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PFT: Report: Snyder, Allen may side with RG3 and fire Gruden


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Gruden was hired here to be the QB guru that would help RG3 get back on track.

He gave up on RG3 after 4 games.

He also gave up on Cousins after 4 games.

This guy is not a QB guru. He is a charlatan.

Thats not a defense of RG3 or Snyder and co if they fire him. Just that Gruden is a charlatan.

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Gruden is football smart and can tell a QB dud when he sees one.

Soooooo. Because he was given Andy Dalton by the Bengals front office, he suddenly has the "it" factor of being able to look at a QB and magically say "he's a dud". Yup. He called it on Cousins. After 4 games. He called it Griffin. After 4 games. Let's see if he calls it on Colt.


Too bad he didn't see every quarterback on this roster was a dud BEFORE the season started. :rolleyes:

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Gruden was hired here to be the QB guru that would help RG3 get back on track.He gave up on RG3 after 4 games.He also gave up on Cousins after 4 games.This guy is not a QB guru. He is a charlatan.Thats not a defense of RG3 or Snyder and co if they fire him. Just that Gruden is a charlatan.

Gruden played QB in college, broke records, played arena league and has coached for a while. He knows a bad QB when he seems one. When he has to trim down the game plan because Griffin can't run the basics then to me that tells the story. As far as Cousins is concerned, he was turning it over too much and got too down on himself. Even after the games and through practice he was down on himself. I think he wants to get Kirk to the off season and work on his issues. His are more fixable than Griffin's.

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Gruden was hired here to be the QB guru that would help RG3 get back on track.

He gave up on RG3 after 4 games.

He also gave up on Cousins after 4 games.

This guy is not a QB guru. He is a charlatan.

Thats not a defense of RG3 or Snyder and co if they fire him. Just that Gruden is a charlatan.

wouldnt you after all the interceptions as well? we weren't winning games with cousins in at QB. he was throwing games away for us. and as for giving up on RG3 after 4 games...he played like absolute **** against the bucs...the 1-8 freakin bucs!!! and then played horribly against the 49ers. plus we're 3-9. although it doesnt really matter which QB gets put in on our team, nobody will be good behind our **** offensive line. god, cant wait for this season to be over....

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Snyder and Allen cannot be this stupid...oh wait yes they can. If this is actually true and it happens I will be more than pissed. All the talk about Gruden coming here to fix RG3 and he failed because RG3 has regressed is bull. Gruden came here to coach the "team" not just RG3.


This is all on Bruce. RG3 never was a pocket passer and never will be. Yet you hire a coach (friend) who runs an offense that suits pocket passers. You hold out hope that said coach can turn the read-option college QB into a professional pocket passer. It failed. Not because of the coach, but because the quarterback cannot play in this style of offense.


I'm not sold on Gruden yet as nobody should be at this point. However to give him the boot after 1 year on a 5 year contract over one player who had one good season...Is just completely ignorant, asinine and "befuddling".


So he will probably be fired.

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Griffin and Gruden both seem like duds. I'm open to starting over if it starts with a new GM with complete power. Doubt it goes down that way, but what if?

Not because it's necessarily the right thing to do, but because if Snyder is considering sweeping changes, might as well strike while the iron's hot and just do it now rather than suffer through another season of drama and Gruden being on the hot seat.

I'm more worried about finally getting this thing right than the media perception of firing a first-year HC. How much more can the media point out how much we suck, anyways? Might as well just pull the plug and roll the dice again.

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Gruden isn't going anywhere. Snyder would owe him 20 million if he fired him. On top of that, he would turn RG3 into an even bigger national joke than he is right now. Seriously, dude is a pariah at this point. And his tape is Tebowesque when it comes to pocket play. At least Tebow was liked by his teammates.

This is either click-bait by Reid or a desperate leak by Snyder/Allen to make Jay think they'll fire him if he doesn't get on board with RG3.

Guarantee Jay doesn't budge. He knows worst case he gets fired, gets paid, and rehabs his career elsewhere. See Kyle Shanahan, who was a DC punching bag last year, but is now a buzzed about HC candidate. With an offense that is ranked below Gruden's BTW.

And yes, Gruden's first year hadn't been good. But no coach has really done well under Snyder, and most of them had disastrous first years.

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I'd be pretty much done with this team if Snyder fired Gruden after 1 year, due to his massive RG3 boner. On top of that, nobody would want to coach here, and I mean nobody. They'd have to get Briles, because nobody else credible would step foot inside Ashburn knowing they were having RG3 forced down their throats no matter how badly he played.


