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PFT: Report: Snyder, Allen may side with RG3 and fire Gruden


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I'm saving this post.  :lol:


You know I love you, big brother... but catering to ONE player who has reportedly alienated the locker room from multiple sources in multiple outlets - what do you think that does in terms of players who are already here and getting players to come here?


exactly what I said


If RG3 didn't play here, no one would here would know wtf he was

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I'm saving this post.  :lol:


You know I love you, big brother... but catering to ONE player who has reportedly alienated the locker room from multiple sources in multiple outlets - what do you think that does in terms of players who are already here and getting players to come here?


Catering to?


Oh come on lil' bro' ...... All I'm saying is Griffin needed a HC who FULLY believed in him. Not one who feels he's stuck with him and who HOPES, not BELIEVES, in his man. That's not catering to one man. That's being prudent and working with the guy who you heavily invested in to be your franchise QB instead of against him.


Say what you want but Grudens man management is piss poor. Nothing, NOTHING has changed since last year. On OR off the field


But hey, that fits with the on going clown show we have here



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As it stands, seems this is the 2nd HC in consecutive years who would prefer to leave than have Rob start another game.

I would agree, I may be COMPLETELY WRONG (which is ok, been wrong many times) with this, however, you have to agree, you may be COMPLETELY WRONG as well. Only select people know the true story and they aren't posting here on ES........are they?

But you're completely missing the point if you make everything about the QB.

What was Shanny's record without Griffin? Shanny's only success here was with a healthy Griffin.

How does the team look overall; and what is Jay's record without Griffin?

Since YOU are making the argument all about the QB (when it isn't) you would have a much better argument if the team was actually better without the QB.

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Rob ran a spread offense (pistol formation) in 2012, yes, he looked very good, but, he was not required to read anything, yes again, it was combined with MS zone scheme. The offense was designed so Rob didn't have to think. Then, he got hurt and didn't want to run anymore, he wanted to be an "Aaron Rogers" (his words) type QB. He no longer can run, he no longer scares ANY DC in the NFL, they all know if you take away his first read or put pressure on him, he folds and takes too many sacks. He is not 20% of what he was in 2012 and that 20% is not good enough to play in the NFL.

If you don't think Jay tried to change his offense, you obviously didn't watch the Minn, TB or SF game, he called a lot of read option plays, tried to get the ball out of Robs hands quicker, guess what, it failed. Rob is a couple years away from being a competent QB in this league.

Where did you get your magical 20% stat from?  Also, I watched every game.  The Vikings game was actually not that bad of a game for Robert.  The other two games were bad.  Robert looked bad.  But those read option calls were few and the way they were called was very predictable.  As another poster pointed out,  we don't even run bootlegs with Robert.  I have seen no evidence that Gruden tried to build an offense around Robert.


Out of all the QBs on our roster, Colt looks the most comfortable with Gruden's offense, but it usually takes Colt 2 quarters to finally get some sort of rhythm.  Last week, Colt looked just as bad a Griffin did the week before until about the 3rd qt.

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Here's what I see...


We have a coach who thus far, does not appear to be solution.


We have a GM who thus far, does not appear to be the solution.


We have a QB that we invested 4 high picks on that definitely isn't the solution.


We have an owner who, not is only is he not the solution, he is the problem that we hoped the other three might be the solution for.

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Catering to?


Oh come on lil' bro' ...... All I'm saying is Griffin needed a HC who FULLY believed in him. Not one who feels he's stuck with him and who HOPES, not BELIEVES, in his man. That's not catering to one man. That's being prudent and working with the guy who you heavily invested in to be your franchise QB instead of against him.


Say what you want but Grudens man management is piss poor. Nothing, NOTHING has changed since last year. On OR off the field


But hey, that fits with the on going clown show we have here




I don't think it's fair to say Gruden didn't believe in him. 


Maybe, just maybe, Griffin is what he is in terms of development.  You have three coaches who have been pretty good offensive coaches at the NFL level who haven't succeeded with him (two Shannys and a Gruden).


And entertaining that idea has been blasphemy to some on this board.  "It must be the head coach" yada yada yada.


Unless we completely zero out the franchise and Griffin is kept on to compete for a spot by a proper GM and his selection for head coach - this is literally the worst decision this franchise will have ever made.  And that's including Albert Haynesworth.


A move like this will kill this brand.  Mark my words.

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That's a sad statement.

Why is it a sad statement?  We spent all of those picks for a franchise QB.  It's only common sense that the organization would do everything they can to make that player successful.  They hired the wrong coach to do that.  That falls on Bruce Allen.  Bruce Allen's Tampa mafia finally blew up in his face.

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I'd be fine with this story if it read "Dan may fire Bruce Allen and Jay Gruden" and it mentions nothing about Griffin.


How do you keep a guy at GM who costs you $20 mil on a coach and how do you give a guy who has missed on personnel like this another shot at a Head Coach?


This team is a ****ing mess.  God save them.


Why are so few here unwilling to hold Bob accountable?  If they had brought in Briles the locker room would still be a disaster and Bob would be back on full tilt mode with his branding versus his craft of becoming an NFL QB.


So many here seem blind to the many contributing factors that are ALL on Bob and not the coaches.

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I don't think it's fair to say Gruden didn't believe in him. 


