are reading this in good health and high spirits.

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