That said, the report is bogus, and it's bull****.


Two days ago, a report first came out that RG3 was done in Washington. At the same exact time, another report said RG3 may very well start again before the season is over.


That's all you need to know about the media these days.

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I can almost guarantee you that Cowher will not come to the Washington..

I get so annoyed when people keep bring Cowher's name up. He's got such a great deal like many of these analysts on the Sunday pre and post game shows who are former players and coaches. Depending on age many of them in all likelihood they have years at least 10 or more yeras left doing what they're doing. They get to be around football, don't have the win or else preasure (regardless of the team), and can actually have a real life. I have no clue how much Cowher, Mario, Jimmy Johnson, etc.make, but its not chump change these days which is why IMO none are returning to the sidelines. All you really need to to is not drop the fbomb or anything with racial undertones and life ia pretty good.

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Welp... I guess I can just watch the old DVD rips I have of the Super Bowls from my teenage years to remind me of why I am a fan. This organization is a total and complete mess. So frustrating. I think I am at my breaking point. Never thought I would get here but I am. Funny... I am a Sixers fan (blame the 80s) but I feel they have a much better outlook. That's pretty disheartening.   

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Gruden is telling these clowns in the FO ( Snyder and Allen) that their prized draft pick stinks. It's a tough pill for them to swallow but it's the truth. Gruden more qualified to make that decision than anyone in Ashburn.

Sure. I think you're right about all that.

But Gruden also seems to suck as a HC in every other way. Still undisciplined, still terrible on 3rd down and in the RZ, still can't score TD's, the media plays him like a fiddle for quotes, he doesn't seem to be anything even resembling an offensive genius.

What exactly is he good for? Honestly.

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And yes, Gruden's first year hadn't been good. But no coach has really done well under Snyder, and most of them had disastrous first years.


True, but I think if we had a competent defense (we sure as **** don't), we'd be better. I think his offensive philosophy works.


Under Cousins/McCoy, we've averaged 24 PPG. Not great, but not bad either. It's enough to win games.


Under RG3, we've averaged 13 PPG. Awful.

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Everyone says Bruce and Danny were pushing this but you.  You got any evidence to support your claims?



Back when Dan Graziano was covering all 4 NFC East teams, he had a 1 on 1 session/day with Shanahan. Griffin wasn't specifically mentioned but it was clear that Shanahan (during the regular season, mind you) was watching tape of college quarterbacks. And he was salivating over one quarterback who would be absolutely perfect for his system. It was clear he was talking about RGIII.


Everyone involved -- Shanny, Allen, and Snyder -- were gung ho about the move at the time. And they all celebrated together in Barbados when the deal was clinched.

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I am honestly wondering how low this thing can go.

With Redskins luck?

We win a game sometime this year, screwing up our draft position.

Gruden is kept.

Gruden falls in love with Winston.

Trades up to get Winston. Release Griffin

Rams or Eagles pick up Griffin, he wins job in training camp, and the team makes the playoffs.

Redskins have another 4 win or less season, with Winston getting into off the field problems.

THEN Snyder goes Ape S, fires the coach, and hires a guy who is supposed to work with Winston but ends up hating him and feeling he can't work with someone so immature.

And we basically have the same thing going on now, yet again, only the guy we let go is having success.

Will it happen? Probably not. But somehow that kind of karmic S shot would be right in line with what I've come to expect the universe to throw at us with this team.

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This has to be a joke. Folks willing to get rid of Gruden after one season and were fine with getting rid of another coach because of Robert Griffin? This makes no sense to me.


Can the football experts here please explain this to me? How a coach that ran a successful program in Denver and another who had a great offense as an offensive coordinator are wrong about Robert Griffin and some of the football experts here along with Dan Snyder think it's a great idea to fire another head coach over Robert Griffin?


And now people are calling Gruden an ass because of some perceived eye-rolling that no one witnessed, again regarding Robert Griffin. Everyone knew Gruden was very open and honest regarding football, yet now this is an issue? Even the locker room was perceived to be upset that Griffin was starting, yet this is Grudens' fault?


How is not giving the head coach a chance to turn things around, a good idea? If this is true, how is an owner in the course of his actions, saying one player is more important than the team, a good idea? The other thing is the owner is siding with a lot of the football experts here, yet those same experts criticize the owner? To me, they have the exact owner they deserve.


Out of likes, but spot on. 


I honestly and sincerely have no idea how to judge Gruden. Don't know if he's a good coach or a bad coach. But I think it's madness that this is even being discussed. It's hero worship and it's terrifying.


