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PFT: Report: Snyder, Allen may side with RG3 and fire Gruden


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Synder has made some stupid decisions.   This would rank right up there with firing Marty and hiring Zorn.  Only this time worse.  Siding with a quarterback who has not won a game in a year and is regressing would be suicide.    Jay has all the leverage.   He gets his money, and he is telling the truth about Robert.  The dude is way in over his head right now, and does not even allow the team to put a quality product on the field.   Certainly offensively.  


If he fires Gruden, he doesn't get and never will.  Fans will revolt.   You think it's bad now.   That would mean he literally has not learned anything since he bought the team.   It would undo everything he's ever tried to do.  

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Not a Gruden fan so far. If we're picking sides, RG has won us a division title. Gruden, ehh... He only gave RG 4 games to play the new system... We already know Robert can be elite. If Colt doesn't play great, than Gruden failed with all 3 qbs. Juries still out tho.

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Still confused where the "Kirk has regressed" talk has come from. He's always been an INT machine and was actually one of the top passers in the league in his time as a starter. He also played his best game as a pro

But narratives and all that I guess

Not a Gruden fan so far. If we're picking sides, RG has won us a division title. Gruden, ehh... He only gave RG 4 games to play the new system... We already know Robert can be elite. If Colt doesn't play great, than Gruden failed with all 3 qbs. Juries still out tho.

Rex Grossman once got to a SB, guess we should bring him back too

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Still confused where the "Kirk has regressed" talk has come from. He's always been an INT machine and was actually one of the top passers in the league in his time as a starter. He also played his best game as a pro


Mostly it's not statistical, but because he seems to be broken out there now. But statistically it's because of how much worse he's gotten as the season went on. Using QBR as a measure, here are Cousins career starts (counting the Jacksonville game because he played almost all of it);


2012 vs CLE- 77.4

2013 vs. ATL-63.4

2013 vs. DAL 45.3

2013 vs. NYG-5.5

2014 vs. JAX- 93.7

2014 vs. PHI- 78.5

2014 vs. NYG- 13.9

2014 vs. SEA- 49.4

2014 vs. ARI- 19.7

2014 vs. TEN- 15.2


So, 3 of his last 4 have been his worst games apart from the "let's hurry up and go home" game last year. He also had led his teams to over 20 points in all his games aside from that one, until the last 4.

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I'm sorry, that Cooley article in the WP where he broke down how bad Bob is at reading coverages was my breaking point. I still don't like Gruden, but McCoy is proving that Gruden's system does work even with a qb many left for dead like Colt. The team needs an O-line more than anything. A fantastic Oline makes an average QB great. Not everyone has an Aaron Rodgers where you could get away with an awful line several years.

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If Gruden gets fired, then it would mean everything said about this organization and how bad it is, is not only true, but it's even worse than we think.

It's only worse than some of the fans think.


The rest of us figured it out back when Spurrier was here or at the latest when Zorn was hired, fired then Allen came in with Shanny.

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Am I the only one who has had this thought?

You are not. I immediately thought Griffins benching at that time had lot to do with the fact the team was playing the Colts.

You think his "confidence" was shaken before? Let him start a game where he is outclassed in every way on the field by the guy he beat for the Heisman Trophy and ROY, which barring a miracle to end all miracles is what would have happened.

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I predict Grudes is fired, Harbaugh is hired, RGIII breaks his leg in the 3rd game of the 2015 season, Haz continues to stink up the field with the D, and we witness another ****ing meltdown wherein the media and fans alike realize how much of an ass our new HC is. This team is just full of suck from the FO on down; has been since the end of the '92 season and seemingly always will be. :angry:


NOTE: At least I got to revel in a good deal of the glory years. I feel sorry for fans who never got to witness the roads to the super bowls and the trophies won. It is unlikely we will ever see even a semblance of those long gone seasons as long as Snyder is running the show.

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Sure. I think you're right about all that.

But Gruden also seems to suck as a HC in every other way. Still undisciplined, still terrible on 3rd down and in the RZ, still can't score TD's, the media plays him like a fiddle for quotes, he doesn't seem to be anything even resembling an offensive genius.

What exactly is he good for? Honestly.

He's a rookie HC with a bad team. He needs time.

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I honestly rather keep RG3 over the Gurden. One reason is the Skins have so much invested in RG3.


2. The only thing I like about Gruden is his openness during pressers.


3. Gruden throws his players under the bus.


4. RG3 is the underdog. I have a soft spot for underdogs.


5. Several people claimng RG3 is a coach killer. I question that big time. If anything Gruden has been a QB killer, both Cousins and RG3 have regressed under his watch. Shanny made his mind to leave before the 2012 playoff game and it had more to do with Snyder eatting dinner with RG3 allegedly.


Funny both coaches put RG3 on the bench thinking QB play is the sole problem. We have seen the results of what happens when RG3 gets benched: the team still loses.


6. Gruden was brought in to coach the QBs up more importantly the QB the franchise invested so much into. Gruden failed! I am not a blind fanboy and realize RG3 has a part to play in this as well.


Another thing that is frustrating is hearing the anti RG3 section. 95% of their arguments are based off of unnamed sources. One instance is Gruden telling the media RG3 that on a couple occasions RG3 did not to the proper drop back steps. The anti section screams to the top of their lungs that every single snap RG3 did the wrong drop back steps. I'm exaggerating slightly on the every snap statement. The point being is it appears that most people have made up their mind about RG3. With every negative tidbit the media can muster against RG3 from nameless sources is preached as gospel from the haters.