Maybe, just maybe, Griffin is what he is in terms of development.  You have three coaches who have been pretty good offensive coaches at the NFL level who haven't succeeded with him (two Shannys and a Gruden).


And entertaining that idea has been blasphemy to some on this board.  "It must be the head coach" yada yada yada.


Unless we completely zero out the franchise and Griffin is kept on to compete for a spot by a proper GM and his selection for head coach - this is literally the worst decision this franchise will have ever made.  And that's including Albert Haynesworth.


A move like this will kill this brand.  Mark my words.

Could not like this post more

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That's a sad statement.


That's as maybe but it is what it is. And frankly if I'm in Griffins shoes, or ANY starting pro QB's, I need to know my HC has my back and FULLY believes in me. If I then **** it up, fine, bench me. It's what I deserve. But bench me and tear me a new one BEHIND closed doors. NOT publically.


The very worst thing that can happen is for them BOTH to be back next year. We went through a Coach and QB that couldn't coexist last year. And Gruden patently hasn't like Griffin from the get go.  



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...If they fire Gruden, that does not mean that its solely due to RGIII. That would be burying your head in the sand and forgetting that Gruden thinks the Redskins Offensive line is perfectly fine, that Haslett should have remained as a coordinator, that he throws players under the bus publicly in a town that has THRIVED on media controversy since before he was born, that the team is never fully prepared for games and that they still do not make many adjustments against well coached teams. They look sloppy, which is a telltale sign of poor coaching, and the ONE THING he was brought in Washington to do i.e. coach QBS to play better, is his most colossal failure seeing as how both Cousins and Griffin have been given up on and pushed aside in the same season.

Although this is the truth. Truth is lost in the quick sound bite era and Gruden has already got his message out there and his message is that nothing that has gone wrong is his fault and many fans believe it. You can see it in this thread. And the story last year wasn't Shanny W/L record or his personnel failures or historically bad special teams or league worst defense. The narrative that was framed was Shanny vs Griffin and the story being formed now is Gruden vs Griffin.
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Well, enough about Robert.  If he's gone he's gone.  I want to know what Gruden has done to deserve to stay here.   Please enlighten me.  Show me why Gruden deserves more time.


If he's back next year I'm going for less wins as a bet than this.


Completely and utterly out of his depth.


The WHOLE staff needs firing.


And the VAST majority of the playing personnel needs gutting.


Bite the bullet and start over PROPERLY this off season.



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I wasn't happy with the Gruden hire only because I wanted Shanny to stay. Even when we lost with our hobbled QB, the games were pretty close and it was safe to say it was because of an injured RG3 not being at 100%. I haven't liked Gruden for a long time now, he seems to throw everyone else under the bus and has an unadulterated hate for RG3 that I just can't explain. Gruden wants his system to win and he doesn't seem flexible enough to change his concepts to play to our team's strengths. The play calling is horrendous, we've gone through three QB's and for some reason our HC can't stop yapping to the media. He's the only coach I've seen that can aim a shotgun at his own foot with his comments, but somehow blow the other guy's foot off.

I would love for Gruden to be fired, but it would kill this organization and definitely kill RG3. I would love for RG3 to stay, but Gruden would have to stay too, don't know if thats viable.

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Well, enough about Robert.  If he's gone he's gone.  I want to know what Gruden has done to deserve to stay here.   Please enlighten me.  Show me why Gruden deserves more time.

Nothing. It's hard to not give him one more year though. It would be a major black eye on the organization to fire him after one year.


Not that I care but the guaranteed money in his contract is another incentive for Dan to keep him around.

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But you're completely missing the point if you make everything about the QB.

What was Shanny's record without Griffin? Shanny's only success here was with a healthy Griffin.

How does the team look overall; and what is Jay's record without Griffin?

Since YOU are making the argument all about the QB (when it isn't) you would have a much better argument if the team was actually better without the QB.


I'll play your game DG...


1)  How is in not ALL about the QB when you look at the flipping Title of the PFT piece?


2)  When will Griffin actually be "healthy" again?


3)  The team looks undisciplined overall.  Same as it did last year. 


4)  Griffin's record without Griffin is 3 - 6, with Griffin it's 0 - 4.  Not arguing about who gets the "W" for the Jags game, but you can if you want.

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These stories are always one way or the other.. "RGIII has to go, Grudens done".. Or "Gruden has to go, RGIII is done with him".. How bout they work together and see if they can figure something out? Robert went from a 100%  read option QB to a 100% pocket passer QB.. Is there no middle ground they can find or attempt? Just seems like a waste of players and coaches when everyone is so hard about their "system" they can't do a damn thing to compromise. That's on the coach as well as the player.. Neither one are living up to expectation and apparently neither one are willing to try anything different, so the results are what they are.. Thanks Dan/Bruce! :wacko:

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Why is it a sad statement?  We spent all of those picks for a franchise QB.  It's only common sense that the organization would do everything they can to make that player successful.  They hired the wrong coach to do that.  That falls on Bruce Allen.  Bruce Allen's Tampa mafia finally blew up in his face.


It's sad that Griffin needs to be pampered in order to be good.  I don't like anyone in the front office, so there are only two options in my opinion.  Blow it all up and fired every coach and Bruce Allen...OR move RG3.

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