The team committed to him for 5 years, yet somehow firing him after one makes sense even though it'd be the same idiot/s hiring the new guy? How could anyone possibly think that's a good idea, lol? Maybe they'll get lucky this time and find the "right guy"!? We'll have threads about the "right guy" and his "successful schemes" and how they'll apply to our personnel... we'll just be champing at the bit to see how it all works! And this time... THIS TIME he won't be a bat **** crazy coach who burns the place down on his way out. His "style" will be a "refreshing change". I mean, that was a weird and freaky thing that happened with the last guy, it can't possibly happen again!  





And I was suspicious of this hire from the start. Thought there was definitely elements of cronyism involved. But we went through with it. Enough, it is what it is. 


I'm with those who say that, if we do fire Gruden, it's got to come with EVERYONE getting fired. EVERYONE. Including Snyder coming out and saying "I fire myself completely and totally this time from any involvement (for realz guys, I promise) and now a real GM will have language in his contract stating he's totally in charge and that I'd have to pay him 100 million dollars if I even suggest anything to him. Even if it's a suggestive glance when speaking about a prospect or Free Agent."


The statement would have to be worded just like this.   :D

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Could the butt fumble be the reason for this article and why Gruden is done after 1 year with RG3.

Seeing Sanchez have really good success so far, going to a different place with a system well suited for him has to scare the bewjezes out of Allen and Snyder. That and adapting his offense doesn't appear to be on Gruden's agenda so it makes me wonder.

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so some source person said: "he could be one and done"


why does it have to be: "OOOOoooohhhhh because Dan Snyder is SIDING with RG3" and all this?


What the **** EVER this is beyond ridiculous, I don't even know what to call it.  


Anyway, my opinion remains that -even if Griffin is to be good some day- he's been so insanely bad NOW that he shouldn't be playing.  Gruden can't win here:  if he continued to play a crappy RG3, the same people would be yelling at him to be fired for THAT reason.


We're insane.  Our fan base is ****ing insane.  Hard to blame us...but man oh man, can we all just shut up (I mean the media really), and just let a rookie head coach work with a crappy football team?  Can't it just be that?  I mean how many damn years is it going to take for us to stop bringing up Schottenheimer?  Is it another 10?  Snyder has to go 20 years without firing a head coach "one and done" style?


Snyder and Allen aren't going to fire Gruden.  At least not based on the RG3 thing, because RG3 was barely playing football, it was that bad.  Gruden's over there like "WTF are people really giving me **** right now? lol"?  "Did they watch the games"?


Let's just say that eating the embarrassment of a bad trade is nothing compared with the fallout of trying a new coach and RG3 again, and basically taking ANOTHER risk for embarrassment.  You just have to end it now IMO.  I see RG3 traded in the offseason, for more than folks are predicting right now.  OR they simply try again WITH the same coach for crying out loud...  unless he's still playing broken and scared around preseason.  I'd say it's 50/50, those 2 things with the X factor being RG3 himself...I think he could easily work his way out of town if he wanted.  


But yea, anyway, wanting to fire Gruden now, ESPECIALLY with this RG3 curveball, and ESPECIALLY with this surprisingly (even for Haslett) defense (as a whole -much love Kerrigan etc) ......and, well, especially with all the media **** storms we buy into, or create....truly insane.  luckily, I truly don't think any of it really 'gets' to coach.  It's all just for us to be miserable about.  Yay.

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Jason Campbell all over again......we way overinvested in a QB who is nothing more than a college talent. The ability to play QB ends at the waist, not a clue what defenses are doing,,,, and Snyder & co. will spend who knows how many years trying to prove they made the right pick in RG3...eventually figuring out what Shanny & Gruden figured out quickly....is there any doubt who truly was behind the RG3 pick???


Is there any coach alive who could succeed under Snyder?? I give it a NOOOOOO!


RG3 is a backyard QB, hike the ball and see what happens...


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Gruden was hired here to be the QB guru that would help RG3 get back on track.

He gave up on RG3 after 4 games.

He also gave up on Cousins after 4 games.

This guy is not a QB guru. He is a charlatan.

Thats not a defense of RG3 or Snyder and co if they fire him. Just that Gruden is a charlatan.


Because he knows Colt is the best qb on the team.  And was a qb he hand picked.   They way Griff was playing, if he played anywhere near that against the Rams, the fans would have booed him off the field.  The organization does not need that.  Dude ain't ready.  

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