Has RG3 done anything that might improve his situation here? He hasn't came out and threw the coach under the bus.

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I will tell you this...nothing against Robert personally, but if I have to choose between Gruden and Griffin right now it's Gruden every single day of the week and twice on Sunday.

It's not just Robert's abilities and how he relates to his teammates you have to question... it's his ability to stay healthy for even 1 full season which he has not done since 2011. There is little indication he is ever going to be what he was drafted to be at this point....on multiple levels. If they can't co-exist or Gruden doesn't believe he can do anything with Robert...then Robert has to go.

it's not all about him

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I will tell you this...nothing against Robert personally, but if I have to choose between Gruden and Griffin right now it's Gruden every single day of the week and twice on Sunday.

It's not just Robert's abilities and how he relates to his teammates you have to question... it's his ability to stay healthy for even 1 full season which he has not done since 2011. There is little indication he is ever going to be what he was drafted to be at this point....on multiple levels. If they can't co-exist or Gruden doesn't believe he can do anything with Robert...then Robert has to go.

it's not all about him

It's not just about RG3. What about Cousins regressing? How about a locker room out of control? A coach that can't get his players to hustle during practice?

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Jason Reid has been wrong before and has zig zagged all over this issue (I gather to cover all basis) as I pointed earlier in this thread he's stirred the plot plenty with all sort of stuff about the team.   From Jay's loose manner is part of the problem of the locker room to Jay's direct approach is what's needed to Jay has firm control over the RG3 issue with backing from the FO and RG3 is as good as gone after the off season, to well maybe RG3 isn't gone in the offseason and if so maybe Jay finds a way out to maybe the FO wants Jay out.  So I take his stuff with a grain of a salt.   If we get reports from other reporters that Jay is in jeopardy then I'll start taking it seriously. 


But to play along yeah outside of Jay is entertaining in his press conference and that includes the RG3 haters been more than delighted to see Jay blast RG3 to smithereens -- don't see much of a defense of Jay as a coach.  And I am in the camp of one year is too soon to fire anyone.  But this team doesn't look prepared to play under Jay and for the RG3 haters who don't like the drama -- Jay brings drama times two.  I think it escapes some because of all the negative emotions centering on RG3 as part of the drama.    


But yeah to me on the off chance this really goes down, I don't see how Bruce Allen survives unscathed.  This hire screamed Bruce Allen.   Jay is part of the Bruce Tampa Mafia.  It's part of the reason why I don't think it happens and Jay got what I think was a weird 5 year contract for a first year coach.  Bruce wanted HIS guy. 

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But yeah to me on the off chance this really goes down, I don't see how Bruce Allen survives unscathed.  This hire screamed Bruce Allen.   Jay is part of the Bruce Tampa Mafia.  It's part of the reason why I don't think it happens and Jay got what I think was a weird 5 year contract for a first year coach.  Bruce wanted HIS guy. 

Great points. I think Allen would cut ties with Gruden if it meant keeping his job though. I personally want them both gone from their current positions. Allen would seem the more willing canidate to move from GM to President. I don't see Gruden settling for OC.

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Dan Snyder has ulitmate say in everything Redskins. Titles don't mean jack! He pays the bills he has the final answer!  Shanahan wanted Ryan Tannehill-that was well reported. His boss wanted Robert-think about it- his jersey went on sale shrotly after the draft-along with superman socks.  As a consolation, Shanny drafted Cousins because he wasnted sold on Grifffin.

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Dan Snyder has ulitmate say in everything Redskins. Titles don't mean jack! He pays the bills he has the final answer!  Shanahan wanted Ryan Tannehill-that was well reported. His boss wanted Robert-think about it- his jersey went on sale shrotly after the draft-along with superman socks.  As a consolation, Shanny drafted Cousins because he wasnted sold on Grifffin.

That's a contradictory opinion of what was reported. Shanny was GM and had final say so on the trade for RG3, in fact it was reported That Shanny threw a party when they pulled the trade off.


His jersey going on sale shortly after the draft.... I don't see how that is a problem. Maybe you can shed some light on why that is a problem?

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The only way I'm satisfied with dropping Gruden is if they also drop Allen and Griffin to boot.


All of them need to go as far as I'm concerned.


I also think that's the only way you get a real football person in here to fix this thing.


Otherwise, if you want to go with Allen, you ditch Griffin pronto.


Not that it will work, but maybe the atmosphere will be less toxic.


The idea that Gruden, who clearly can't coach, can't deal with the media, and who thinks Haslett is a viable DC is blameless here, is laughable.

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The idea that Gruden, who clearly can't coach, can't deal with the media, and who thinks Haslett is a viable DC is blameless here, is laughable.


I don't think he is blameless.  I just think he shouldn't be the target.  But some people like the revolving coaching door.  The one thing Gruden has accomplished which was inevitable at some point is now the organization can't hide behind one person.  They embarrassed Jim Zorn, Mike Nolan, Marty, Spurrier, Lavar, Norv, the list goes on.  Gruden isn't going out like that.  Gruden is turning the attention where it belongs.

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