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Better Call Saul


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Not reading this thread because i may be interested.

I'm one of the few people who wasn't grabbed by Breaking bad, although i should give it another chance. I gave it about 6 or 7 episodes and got bored / busy.


Do i have to have watched Breaking Bad to watch this show?




Bang, you're not alone here. I was actually late to BB, I watched the first four seasons on netflix.  I was about halfway through Season 1 and really didn't understand what all the hype was about.  It was pretty good, but the way people were talking about it didn't match the show I was watching. I'd say even through Season 2 I still wasn't quite on board with what people were saying.  Season 3 is where the show really turned for me.  Once Gus Fring showed up it really took things up a notch, then another notch etc etc etc and the show never regressed from that point on, IMO.


I work with a girl who has re-watched BB all the way through and said you definitely grow an appreciation for the shows more humble first couple of seasons once you have seen the entire series once already.  So if you are still open, I'd suggest picking it back up when you have the time.

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I'm with you about the stolen money story, tshile.  I think it turns out their father, the moral icon Chuck has based his life around, will be the one that took the money, then pinned it on Jimmy.


I think it's interesting that Chuck has a superiority complex morally, and an inferiority complex socially towards Jimmy.  He was tugging his ear like he was going to rip it off.


I assume that however Chuck's marriage ended, that's what sent him into his current state.


I wasn't around last week to chime in, but I am also wondering what is up with Mike's daughter-in-law.  The whole gunshot thing, very puzzling.


I am really impressed with how they've worked Tuco into the story.  The way Mike set him up, that was top notch writing.


I'm making sure I put two spaces after each sentence from now on.  It looks a lot cleaner on the page, obviously.

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i thought breaking bad was good, but i think some people get a little carried away with praising it. it wasn't that good.


i would definitely watch it before watching better call saul. there's just too much that references back to BB and you'd be missing all of it.

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The show has been doing so many references to Breaking Bad lately that for a minute they had me thinking that the motel Stacey was staying at was the same crack motel from Breaking Bad before it got super seedy.....but now I think that's unlikely and the writers have me thinking too much.

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Breaking Bad showed us early and often the power of transforming a sidekick into a three-dimensional character. First Jesse, of course, who grew from a bit player who was supposed to be killed off in season one, into the moral axis of the show. But also Mike, and Gus, and through this spinoff that you’re watching now, Saul Goodman. Now the spotlight shines on Kim Wexler. She gets the first truly devastating moment of BCS season two, standing all by herself under the same soul-crushing anvils that the show dropped on Jimmy McGill’s head in season one. And never again will she be just a gold ring for Jimmy to grasp at, a symbol of what might have been. She draws breath, she vibrates with hope and determination, and if you watch that scene at the front door of HHM with Howard in slow motion, you can pinpoint the exact moment her heart breaks.


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One thing I haven't seen talked about is how they'll work James McGill's name change to Saul Goodman into the story.  I wonder if it will represent some major turning point in the plot.  If I recall, it was brushed off in Breaking Bad as kind of a lark (a play on the phrase "Its all good, man"), with no real importance attached to it. 


They really used the Walter White/Heisenberg names to good effect, so that they almost represented two different people in the same person.  Will we see that with Jimmy/Saul?


Edit: From Breaking Bad, at one point Saul explains to Walt "My real name's McGill. The Jew thing I just do for the homeboys. They all want a pipe-hitting member of the tribe, so to speak."  So he says he changed it so Saul Goodman because it sounded Jewish.

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Am I the only one that thinks Kim Wexler has an untimely, premature demise?


I have no basis or reasoning for that feeling, it's just a thought I have whenever I see her.


 I would be very surprised by that.  What kind of scenario could you see that happening?


Did they already tell us what happened to Chucks wife?


Pretty sure they haven't.  Is Chuck divorced? Widowed? 


We only get slight hints in this episode that maybe Chuck and Rebecca isn't a marriage made in heaven.




Another question I have about the show... is there an intended number of seasons before wrapping up the series?  Gilligan has said that with Breaking Bad, it was never going to be open ended - we would see the rise and fall of Walter White and the series would not last indefinitely.  I don't know if that's the same for Better Call Saul.

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The shot of Saul with the American flag billowing on tv during his sleepless night, that was framed so well. 


Nothing about his situation fits him right, the car, the apartment, the job.


I'm thinking about getting a Saul type suit to wear to church on Easter.

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A couple of random reactions....


So we see where Mike learned the hard lesson of "no half measures."  He tried to half-way it with Tuco, and it blew up on him.


Still, what a badass scene, him outfoxing the two guys sent to intimidate him at his house.  Also, his meeting with Hector Salamacha where he demands $50 K. "See, if told you this one has big balls" Hector says in Spanish.


I wonder if the job offer to Kim by the opponent law firm is a ploy.  I can see it somehow messing with the case and her getting badly burned by it.


I didn't buy the scam Kim pulled.  I can't see a guy writing a $10,000 check based on a chance encounter at a bar.  Didn't ring true to me. 


Wasn't Mike's granddaughter actually depicted as younger in Breaking Bad? Unless my memory's bad, she's like the female Benjamin Button.

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A couple of random reactions....


So we see where Mike learned the hard lesson of "no half measures."  He tried to half-way it with Tuco, and it blew up on him.




I thought he learned that when he was a cop and he didn't shoot that guy who was abusing his wife and he ended up killing her.


Mike is a lot like Omar from that show..almost always a step ahead of everyone else trying to get him.

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I thought he learned that when he was a cop and he didn't shoot that guy who was abusing his wife and he ended up killing her.


Mike is a lot like Omar from that show..almost always a step ahead of everyone else trying to get him.


until they turned him into a dumbass those last few episodes of BB

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I thought he learned that when he was a cop and he didn't shoot that guy who was abusing his wife and he ended up killing her.


Mike is a lot like Omar from that show..almost always a step ahead of everyone else trying to get him.


Are you saying Mike is a slow learner?  ;)

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So we finally find out who Saul Goodman modeled his clothing style on:






Interesting cold open - the very young Jimmy McGill spots a con when his dad is blind to it.  And we see him dipping into the till, after the grafter tells him he has to decide who he's going to be in the world - a wolf or a sheep.  So Chuck was right about that, but Chuck assumed all the money was lost to Jimmy. Did he figure in all the loss to the grifters who pegged dad for an easy mark?


The montage of Jimmy doing his best to get fired was a hoot.  Here's some background music for you to listen to while you remember that scene:




A couple things I didn't notice but read about:


The real estate lady selling the house to Mike's daughter-in-law is the same agent from Breaking Bad who catches Hank's wife stealing from the open house.


Check out the brand of potato chips for sale at Mr. McGill's store... coincidence? I think not:


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Also, Mike was clearly pissed at having to suck it up and cave to Hector Salamacha's demand to claim the gun was his.  That's not over, as we see him toward the end of the episode staking out the Salamacha's restaurant hang-out.


Here's a link to a different AMC preview of next week's episode. 





What's he got in mind? Whatever it is, it doesn't have to do with rhododendrons.  And if it works it'll be especially sweet revenge that sweet little Kaylee - who the Salamachas explicitly threatened -  helped construct the tool for it.

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